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GHQ Check-Post Attackers Killed - Hostages Rescued!

If terrorists can openly manufacture arms in certain locations then they very well can procure explosives.

Lets consider that RDX & C-4 are available every where,thing again comes to 'money' u think its so cheap to procure so many explosives, Insurgency at this big scale is not a joke neither work of simple 'non state actors' there's got to be a long Chain & some where in this chain are 'state actors'
now u are going to Compare a few Ak-47s with the whole range of weaponry from AK-47 to RPG-7 to RDX :disagree:

& what about the money, Tell me a 'non state actor' that can afford to pay 10-12,000 rupees to its fighters...

what about poppy production in afghanistan? What about abductions, kidnappings in pakistan and also bank looting etc. These are good sources of money.

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan army has foiled the terrorists attack on GHQ and killed four terrorists whereas six army men embraced shahadat during the action completed within one hour.

According to reports, four terrorists riding in a white car targeted check post near GHQ.

They tried to move another check post when security guards intercept them. Security forces retaliated swiftly and effectively and killed four terrorists during an hour long action. Six security personnel had been martyred in the operation.

DG ISPR Major General Athar Abbas said terrorists wearing forces uniform and riding in a white Suzuki car attacked first check post with automatic weapons. On the resistance of security guards, they tried to move towards another check point. Four terrorists were killed during exchange of fire. The area has been cordoned off as search operation in underway in the area and situation is completely under control.
GHQ attack foiled - GEO.tv
Great thinking, & we must look in that way!':tup:
black water is there, they have lots of planners, they have lots of pay-pick soilders, they have the biggest of the funds & above all PPP is supporting them, why cant we
see things in that direction.:hitwall::angry:
i think, for this terrorist attack , the terrorists HANDLERS wanted us to look towards INDIA, but for this incident , we must check , BLACKWATERS?:azn::agree::smokin:

Exactly and since both the US and GOP was not expecting the kind of noise the army made over the KLB, it took them by surprise and the idea wouldn't be far fetched to think that whatever happened today might be to divert PA attention towards an imaginary enemy while passing bills that are against the sovereignty of Pakistan with immunity.
If terrorists can openly manufacture arms in certain locations then they very well can procure explosives.

Yeh may be after all Mumbai attacks have links to many countries inculding US and specially Pentagon
If you purchased this weapon without a cover you should be aware that this weapon is stolen property. It was reported as "unsold and destroyed" to the distributor, and neither the trigger finger of the accused had recieved any payment for that yet.
Great thinking, & we must look in that way!':tup:
black water is there, they have lots of planners, they have lots of pay-pick soilders, they have the biggest of the funds & above all PPP is supporting them, why cant we
see things in that direction.:hitwall::angry:
i think, for this terrorist attack , the terrorists HANDLERS wanted us to look towards INDIA, but for this incident , we must check , BLACKWATERS?:azn::agree::smokin:

haha - true to form.

Batman, your theories are just like your name - straight out of a comic book! :)

TTP claims GHQ attack

Updated at: 1400 PST, Saturday, October 10, 2009
KARACHI: Tahreek-e-Taliban (Ajmad Farooqi) group has claimed responsibility of attack on army headquarters.

In a telephone call made to Geo News office, member of TTP group demanded halt of operation in northern areas, accountability of former President Pervez Musharraf, return of BlackWater and closure of Western NGOs.
This is the biggest security lapse I have ever seen. no close circuit cameras, no backup, no checking, just open to attacks!
2 gunmen disappeared! amazing!
US sopnsored and funded Al qaeeda and their pay brothers TTP both carryout there activities when US is facing hostilities anywhere in the world for the crimes that they commit against humanity.

US(good cop) Al-qaeeda and TTP (Bad cop) they both have the same objectives i.e destablize Pakistan.

Pakistan has to expell the US ambassador for activly sponsoring terrorism against State of Pakistan.

NATO and US forces are active nurseries for the insurgents and there paid najdi mullahs are offering short cut to paradise to the ignorant youth.
haha - true to form.

Batman, your theories are just like your name - straight out of a comic book! :)

TTP claims GHQ attack

Updated at: 1400 PST, Saturday, October 10, 2009
KARACHI: Tahreek-e-Taliban (Ajmad Farooqi) group has claimed responsibility of attack on army headquarters.

In a telephone call made to Geo News office, member of TTP group demanded halt of operation in northern areas, accountability of former President Pervez Musharraf, return of BlackWater and closure of Western NGOs.

Right , What happened to generals of forum , Yar khabi to serious hu jaya karo , lagta hai ag kal free me mil rahi hai:lol:
Almost all the insurgent leaders clearly indicate there statue(MOHAR), abuses, excessive claiment, widespread extortion of menifestation of there intent of influencial intention which drive them to revolt. The final element that reflects the extraction to some degree, adherence, adding fuel to the fire. Simpathy to one and solidarity for the other leads to currupted petential of various social formations.
Blast just after few days GHQ show reserves on KLB.......why not earlier when TTP is playing blast blast everywhere...........!!!!!!! point to be noted my lord
i wont call it a very major security lapse as
1st the only the outer most premiter was attacked there are around 6 check posts before the main entrance only the 2nd check post was attacked the terrorist were using the white vehicle with army markings and were in military uniform to disguise there identity the 2nd checkpoint stopped and fierce gun battlle started which ended in killing of all the terrorist ..now the search operation is going on because of sensitivity of the area and as a precaution measure
dont forget we are on WAR
and then this attack wasnt mean to cause damage but was a symbolic attack
as even if 500 terrorist would have attacked they coudnt have entered the GHQ or damaged it but they have given there message and we need to retaliate in full power ISI realy need to route out the the foreign and domestic threats in the country .
A Brig and a Lt Col also embraced shahdat during this attack.
what about poppy production in afghanistan? What about abductions, kidnappings in pakistan and also bank looting etc. These are good sources of money.

The poppy cultivation in Afghanistan is funding mainly Afghan Taliban as well as US. They have no link with Pakistan.

And do not forget that CIA is funding worldwide operations through drug money.
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