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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions


Also post marvi beysharm's ghatiya Tweets. So Naturally AU gave a good reply.
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how is it possible?1Trillion pkr or 10Billion dollars is a extremely huge number for pakistan.I really doubt this figure as even the imf loan is for less than 7Billion dollars.

The only loss i recall is from the stock exchange which again is not this much

As per GEO, Pakistan has lost $45 Billion ;)
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Well me and @orangzaib tried to explain in one of the threads about how its estimated... I hope he can find the link for you... I don't want to start this discussion again

yes but it is not possible as govt was put into so much pressure by imf for less 1.5Trillion deficit while the govt was not even taking this march seriously initially as they let him wait atleast a week before any contact for negotiation
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Not really, he didn't cross any lines when it comes to politicians talking to each other. Marvi isn't too well behaved either.

Pakistan Army is handling the protesters in some areas, very professionally and effectively. Pak Army zindabad. They know better than to overthrow Nawaz, that's what he wants. Nawaz wants to become a political martyr now, he has no way out of the shitstorm he brought upon himself.

we can only justify that had IK been given office and had he done the same...

no one did all this shit before PAT is responsible for all this which is happening in front of Parliament... Gov allowed them to come in Islamabad then gave them space to sit at Kashmir Highway after that they let them in in the Red Zone no Police fired a shell or charged on PAT or PTI.. 14 days they were sitting in red zone nothing happened... then why today because if u use crane to open the gates of presidency surely Police will resist... when TUQ and IK said we are going towards PM house why Police moved back?? we all saw no shell was fired on them but police was moving back and after that what happened everyone knows
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Dude, a good criminal lawyer can pivot a case completely in the opposite direction. I know a guy who shot dead a *a very high ranking armed forces* son in the head...... let me cut it short, the guy who shot the kid is sitting comfortably abroad right now......

Nevermind I found them myself. Whaddya know. I was wrong. Heh. Learn something new everyday.
On the contrary my friend. All this chaos has just galvanized the long arduous process to a free society!

Crux is we don't understand dynamics of politics in Pakistan, the link between federating units is not that strong. Can it withstand worst scenario?
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