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Govt Crackdown on the Islamabad protesters | Updates & Discussions

As I said in response to @Emmie four points of summary of the ISPR release a few page back: The only meaningful thing from the ISPR was that the govt was asked not to use 'force' even when the mobocracy was invading the PM House. Now Dawn's latest editorial confirms what I had figured out then. Here it is:

Army’s questionable decisions - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
Now, staggeringly, the army has ‘advised’ the government not to use force against violent protesters and essentially told it to make whatever concessions necessary to placate Mr Khan and Mr Qadri. It is simply extraordinary that it is the PAT and PTI supporters who want to break into and occupy state buildings, but it is the government that has been rebuked
Kashif Abbasi is from ARY. He has no credibility. he conveniently forgets that Javed Hashmi got IK's assurances before JH joined in the dharna. He is innocently asking a loaded and biased question.

Ayaz Amir is just doing what he does best: finding one small peice and making it appear larger than the whole. His political fortunes need a reboot. For that PA intervention would be an elixir. Somebody needs to go and tell him that PTV is small stuff. The real thing is PM house. I think he is being facetious on purpose.

jesay bazurgo aap ka opinion hay waesay hi baki log apna opinion day rahay hayn hyper honay ki zarorat nae bazurgawar
That's true, but that support isn't for Imran Khan, it's actually the hate for Nawaz Sharif and support for Musharraf.

Karachi, Gujranwala, Quetta and Peshawar.

@balixd, dekh lo phir kaha tha na.
maan gaye bhai -- but COAS side was heavier --- i wonder hat dg isi had to say --- i think i know what he must have said
. .
@WishLivePak there made some changes
@saiyan0321 yea bohot tension hori thee iss thread par...

Aatay hain hum chuti si aik break kay baad:

Man the accent...kinda sounds like chasing a train...kinda cute after a while :p: ..... How many of you carry that "Unique" accent :p:

Well lets see who makes it to the top 10 in the video:

1) The expat: @Oscar @Meengla @AsianUnion @Gunsnroses @cleverrider @lutfishah @WishLivePak @Green Arrow @Norwegian @Aeronaut @JonAsad @Jungibaaz @WebMaster @Irfan Baloch @Green Arrow

2) the democracy boyzz @cb4 @SBD-3 @Chak Bamu @A.M. @Devil Soul @Aether @Proudpakistaniguy @DEPENDER @Verve @Muhammad Omar @Peaceful Civilian @Pakistani shaheens @pakdefender

3) the indifferent @Armstrong (bhook ki baat) :p: @Manticore @Imran Khan

4) the "logical" one : @HRK @Emmie @saiyan0321 @Rizwan Alam @Crypto @balixd

5) the "chachu" boy: @Hyperion :cheesy:

6) the "fox" : @metalfalcon @Old Navigator @Bratva

7) the "conspiracy theorist" : @Syed.Ali.Haider @cb4 @Meengla

8) the "hipster" : @Slav Defence @Jungibaaz @Marshmallow :rofl:

9) the "milatary brat" : @Fulcrum15 @balixd @aks18 @DESERT FIGHTER @Mirzay @Irfan Baloch @Donatello

10) the "khalifa brigade" : @Zarvan

We have 2 other:

11) PTI : @Leader @Jazzbot @Khalidr @Men in Green @pkuser2k12 @Mani2020 @root

12) Noora : @cb4 @Meengla @AsianUnion @cb4 @Muhammad Omar

Did I miss anyone? Anyone wanna change plz quote me :D
Last edited:

Another evidence of youthia comprehension fail.

Do note that Rauf Klasra is quoting an unnamed politician to make a serious allegation. Similar allegations were made against all those who opposed SMQ's rise in power. This leaves very little doubt about who is behind this 'leak'. Aisi baton par dehan nahin dena chahiye. Motivated stories are not to be trusted, especially when unnamed sources are quoted.

Rauf Klasra is not to be trusted when it comes to anything to do with Seraiki issues or Lahore politics. He is unbalanced about both.

@Akheilos you forgot PTI propaganda bots. See the one whose lame stories I am debunking right now in this thread? These people deserve a special category.
Aatay hain hum chuti si aik break kay baad:

Man the accent...kinda sounds like chasing a train...kinda cute after a while :p: ..... How many of you carry that "Unique" accent :p:

Well lets see who makes it to the top 10 in the video:

1) The expat: @orangzaib @Oscar @Meengla @AsianUnion @cleverrider @lutfishah @WishLivePak @Green Arrow @Norwegian @Aeronaut @JonAsad @Jungibaaz @WebMaster

2) the democracy boyzz @cb4 @SBD-3 @Chak Bamu @A.M. @Devil Soul @Aether @Proudpakistaniguy @DEPENDER @Verve @Muhammad Omar @Peaceful Civilian @Pakistani shaheens

3) the indifferent @Manticore @Imran Khan

4) the "logical" one : @HRK @Emmie @saiyan0321 @Rizwan Alam @Crypto

5) the "chachu" boy: @Hyperion :cheesy: @Mirzay

6) the "fox" : @metalfalcon @Old Navigator @Bratva

7) the "conspiracy theorist" : @Syed.Ali.Haider @cb4 @Meengla

8) the "hipster" : @Slav Defence @Jungibaaz @Marshmallow :rofl:

9) the "milatary brat" : @Fulcrum15 @balixd @aks18 @DESERT FIGHTER

10) the "khalifa brigade" : @Zarvan

We have 2 other:

11) PTI : @Leader @Jazzbot @Men in Green @pkuser2k12

12) Noora : @cb4 @Meengla @AsianUnion @cb4 @Muhammad Omar

Did I miss anyone? Anyone wanna change plz quote me :D
hamara kya yaar in logoon ka to roz ka kanger khana hai
Another evidence of youthia comprehension fail.

Do note that Rauf Klasra is quoting an unnamed politician to make a serious allegation. Similar allegations were made against all those who opposed SMQ's rise in power. This leaves very little doubt about who is behind this 'leak'. Aisi baton par dehan nahin dena chahiye. Motivated stories are not to be trusted, especially when unnamed sources are quoted.

Rauf Klasra is not to be trusted when it comes to anything to do with Seraiki issues or Lahore politics. He is unbalanced about both.

the article is from 16th may 2014 before so called allegations by Hashmi

don't make me laugh on your debunked rubbish
@Akheilos you forgot PTI propaganda bots. See the one whose lame stories I am debunking right now in this thread? These people deserve a special category.
We have an equal number of such in PMLN side too :whistle: I got tired of answering the same question since yesterday to each and everyone of them :( I felt like a broken tape recorder repeating the same thing over and over :unsure:
Rauf Klasra is not to be trusted when it comes to anything to do with Seraiki issues or Lahore politics. He is unbalanced about both.

@Akheilos you forgot PTI propaganda bots. See the one whose lame stories I am debunking right now in this thread? These people deserve a special category.
How convenient! The fact is you've already made up your mind and no body can change it. You are extremely biased and in favor of PML-N which is evident from your post history. But at least be honest about it. Don't try to come across as a genuine person who is completely favor in his analysis of the situation.
. . .
@WishLivePak there made some changes
@saiyan0321 yea bohot tension hori thee iss thread par...

Aatay hain hum chuti si aik break kay baad:

Man the accent...kinda sounds like chasing a train...kinda cute after a while :p: ..... How many of you carry that "Unique" accent :p:

Well lets see who makes it to the top 10 in the video:

1) The expat: @orangzaib @Oscar @Meengla @AsianUnion @cleverrider @lutfishah @WishLivePak @Green Arrow @Norwegian @Aeronaut @JonAsad @Jungibaaz @WebMaster

2) the democracy boyzz @cb4 @SBD-3 @Chak Bamu @A.M. @Devil Soul @Aether @Proudpakistaniguy @DEPENDER @Verve @Muhammad Omar @Peaceful Civilian @Pakistani shaheens

3) the indifferent @Manticore @Imran Khan

4) the "logical" one : @HRK @Emmie @saiyan0321 @Rizwan Alam @Crypto

5) the "chachu" boy: @Hyperion :cheesy: @Mirzay

6) the "fox" : @metalfalcon @Old Navigator @Bratva

7) the "conspiracy theorist" : @Syed.Ali.Haider @cb4 @Meengla

8) the "hipster" : @Slav Defence @Jungibaaz @Marshmallow :rofl:

9) the "milatary brat" : @Fulcrum15 @balixd @aks18 @DESERT FIGHTER

10) the "khalifa brigade" : @Zarvan

We have 2 other:

11) PTI : @Leader @Jazzbot @Khalidr @Men in Green @pkuser2k12 @Mani2020

12) Noora : @cb4 @Meengla @AsianUnion @cb4 @Muhammad Omar

Did I miss anyone? Anyone wanna change plz quote me :D

Video is awesome but your comments are "Awla"
Zarvan bichara Akeele :omghaha:
Btw why didn't you add me in military brat category :cray:
As I said in response to @Emmie four points of summary of the ISPR release a few page back: The only meaningful thing from the ISPR was that the govt was asked not to use 'force' even when the mobocracy was invading the PM House. Now Dawn's latest editorial confirms what I had figured out then. Here it is:

Army’s questionable decisions - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
Its the script my friend. JH has been hinting at it, without making direct allegations.

1. Government uses force, gets rebuked.
2. Government tries to negotiate, gets told off.
3. Government tries easy approach, gets punched.
4. Government contacts army in exasperation, is told to refrain from using strong tactics. This takes Government to #2 and the cycle keeps repeating like this.

After a few more cycles of this, one day someone will come on PTV with a "Meray Aziz Hamwatno" speech and all the awam, tired of the above sequence, will jump with joy thinking that the latest messiah will solve all problems.
Well lets see who makes it to the top 10 in the video:

9) the "milatary brat" :mad:balixd

Did I miss anyone? Anyone wanna change plz quote me :D
lol - where the heck did you dig this one up -- and :lmao: @ chachu boy --- waisy i ain't the military brat - more like "logical one"

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