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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

Leader -

Don't worry -

We will make sure Jen Psaki has no where to go.

We CANNOT tolerate ANY MORE BS FROM Amrika and Israel.

One by one all of them will go down.

400 years PAYBACK is coming $$$$

In terms of this operation - Nawaztard and his family will be shipped over to Ganga

Remember: It was US that told Israel that their religious leader is going down. So it happened: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

We are telling you once more - You have done the biggest mistake. The next 10 years everything you controlled will be - STOP ARMING JIHADIS AND PLAYING GAMES!!!! JESUS or ABRAHAM is not coming to SAVE YOU!!!!

Rabbi Yosef "In 2000, he described the Holocaust as God's retribution against the reincarnated soul of Jewish sinners: "The six million Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things that should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone."

Rabbi - I know where you are and how you are feeling. Should I tell your followers if Prophet Abraham really helped you?

Tamir Pardo -

How does it feel?

Not a year before. Not a year later. Just on time when we have expedited the process - - -

Yitzhak Hofi

Mr. Pardo - Stay in your limits. You will regret what happens next.

Tamir Pardo -

How does it feel?

Not a year before. Not a year later. Just on time when we have expedited the process - - -

Yitzhak Hofi

Mr. Pardo - Stay in your limits. You will regret what happens next.
Another one. Mike Harari. Next is in California. Printing babe will regret.
Now that the dharna is over, does this thread need to remain a sticky?

@Oscar @Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz and other Mods
I hope all is well now.
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