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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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Dude are u trying to be funny here!

No. Seriously I am asking, can he escape punishment citing the law and arguing the Salman Tasser was the culprit .:confused:

Fine leave it. Your law, you punish him as it is fit.
i am unfamiliar with Mr.Salman Taseer; or his background, his political idealogy, his deeds or misdeeds (if any).
However it is extremely sad that his life has been cut short in a such a gruesome manner. Can a murder in such a fashion ever be justified? For any reason?
R.I.P.; May he find everlasting Peace. May his family and his people find the courage to tide over this grievous loss.
Perhaps translate it so that entire world knows the cancerous elements inside Pakistan are not limited to some tribal-backwaters. But is to be found in the heartland itself.

BS Propoganda right there. This is an isolated incident. There are murders all over the world but that does not mean that in each of those countries there are cancerous elements. There have been assassinations in other countries such as America but I dont hear about 'cancerous elements' there... :coffee:
May god give his family and the nation strength in this time of peril, may all his dreams get fulfilled.RIP
The people justifying his death need to get their heads checked. It is pathetic when I see people crying when some mentions to repeal this black law. Who cares if someone insults the prophet. Maybe these people haven't been to school but insulting someone will not make it true we learned this in kindargarten. Sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Whatever, happened is bad but giving statements like the bolded part above is ridiculous.
BS Propoganda right there. This is an isolated incident. There are murders all over the world but that does not mean that in each of those countries there are cancerous elements. There have been assassinations in other countries such as America but I dont hear about 'cancerous elements' there... :coffee:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Stay in denial. Is that 'Professor' article fake? How many more such Op-Eds and how many more threats against the governer are still there to be found?
This was no random murder. He has been a prime target since he stood up for Ms. Asia.
AND his murderer immediately surrendered and said that this was done because of the Blasphemy case.
Random violence, my a$$!!
Here is a picture of the suspect, go figure.



Even though i visit this forum regulalry, unfortunately, due to my hectic schedule I dont usually get the chance to contribute much on this forum now a days. However, reading some of the comments on this thread so far, i felt i had to write something on this occasion.

First and foremost, i would like to request everyone to please not to disrepect anyone who has died - whether that is a so-called terrorist or a so-calld corrupt politician or a civilian or even your enemy! This request is especially to my fellow pakistanis and muslims, as we should rememebr we have been bought up better than this! :)

I understand this person is a famous politician and people have strong personal opinions about him, especially because of his comments about the blasphemy law i presume. This is apparent from people posting so many comments against him despite the moderators repeteadely threatening to ban anyone who disrespects him. I'm sure there will be many more who want to post but are refraining incase they get banned! Obviously this is a sensitive issue but please refrain from making any negative comments against him as he has passed away now and Allah will be the best judge of him, just like for all of us.

Having said this, i would also request everyone else not to inflame this topic further please. I have read many comments from senior members bringing in Mullahs, and blaming religion etc, which i dont think helps the situation at all! Also, please dont blame everything on Mullahs. A REAL mullah would not order killings on innocent people. So please dont refer to illeterate people calling themselves Mullah as Mullah! This is unfair and an insult to the REAL scholars (albeit afew) that we have!

From the time i have been here, i have never seen so many people get banned because of someones death as much as on this thread! I would request the Mods to please treat everyone who inflames (whether in favour of or against) this topic equally...as majority of people who have been banned are those who were against salman taseer.
I think equal punishment needs to be made to people who are against Salam Taseer by trying to justify his death...or if they are in favour of him by bringing in religion or mullahs etc! I think both sides are flaming and are equally wrong.

It just saddens me so many pakistanis are arguing on such issues. If we as a nation can not stick together then what hope do we have for future...:( May Allah point us all in the right direction!

P.s. apologies if i have offended anyone as that was not my intention. I just want everyone to be calm and not let their emotions get better of them.
No. Seriously I am asking, can he escape punishment citing the law and arguing the Salman Tasser was the culprit .:confused:

Fine leave it. Your law, you punish him as it is fit.

No one is allowed to kill anyone. It is the job of the Govt. He will be punished under the law.
No. Seriously I am asking, can he escape punishment citing the law and arguing the Salman Tasser was the culprit .:confused:

Fine leave it. Your law, you punish him as it is fit.

Dude it cant be, its a murder and the guy will be tried accordingly.
I would urge the readers and the concerned to watch this serial on Hum TV. The story revolves around a teenage boy whose lost and how hes exploited by mullahs and turns into a religious fanatic ... !

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