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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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what amazes me is that why he was in a Honda Civic and not in his bullet proof BMW or Mercedes?
The people justifying his death need to get their heads checked. It is pathetic when I see people crying when some mentions to repeal this black law. Who cares if someone insults the prophet. Maybe these people haven't been to school but insulting someone will not make it true we learned this in kindargarten. Sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Shame on you if you are a muslim indeed......
Sad incident. May Allah swt give patience to his family.

I don't think it could be the job those religious parties as we know about their cowardice but one cannot rule out the possibility of Shareef Bros and Choudhary Mafia either.

... and whats up with MODs? they seem to be on a hunt tonight - ban everyone. Could be the reason another liberal extremist has been killed and there is too much support and joys shown by members on his death? No fair to ban members for this in my opinion. MODs should not be biased but what one poor member can do about it.
Sad Incident.... Another example of how intolerance is increasing in our society. And i am sure some of the nut heads will support this but seriously such things have much bigger effects than you guys think....

May he rest in peace.....

Go and say that holocaust didn't happen in any of the tolerant country, they would pretty soon become intolerant.

Inna Lilla hai wa inna ellaihi raji'ooon

Allah hu Akbar :cry:
Allah hu Akbar
Allah hu Akbar
Let's leave the ridiculous justifications you are concocting to one side. And let's get down to it. Do you support this attack or do you condemn it?

R u trying to provoke people, to say something against forum rules so u can ban them at ur will, is this ur whole idea today.

Do i have the right to express my true feeling OR should i just condemn this act and keep my mouth shut, if i have to servive here.
Here is a picture of the suspect, go figure.


Looks very content and is not worried at all...

The trouble is that in these sensitive times when Pakistan has got shed loads of problems already,our politicians don't refrain from kicking one hornet's nest after the other....Why was the christian woman that important? I don't know if she was proved guilty or not..but if politicians were so hell bent on helping her,why not do it discretely? Hide her,send her to another country on asylum,the whole of the western Europe had welcomed her and her family...
Instead they went on hurting people's feelings publicly by saying things they shouldn't have...People don't have food to eat,don't have money to spend,don't have electricity and most other very basic necessities of life..In times like this people do find sanctuary in religion,and if the politicians start attacking this last refuge of the common man..all hell will be let lose....

I wont support a murder which this man did..But i would say he did it more considerately than many.If he was a suicide bomber,many others had died.Unfortunately the fuss was created by our politicians..There are thousands and thousands of innocents rottiing in our jails..why not help them? Why make the Blasphemy case so important..knowing that it will create something worse than Murder "Fitnaa".
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A few days back there were some resident fanatics going on about how no liberal goes out and protests, saying that this 'proves' that no one supports repealing the blasphemy law :hitwall:

Now do you retards understand what happens when liberals go out and protest? THEY ARE KILLED!

When someone so protected is not safe, what do you think will happen if a bunch of average Pakistanis go out and protest?


Correct. And I think @Solomon2 should especially read your comment. The 'Klan' was easier: Their maximum membership and height of power did not go over 3 million. And America was still then a largely law-abiding, extremely rich country with a very powerful security setup for both internal and external purposes.

So who is next? I bet Asma Jahangir is a relatively easy target because she too has vocally stood up for Ms. Aasia. One by one...
If we are Muslims, then we should be happy that someone did what was right, as he only acted when all Muslims of Pakistan didn't!

Anyone who lives in Pakistan has to think before saying anything against our Prophet (SAW).
what amazes me is that why he was in a Honda Civic and not in his bullet proof BMW or Mercedes?

Guess he was protesting against the decision for not allowing him to import/get brand new bullet proof car(s) by Punjab Gov

---------- Post added at 07:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:36 PM ----------

did anybody accept responsibility?

one of his own Police Body Guard
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