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Generation 2.0: Arjun Mk-2

@gogbot-"I think you have the concept all wrong mate."

Please don't make such comments or remarks, to me. Each individual's idea is his own and should not be demoralized, if not respected. I expressed what I think and you countered it with your own idea. I may have replied or quoted on your ideas , but I haven't discouraged your idea. I've just defended my own.

If you are a senior member, try to keep your psychological maturity upto that standard. Don't let it fall below the standard of a senior.

With regards and all the respect for a senior member,

{And sorry to all for diverting this thread}

Well that was not my intention :undecided:,
And i am sorry :cheers:

May be its just the Arjun thing , something inside just get's riled up thinking about it.
My suggestion is that Arjun is best tank in world by its feature but for india it is not useful because of indians MOUNTAINS BORDER. Around 450 arjun is good quantity.

heavy battle tanks are not built for mountain battle even then arjun has got better mobilty than t 90
and also 450 aint comin only 250 coming !!!
IA Army should order more Arjun Mk-1 tank instead of upgrading T-72 tanks which are almost completed their life cycle. Upgraded T-72 tank cost is almost near 75% cost of new Arjun tank.

Although Arjun is little havier than T-90 but instead of talking abt the weight problem IA should enhance the transporation issues or logistics issues which are there in moving heavy weapon system to the borders. When more nos of Arjun will be used by IA, their inputs will help DRDO to rectify and enhance the capabilities in Arjun Mk-II.
i heard that for NE ,india is purchasing the light weight tanks,wat is the status.
anybody can tell?
heavy battle tanks are not built for mountain battle even then arjun has got better mobilty than t 90
and also 450 aint comin only 250 coming !!!

I say this is my suggestion that IA should bought 450 tank. This is not a fact.

And answer this question.

where we use this heavy tank?

Only is Thar.

We cannot use this in kashmir.

We cannot use this on LAC.
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I say this is my suggestion that IA should bought 450 tank. This is not a fact.

And answer this question.

where we use this heavy tank?

Only is Thar.

We cannot use this in kashmir.

We cannot use this on LAC.

although arjun is a desert tank that doesn't mean u 'cannot' use this in mountain areas , just considering that a tank is heavy (all tanks are heavy) and thats why it cannot be in mountain areas is wrong !!
although arjun is a desert tank that doesn't mean u 'cannot' use this in mountain areas , just considering that a tank is heavy (all tanks are heavy) and thats why it cannot be in mountain areas is wrong !!

Yes, this is true we can use this on mountain area. But how we transport there in high quantity.
Yes, this is true we can use this on mountain area. But how we transport there in high quantity.

simple !! place a regiment or 2 near it , and when time comes those 1400 mad horses will do the rest of the job !!!! :yahoo: :yahoo:

voila problem solved !!!!:toast_sign:
simple !! place a regiment or 2 near it , and when time comes those 1400 mad horses will do the rest of the job !!!! :yahoo: :yahoo:

voila problem solved !!!!:toast_sign:

Two regiment means around 90 tanks. So, what the use of mass production(around 2000) of this tank.
Two regiment means around 90 tanks. So, what the use of mass production(around 2000) of this tank.

placing 90 near area doesn't mean to end production there , but to place a small amount of it near the area and use the rest in desert region !!!!!!

and there r many regions where theses beasts need to be placed 1111

mass production ...... 2000 tanks .......right now only 250 r comin .

so my view only holds good when arjun is mass produced(around 2000 as u said buddy , 250 no. is a humiliation for the arjun tank !!!!
placing 90 near area doesn't mean to end production there , but to place a small amount of it near the area and use the rest in desert region !!!!!!

and there r many regions where theses beasts need to be placed 1111

mass production ...... 2000 tanks .......right now only 250 r comin .

so my view only holds good when arjun is mass produced(around 2000 as u said buddy , 250 no. is a humiliation for the arjun tank !!!!


there r many regions where theses beasts need to be placed 1111

Give the detail of this many region.
NERA (non-explosive reactive armor) will be added to Arjun Mk-2 this will give the tank additional protection against anti-tank munitions said:
but also increase the weight of Arjun MK-2 to 60 tons from its current weight (Arjun MK-1) of 58 tons.

why they r increasing the weight army already told that weight is the major problem of the arjun tank.
Weight is definitely an issue and is most likely to remain in the future as well.

But, I guess we have more serious issues here. I'm talking about the Chinese Type 99KM. if we have to counter it, we definitely need some clever choice of armaments for this baby. They have achieved an unexpected feat. We should understand the fact that it has a Main gun capable of firing rounds as big as artillery rounds(155mm). And with 2100hp at their feet, that tank is no slowpoke.

Now, what this(Arjun Mk-2) needs is some serious efficiency(Efficiency here means overall improvement in the working of the tank and the crew, use of materials, of electronics, training and most importantly, battle-readiness and awareness about the situation) and DRDO should not ignore the level and importance of electronic warfares in todays war zones, as it did in the case of Arjun Mk-1 by delaying the development of an electronic warfare suite for it. The Arjun needs some innovations in its electronic countermeasure systems and the main armament(I seriously expect the inclusion of an autoloader. And after the rich experience gained in working with the Russian tanks, that shouldn't be an issue).

Their numbers do have some value, but that shouldn't be made into an issue. Rather, attempts should be made to take the game into a whole new level.

BTW, any idea about what IA and DRDO is doing to counter such threats-any plans, progress or implementation????????
Weight is definitely an issue and is most likely to remain in the future as well.

But, I guess we have more serious issues here. I'm talking about the Chinese Type 99KM. if we have to counter it, we definitely need some clever choice of armaments for this baby. They have achieved an unexpected feat. We should understand the fact that it has a Main gun capable of firing rounds as big as artillery rounds(155mm). And with 2100hp at their feet, that tank is no slowpoke.

Now, what this(Arjun Mk-2) needs is some serious efficiency(Efficiency here means overall improvement in the working of the tank and the crew, use of materials, of electronics, training and most importantly, battle-readiness and awareness about the situation) and DRDO should not ignore the level and importance of electronic warfares in todays war zones, as it did in the case of Arjun Mk-1 by delaying the development of an electronic warfare suite for it. The Arjun needs some innovations in its electronic countermeasure systems and the main armament(I seriously expect the inclusion of an autoloader. And after the rich experience gained in working with the Russian tanks, that shouldn't be an issue).

Their numbers do have some value, but that shouldn't be made into an issue. Rather, attempts should be made to take the game into a whole new level.

BTW, any idea about what IA and DRDO is doing to counter such threats-any plans, progress or implementation????????

The arjun MBT weigt problem is not an issue because it is for offensive mission not for defensive. So, the IA not buying this tank in large quantity. For defensive mission IA buying T 90 'BHISHMA'.

And arjun is far ahead of chinese TYPE 99KM. Now IAF is buying heavy airlifter from US. In future IA can take help of IAF. And IAF put the arjun mk 2 tank in position to counter type 99
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i heard that for NE ,india is purchasing the light weight tanks,wat is the status.
anybody can tell?

mr. rocketsingh you heard wrong. this was not light weight tank, this was light wt artilary which IA buying from US.
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