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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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you know pakistan is a really stupid country in any normal this law would be scrapped but in pakistan where we have 50% literacy rate we have mullahs inciting murder and people supporting a law which provides open season on minorities look whats happened law they've moved on from killing poor people and minorities to even high government officials sad thing is it wasn't even going to be scrapped but simply amended a little to make it a bit fairer but even then this was not good enough !
The last time people showed respect half of ******* lahore was burning...

again i will say that i have told a fact
not my opinion
it happens in Pakistan
even those mullaz who titled the making of pakistan as a sin have now the control over many people emotions
I 'll have to agree to you on this note... If Governor had said something wrong he should have brought to court but you know people do not have belief in judicial system that's why you see so many people being murdered around...

and the other thing is our judicial system requires money and not every one has money pursue a case in court...

That last comment... you really think a religious party with its rich mullahs and coffers filled with money would not have funded a case against Taseer? The lack of money to pursue a trial is ZERO justification. There is NO justification, in fact, of a cold blooded act of terror of this sort. I shudder to think what goes on in the minds of people who are grasping at straws trying to find some iota of justification for this act...
Terrible news. And bad news for Aasia as well. If Zardari now decides to pardon her, which I don't think will happen, he may as well end up like Taseer.

obviously the guard malik mumtaz qadri
u will see him as a hero of Pakistani nation

shame on you , a murderer is your hero .... in my opinion him all those admiring this qadri dutch bag are equally responsible for his murder and similar incidents. We Pakistanis must kill this approach as it is gettiing out of hand.
Against or in favour of Salman Taseer's murder??? How can you be IN FAVOUR of a murder??? As I've already mentioned acts of this nature are tried in Pakistan under the AT laws. Further, the news reports are reporting this as an incident of terror, which it is.

This is not about differences of opinion being discussed in civil ways. This is about closet terror sympathizers jumping out and reveling at the murder of an individual who also happens to be a Governor.

We had published a clarification on forum policy regarding support for terrorism and it is very clear. This is a platform for civil debate within the bounds of law. This forum is not a loudspeaker to be used by those who condone terrorism.

Atleast majority is not favour of this murder but people of pakistan ASKING FOR THOSE 30,000 LIVES !

People have pain of those ... !

so because of these leaders! and their decision no one have pain if some leader died that is the main point.
Against or in favour of Salman Taseer's murder??? How can you be IN FAVOUR of a murder??? As I've already mentioned acts of this nature are tried in Pakistan under the AT laws. Further, the news reports are reporting this as an incident of terror, which it is.

This is not about differences of opinion being discussed in civil ways. This is about closet terror sympathizers jumping out and reveling at the murder of an individual who also happens to be a Governor.

We had published a clarification on forum policy regarding support for terrorism and it is very clear. This is a platform for civil debate within the bounds of law. This forum is not a loudspeaker to be used by those who condone terrorism.

Are you in favor of the murder of Farance's queen ?? Are you in the favor of murder of hitler ?? Are you in the favor of murder of Mussolini ??

you know people have images of this governer which lie some where down in the above category that's why they are in favor of his murder.... have you seen the movie "Rang de Basanti" they killed a minister that was a murder and still people were supporting that murder ...... you need to understand the psychology of people
Dushman Maray Tay Khushi Na Kariye Sajna Wi Mar Jana
Deegar Tay Din Aaya Muhammad,Tay Oudak Nu dub Jana


Rejoice not if your enemy dies because friends also die
O Muhammad Baksh, the evening has come, the end is near, for, it’ll be
dark all over

you know pakistan is a really stupid country in any normal this law would be scrapped but in pakistan where we have 50% literacy rate we have mullahs inciting murder and people supporting a law which provides open season on minorities look whats happened law they've moved on from killing poor people and minorities to even high government officials sad thing is it wasn't even going to be scrapped but simply amended a little to make it a bit fairer but even then this was not good enough !
i agree with you
now it is a challenge for government to impose the peace in country as well to run the gov because one important person die in the first of year. And there is a conflict occur in social level if the authorities should not stop to this issue...
Atleast majority is not favour of this murder but people of pakistan ASKING FOR THOSE 30,000 LIVES !

People have pain of those ... !

so because of these leaders! and their decision no one have pain if some leader died that is the main point.

Have some perspective. There have been hundreds of threads created right here on this forum to discuss those 30,000 people and condemn their deaths. That issue is completely unlinked to this death.

The issue involved here is of an extremist making up his mind that he is the judge, jury and executioner and - in an act of terror - killing a human being in cold blood. Let's not obfuscate and confuse the discussion just because some people cannot find it in themselves to come out and condemn what is WRONG.
That last comment... you really think a religious party with its rich mullahs and coffers filled with money would not have funded a case against Taseer? The lack of money to pursue a trial is ZERO justification. There is NO justification, in fact, of a cold blooded act of terror of this sort. I shudder to think what goes on in the minds of people who are grasping at straws trying to find some iota of justification for this act...

you still have no Idea why he was murdered I can understand this coz I live in Pakistan... I can understand the sentiments of people when someone hurts there prophet.... Do you really think some religious party was behind this act O come on not at all ... this was just an individual act...
Atleast majority is not favour of this murder but people of pakistan ASKING FOR THOSE 30,000 LIVES !

People have pain of those ... !

so because of these leaders! and their decision no one have pain if some leader died that is the main point.

Leaders are coming from the public. They are not born as a leader. Unless until you elect them, they are not going to rule you.

This is the enigma, Public select their leaders, and blame them for bad administration..
I wish this was never happened. I actually followed him in twitter and he was a witty guy. Rest in peace.
The main thing on which the Government should focus on now, is providing security to Sherry Rehman. Because she passed the bill, now she is in great peril.
"Bhookay ka koi Mazhab nahin hota" and if these incidents keep continuing all the people here supporting these murders will be in the same line while every other country will have compartmentalized us. I am just hoping they bring stricter laws to eradicate religious extremism abroad so they can get kicked out and back here where they belong.
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