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GREECE occupied 16 Turkish Islands

Greeks can be little bitches that are good at instigating then hiding under mummy Brussels skirt. Turkey should show them what having real resolve is like. Let's see how far they really are prepared to go. There are literally thousands of militants, trained and loyal to Turkey who could do with a little adventure. Many weapons can fall into the hands of people who have had enough. Even the odd MANPAD could end up god only knows where. Western Thrace perhaps?

I said somewhere else it is in Turkeys strategic interest to develop military relations with countries in Africa apart from Somalia like Sudan. Right now if Turkey could easily respond to Egyptian forces a stone throws from Turkeys coast by conducting drills with Sudan in or near the Hala'ib triangle.
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16 Kasım Perşembe günü... Yunan işgali altında olan 18 Türk adası ve 1 Türk kayalığı hakkında ilginç iddialarda bulundu. Çavuşoğlu, Kardak krizinden sonra adaların fiili ve hukuki statüsünde hiçbir değişim olmadığını, fiili durumun yani işgalin 1996'dan önce oluştuğunu iddia etti,...


Millî Savunma Bakanlığı Genel Sekreteri emekli Kurmay Albay Ümit Yalım'a görüşlerini sorduk. Yalım da, Çavuşoğlu'ndan cevaplandırmasını istediği sorularla karşılık verdi. Şöyle;

1- 18 ada ve 1 kayalık 1996'dan önce ve CHP döneminde işgal edildiyse, Erdoğan ve AKP Hükümeti bu konuyu neden yargıya taşımadı?

2- 18 ada ve 1 kayalık 1996'dan önce ve CHP döneminde işgal edildiyse Erbakan, Çiller, Gül, Şevket Kazan, İsmail Kahraman ve REFAHYOL Hükümeti bu konuyu neden yargıya taşımadı?

3- AKP İktidarı döneminde, Türk adaları ve Türk kayalığında dalgalanan Yunan bayraklarının resim ve video görüntüleri, görsel ve yazılı basında yayımlandı. Resim ve video görüntülerinin hangi tarihte çekildiği de kamuoyu ile paylaşıldı. 1996'dan önce hangi Türk adasına, ne zaman Yunan bayrağı çekildi? Fotoğraf ve video görüntülerini içeren belgeler nerede. Fotoğraf ve video görüntüleri ne zaman çekilmiş?

4- AKP İktidarı döneminde, Türk adaları ve Türk kayalığında dalgalanan Bizans bayraklarının resim ve video görüntüleri, görsel ve yazılı basında yayımlandı. Resim ve video görüntülerinin hangi tarihte çekildiği de kamuoyu ile paylaşıldı. 1996'dan önce hangi Türk adasına, ne zaman Bizans bayrağı çekildi? Fotoğraf ve video görüntülerini içeren belgeler nerede. Fotoğraf ve video görüntüleri ne zaman çekilmiş?

5- AKP İktidarı döneminde, Türk Adalarına, 5 binden fazla Yunan askeri yerleştirildi. Adalara yerleştirilen siviller milis askeri olarak eğitildi ve donatıldı. Yunan askerlerinin ve milislerin resim ve video görüntüleri, görsel ve yazılı basında yayımlandı. Resim ve video görüntülerinin hangi tarihte çekildiği de kamuoyu ile paylaşıldı. 1996'dan önce hangi Türk adasına, ne zaman Yunan askeri yerleştirildi? Fotoğraf ve video görüntülerini içeren belgeler nerede? Fotoğraf ve video görüntüleri ne zaman çekilmiş?

6-1996'dan önce hangi Türk adalarına, ne zaman top, uçaksavar ve havan gibi ağır silahlar ve zırhlı araçlar yerleştirildi? Belgesi nerede?

7-1996'dan önce hangi Türk adalarında, ne zaman Yunan askeri üssü açıldı? Belgesi nerede?

8-1996'dan önce hangi Türk adalarına, ne zaman Yunan Cumhurbaşkanı geldi? Belgesi nerede?

9-1996'dan önce hangi Türk adalarına, ne zaman Yunan savunma bakanı, genelkurmay başkanı ve kuvvet komutanları geldi? Belgesi nerede?

10-1996'dan önce hangi Türk adalarında, ne zaman Yunan ilkokulu ve Yunan lisesi açıldı? Belgesi nerede?

11-1996'dan önce hangi Türk adalarına, ne zaman Fener Rum Patrikhanesi'nin papazları geldi? Belgesi nerede?

12-1996'dan önce Yunanistan, hangi Türk adalarını, ne zaman turizme açtı? Belgesi nerede?

13- AKP İktidarı döneminde, Binali Yıldırım, İzmir Koyun Adası'na Türk bayrağını saklayarak ve teknesine Yunan bayrağı çekerek pasaportla girdi. 1996'dan önce hangi Türk adasına, ne zaman CHP Milletvekili/Bakanı, Yunan bayrağı ve pasaportla girdi?

14- Yunan işgalinin ve ihanetin ortaya çıkmasından sonra 2009 yılının başında Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Karargâhında yapılan toplantı sonrasında Dışişleri Bakanlığı temsilcisi Basat Öztürk, 'adaların Hükümetin bilgisi dâhilinde işgal edildiğini' itiraf etti. İtirafçı Büyükelçi Basat Öztürk, 28 Eylül 2016'da Millî Savunma Bakanlığı Müsteşar Yardımcılığı'na atandı. Basat Öztürk, Dışişleri Bakanlığı'ndan neden uzaklaştırıldı?

15- CHP Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, işgal altında olan 18 ada hakkında sık sık ve doğrudan Erdoğan'a soru soruyor. Ancak Erdoğan, 'bugüne kadar bu adaları ben vermedim, vatana ihanet etmedim, bu adaları CE HA PE verdi' dememiş/diyememiştir. Erdoğan, Kılıçdaroğlu'nun 18 ada sorusuna neden cevap vermiyor/veremiyor?

Kaynak/Source: Yunan komutan Çavuşoğlu ile alay etti!.. - Ahmet TAKAN

The current FM says the current situation(the Occupation) took place before 1996.
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So according to which article of Lausanne treaty Crete and those 5 islands belong to Turkey?
Which article please?

My opinion is according to none, there is no such provision in the Lausanne treaty. And Erdogan knows it, that's why when he came in Greece he talked about the need to revise the treaty obviously in favor or Turkey and at the expense of Greece insulting greek people and state in our home. Turkey has no legal cause and is clearly the illegal aggressor, the treaty can only be changed if Turkey tries war activities against Greece.
So according to which article of Lausanne treaty Crete and those 5 islands belong to Turkey?
Which article please?

My opinion is according to none, there is no such provision in the Lausanne treaty. And Erdogan knows it, that's why when he came in Greece he talked about the need to revise the treaty obviously in favor or Turkey and at the expense of Greece insulting greek people and state in our home. Turkey has no legal cause and is clearly the illegal aggressor, the treaty can only be changed if Turkey tries war activities against Greece.
Turkey is the agressor here?

Militarization of Eastern Aegean Islands Contrary tp the Provisions of International Agreements

One of the basic issues between Turkey and Greece in the Aegean Sea is the demilitarized status of the Eastern Aegean Islands. The Eastern Aegean Islands are demilitarized by several international agreements which impose legal obligations binding upon Greece. The legal instruments setting up a demilitarized status for the Eastern Aegean Islands can be summarized from an historical perspective as follows :

a) 1913 Treaty of London : The future of the Eastern Aegean Islands have been left to the decision of Six Powers in Article 5 of the Treaty of London.

b) 1914 Decision of Six Powers: The islands of Lemnos, Samothrace, Lesvos, Chios, Samos, and Ikaria and others under Greek occupation as of 1914 were ceded to Greece by the 1914 Decision of Six Powers (Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary) on the condition that they should be kept demilitarized.

c) 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty: In Article 12 of the Lausanne Peace Treaty the 1914 Decision of Six Powers was confirmed.

Article 13 of the Laussane Treaty stipulated the modalities of the demilitarization for the islands of Lesvos, Chios, Samos, and Ikaria. It imposed certain restrictions related to the presence of military forces and establishment of fortifications which Greece undertook as a contractual obligation to observe stemming from this Treaty.

The Convention of the Turkish Straits annexed to the Laussanne Treaty further defined the demilitarized status of the islands of Lemnos and Samothrace. It stipulated a stricter regime for these islands, due to their vital importance to the security of Turkey by virtue of their close proximity to the Turkish Straits.

d) 1936 Montreux Convention: The Montreux Convention did not bring any change to the demilitarized status of these Islands. With the Protocol annexed to the said Convention, the demilitarized status of the Turkish Straits has been lifted to ensure the security of Turkey. In the Montreux Convention there is no clause regarding the militarization of the islands of Lemnos and Samothrace.

e) 1947 Paris Peace Treaty: The demilitarized status of Eastern Aegean Islands was once again confirmed in 1947 long after the Lausanne Treaty. The "Dodecanese Islands" namely Stampalia, Rhodes, Calki, Scarpanto, Casos, Piscopis, Nisiros, Calimnos, Leros, Patmos, Lipsos, Symi, Cos and Castellorizo were ceded to Greece on the explicit condition that they must remain demilitarized (Annex 6).

The demilitarization of the Eastern Aegean Islands was due to the overriding importance of these islands for Turkey's security. In fact, there is a direct linkage between the possession of sovereignty over those islands and their demilitarized status. Greece, in this respect, cannot unilaterally reverse this status under any pretext.

The above mentioned international treaties which are in force and thus binding upon Greecestrictly forbid the militarization of Eastern Aegean Islands and bring legal obligations and responsibilities to Greece.

However, despite the protests of Turkey, Greece has been violating the status of the EasternAegean Islands by militarizing them since the 1960's in contravention of her contractual obligations. These illegal acts of Greece have increased considerably over the last years and became a vital dispute between the two countries. It is worthwhile to recall that Turkey's several appeals to Greece to respect the demilitarized status of these Islands have been disregarded so far.

From a mere point of view to respect international law, it should be underlined that Greece also introduced a reservation to the compulsory jurisdiction of International Court of Justice on the matters deriving from military measures concerning her "national security interests" when she accepted the Court’s jurisdiction in 1993. In so doing, Greece aims to prevent a dispute concerning the militarization of the islands to be referred to the International Court of Justice.

Tezcan sözlerini şöyle sürdürdü...18 değil, 156 ada ve kayalıktır gerçek rakam. Yunanistan’nın Ege’de haksız işgal ettiği bize ait olması gereken 156 ada ve kayalık şu anda Yunanistan’ın işgali altındandır. Hükümet bugüne kadar buna sessiz kalmıştır.
Kaynak/source: http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/chpden-sert-tepki-bu-densizligi-siddetle-kiniyoruz-40684778

The exact number of Islands/islets that have been under Greek occupation is 156, not 18. The government is still silent. says Tezcan the CHP spokesman.
If so, when why isn't Turkey bringing the issue up in the UN or taking Greece to the Hague or better yet, just go land troops on what it claims to be its own?

I mean, we're quite active in the UN when it comes to the issue of Palestine, right? We have a permanent office in the UN building in New York, right? Then why not use the same channels to look after Turkey's own interests in the Aegean?
I guess the greeks didn't learn their lesson after Cyprus war.

They then went bankrupt trying to match Turkey militarily.

Justa matter of time before we take 3/4 of Crete and all those islands back.

Be patient, when the time comes these greeks will be begging USA for F16's while we will be pumping out our own 5th gen fighter jets like candy.

We need to have 15 fighter jets for every fighter jet in the greek military, that should make them shit their pants. :sarcastic:

I don't get why Greece should agree to 6 mile zone, when it is her right according to international law to expand up to 12 nm and when Turkey has also extended to 12 nm in all other cases except from Greece. What is the little islands matter according to you, can you name them, so that we can discuss it? There are international treaties that in my opinion make everything clear as to what belongs to Greece or Turkey..

Gokceada for example or Imvros as we call it in Greece was handed over to Turkey according to the Lausane treaty along with Tenedos, they should have of course some kind of autonomy and mostly greek people's rights had to be protected under that treaty.
Those people didn't just decide to leave by themselves because of the Cyprus intervention matter, they were forced to leave by the turkish state before, during and after the turkish military invasion on Cyprus. Just as the greeks in Istanbul in many cases(in 1955 pogrom and later) who were supposed to be protected.

we don't war with greeks we are very similar people even on a genetic level, but all this talk about greeks taking over our islands is going to leave us no other option.

Why are you invading our islands, do you really want us to start a war?

https://sarizeybekhaber.com.tr/ey-millet-yunan-sonunda-meydan-okudu What the fvck is that!??! The title TURK is very heavy and hard to carry but at the end everything will be all right. They are allowing this for to much now. I dont know what are their plans but I hope the salvation will be close enough because the TURK is angry and ready enough. I am not sure what kind of superhuman powers driven by anger they want to unleash but its visible that they are letting our enemies to cross a lot of red lines.

We are here now:
Korkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak;

Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak.

O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak;

O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak.

Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilâl!

Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celâl?

Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helâl...

Hakkıdır, Hakk'a tapan, milletimin istiklâl!

They want to drive us here:
Ben ezelden beridir hür yaşadım, hür yaşarım.

Hangi çılgın bana zincir vuracakmış? Şaşarım!

Kükremiş sel gibiyim, bendimi çiğner, aşarım.

Yırtarım dağları, enginlere sığmam, taşarım.

Garbın âfâkını sarmışsa çelik zırhlı duvar,

Benim iman dolu göğsüm gibi serhaddim var.

Ulusun, korkma! Nasıl böyle bir îmânı boğar,

"Medeniyet!" dediğin tek dişi kalmış canavar?

Arkadaş! Yurduma alçakları uğratma, sakın.

Siper et gövdeni, dursun bu hayâsızca akın.

Doğacaktır sana va'dettiği günler Hakk'ın...

Kim bilir, belki yarın, belki yarından da yakın.

Asam cosmus istiklal marsi yaziyor forumda :sarcastic:
I guess the greeks didn't learn their lesson after Cyprus war.

They then went bankrupt trying to match Turkey militarily.

Justa matter of time before we take 3/4 of Crete and all those islands back.

Be patient, when the time comes these greeks will be begging USA for F16's while we will be pumping out our own 5th gen fighter jets like candy.

We need to have 15 fighter jets for every fighter jet in the greek military, that should make them shit their pants. :sarcastic:

we don't war with greeks we are very similar people even on a genetic level, but all this talk about greeks taking over our islands is going to leave us no other option.

Why are you invading our islands, do you really want us to start a war?

Asam cosmus istiklal marsi yaziyor forumda :sarcastic:
Why? Is it something forbidden? You must read it carefully. Inside is very deep simbolic meaning that is describing the Turk as it is and is giving message to the Turks for different times and periods. At the moment we are at that stage. In marches like Istiklal Marsi and Harbiye Marsi you must read between the lines because there are subliminal messages in there. I had to right it for the people to read it and understand it and for the unmotivated to motivate and not to be laughed at. But thank you.
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I have asked again on this topic which are the turkish islands that Greece has invaded and according to which article of the treaty it was turkish and not greek and i get no answer on that.

No answer has been addressed to you as you had already confessed the illegality of Greek occupation, and ignored the article(s) about the arming the ''Greek'' islands in your posts, which are very explanatory of ''you'' for this thread and readers, so no time to waste on for you. Here you've got your assessment.

The aims in this thread are reached more and more by each post.

@cabatli_53 ... Will you please keep such an important thread ''immune'' against such trolls with baits?
The only answer i got so far is that Greece violates Lausanne treaty by getting troops on some greek islands, that should be either totally or partly demilitarised. Argument which first of all recognises the sovereignty of those islands as greek.
Not only Lausanne but a number of treaties get violated by Greece as my post suggests.
Adalarımız ne olacak, Yunan'a mı kalacak

Erdoğan'ın Yunanistan ziyaretinden sonra konuyu gündeme taşımaya çalışan galiba sadece CHP Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu oldu.

Cumhurbaşkanı'na seslenirken "Benim sınırlarımı nasıl başka bir ülkede tartışma malzemesi yaparsın? Orada niye işgal altındaki 18 adadan söz etmedin? O adalarda 5 bin Yunan askeri var. Lozan'ın 12. ve 15. maddeleri açıkça ihlal edilmiştir, neden bunların hesabını sormadın" diyerek adalar konusuna ilişkin gönderme yaptı...

Kılıçdaroğlu'nun her sözüne cevap verme alışkanlığına rağmen Erdoğan bu sefer suskun kalmayı yeğledi, bir şey diyemedi...

Bu defa İYİ Parti'den bir ses yükseldi...

Tugay Uluçevik, Yunan'a bırakılan adaları gündeme getirdi... Uluçevik, bize ait adalarda ülkemizi tehdit edecek boyutta askeri tesisler kurulduğunu hatta füze rampaları oluşturulduğunu söyleyerek neden bu duruma bir son verilmediğini sordu.

Dün bir, bugün iki, iktidar kanadından çıt yok...

AKP Genel Başkanı Erdoğan, Cumhurbaşkanı olarak Afrika'ya uçarken yaptığı konuşmada da bu konuda tek laf etmedi...

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Herkes biliyor ama tekrarlamak isterim; Koyun Adası ve Venedik Kayalıkları İzmir ilimizin envanterindedir...

Hurşit Adası, Eşek Adası, Nergizçik, Marathi, Bulamaç ve Fornoz Adaları Aydın iline bağlı topraklarımızdır...

Kalimnoz Adası başta olmak üzere Keçi, Sakarcılar, Koçbaba, Ardacık Adaları ise Muğla'ya bağlı adalarımızdır.


Girit Adası'nın etrafındaki 5 küçük ada da Türkiye toprağıdır. Bunların adlarını Yunan Dhiya, Dionisades, Koufonisi, Gravdos, Gaidhouronisi diye değiştirmiştir...

Kaynak/The source: Yeniçağ: Taşerona sınav - Ergun KAFTANCI

The main oppositon party and recently-founded Iyi Party criticize Erdoğan and his visit to Greece over no word for the occupied islands, also underlines the fact that Erdoğan can still not answer, and keep silent this time despite his love to yell the opposition parties and countries in front of crowds...
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