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General Qassem Soleimani and possible Iranian troops seen in Syria

But I guess prejudices are too strong for that
Pakistan sided with Iran in case of Syria, Pakistan is the leading militant resource for Iran.
We curse Arab States... who are not even in the picture..... so tell me where is prejudice?
@Horus I'm surprised that such offensive words are allowed on this forum.
You mean TAKFIRI ?

its spelled like : T A K F I R I . they takfir others . they think of themselves as the only true muslims and call others apostilles

ironically the same ISIS assad deliberately ignored and had a tactic understanding not to attack because they were fighting FSA ?
I have no idea what you're talking about .

FSA and other terrorist groups are brothers as said by FSA's command in chief

Please desist from using that term as it is derogatory.

Dear Atanz, there is no alternative.

We saw the alternative in Libya. Thank God for Libya being there to remind us of the fact that there is no alternative even if Iran, Russia and China did not stop US and its Takfiri allies over-running Syria.

In medical research term, Libya is our control case.

The funny thing here being the fact that Pakistan's most staunch ally is China and the Chinese foreign policy on Syria should be a guiding beacon for Pakistanis here. But I guess prejudices are too strong for that.

I try my best to NOT look through the sectarian prism. I try my best to look at the larger picture and look above our narrow interests. I live in Europe and I notice they rarely give a flying frigg if your Iranian, your Pakistani, your Afghan, your Shia, your Sunni. When they bust us they bust us with broad brush. I only wish if this reality sunk into the Muslim world. I doubt though it is going to happen anytime soon which is the reason my dear friend couple of more generations are destined to suffer.

Without prejudice I wil say that Libya was better of with "mad dog" Gaddafi, Iraq was better of with "tyrant" Saddam and Syria is better of with Asad. This is making real choices in the a world where alternatives are worse and have been proven to be worse.

And yes I wish Pakistan learnt iota of wisdom from the Chinese. Take @OTTOMAN here. He would have Pakistan lock horns with Iran so that India can rape us from behind - In some form of deluded sectarian fantasy this seems logical.
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Our strategic depth concept is to deny India to use afghanistan land so they dont spread terrorism inside Pakistan.
Never heard of that either.... and isn't Indian already there since last many years and its hand in terrorism has been proven instead of much accused and much hated Arabs!
@Horus I'm surprised that such offensive words are allowed on this forum.

I consider many Persian Gulf Monarchies as takfiris they are takfiris doing takfiri here takfiri there, takfiri the whole day. At the end of the day they are takfiris like the takfiris in syria who fight against other takfiris and the legitim syrian government. These takfiris have many supporters here obviously , but i know that those takfiris die painfully so im really happy that these takfiris never again can kill anybody. Takfiri LOL
You mean TAKFIRI ?

its spelled like : T A K F I R I . they takfir others . they think of themselves as the only true muslims and call others apostilles

I have no idea what you're talking about .

FSA and other terrorist groups are brothers as said by FSA's command in chief

Look up the archives of mid 2013 to mid 2014 before ISIS start attacking assad openly in May-June 2014.

The summary of what happened

Syria, ISIS Have Been 'Ignoring' Each Other on Battlefield, Data Suggests - NBC News

So Syria being helped by alleged terrorist Hezbollah is any different then FSA calling other terrorist their brothers ?

There are too many glass houses out there. So before throwing stones at them, you should look whether Syria and Iran is doing the same thing or not
Tale @OTTOMAN here. He would have Pakistan lock horns with Iran so that India can rape us from behind - In some for of deluded sectarian fantasy this seems logical.

At least you figured out my reach, but as usual you can only guess... and when I remark on your guess than you can't handle it.
So discuss the subject matter, instead of me! :warning2:
Look up the archives of mid 2013 to mid 2014 before ISIS start attacking assad openly in May-June 2014.

The summary of what happened

Syria, ISIS Have Been 'Ignoring' Each Other on Battlefield, Data Suggests - NBC News

So Syria being helped by alleged terrorist Hezbollah is any different then FSA calling other terrorist their brothers ?

There are too many glass houses out there. So before throwing stones at them, you should look whether Syria and Iran is doing the same thing or not

In every case your argumentation fails. The LEGITIM syrian government requested help from all these parties to fight back foreign sponsored takfiri scum. Finished. No room left for other arguments.
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Look up the archives of mid 2013 to mid 2014 before ISIS start attacking assad openly in May-June 2014.
Archives from holly press tv. :azn:

In every case your argumentation fails. They LEGITIM syrian government requested help from all these parties to fight back foreign sponsored takfiri scum. Finished. No room left for other arguments.

Where is the request and where is the legitimate govt.?

Do I need to remind, all ministers and army has been defected and obviously pres tv would not tell you about it.
In every case your argumentation fails. They LEGITIM syrian government requested help from all these parties to fight back foreign sponsored takfiri scum. Finished. No room left for other arguments.

You are as totally clueless and ignorant about what and who Assad was fighting back in 2011-early 2013. Read up archives. Instead of bringing takfiri this and takfiri that useless argument
You know in Pakistan we curse US and its drone strikes.... because we see more collateral damage, than it would be hypocrisy on my part if I not curse Iran equally, for its gassing shelling of populated cities.

@Horus I'm surprised that such offensive words are allowed on this forum.
welcome to moministan.
Meanwhile Arab nations will continue barking like they give a shit and their naive people will fall for the rhetoric.
You are as totally clueless and ignorant about what and who Assad was fighting back in 2011-early 2013. Read up archives. Instead of bringing takfiri this and takfiri that useless argument

At the end of the day Assad is a dictator. What were you expecting he does in response to people calling for his head? Secondly, were you honestly thinking the Syrian revolution will end in a Jeffersonian democracy, when Islamist movements were core constituents of it from day 1? Did you seriously believe the Syrian society had the necessary experience and social development to give birth to a system centered on individual rights and the rule of law? Were other Arab revolutions also manipulated by Iran? Were Egypt and Libya also the result of Iranian interference?

I think a more objective appraisal of the situation will conclude that it would have always been very messy and bloody. And without a strong dictator things will be even worse. You will have something similar to Afghanistan or Somalia. So you have to choose your evil. And in my opinion Assad is the less evil choice, hands down...
Good better shia "extremists" than sandi nigga daesh beheader..
I repeat again, I never heared the legitime regime of Syria saying that they need opinion of Pakis.. so since you are
not concerned to this , leave and do not come back.

@haman10 Dadash and? Who cares. I did say my opinion he could be the president of sandistan and i would say that :D
It really would have mattered if we would have joined KSA,but your good luck we didn't.
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Good better shia "extremists" than sandi nigga daesh beheader..
I repeat again, I never heared the legitime regime of Syria saying that they need opinion of Pakis.. so since you are
not concerned to this , leave and do not come back.

@haman10 Dadash and? Who cares. I did say my opinion he could be the president of sandistan and i would say that :D

Why is it better to have Shia extremists? These people hate shias and don't consider them worthy of living. What would make shia extremists better in their eyes?

And this is a discussion forum. People come here to talk and express their opinions. You don't have the right to tell them to leave. Lay off the stupid tough guy...
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