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General Motors Is Headed For Bankruptcy -- Again

Ferraris are exotic cars, anywhere from three to ten times the price of a Corvette, and comparable to other exotics such as Lamborghinis, which have huge and frequent maintenance costs. Corvettes are intended as everyday cars that offer excellent performance for the money, without imposing too much upon its owner.

Look up the price of an oil change or a routine service visit on any recent Ferrari model and compare to that of a Vette if interested. Corvettes are meant for their own market which they target very well, and do not compete with Ferraris. It is like comparing a Toyota Camry with a Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Entirely different market.
You're not getting the point I'm trying to make.

An Italian's idea of a dream car: Ferrari
A German's idea of a dream car: R8
A Japanese' idea of a dream car: Honda NSX (new gen)

An American's idea: Corvette, Viper etc...

While other countries' cars ooze luxury, technology and design, American cars ooze horse power and noise. This sort of thinking is present in every American car and that's why they can never compete with EU and EA cars. All three have a bit of their dream cars in their mass consumer models, but while the Japanese add technology and Europeans design and luxury, the Americans add HP and noise.

That's my arguement.

And you want a similar price point? Compare the corvette to the Nissan GTR. One oozes technology and can go faster than cars 3 times its price while the Corvette is CHEAP, literally (made from plastic to lower weight), ugly, uncivilized, has bad interior, has bad cornering etc...
Poor MPG (well most of them are) + horrible reliability = fail
You're not getting the point I'm trying to make.

An Italian's idea of a dream car: Ferrari
A German's idea of a dream car: R8
A Japanese' idea of a dream car: Honda NSX (new gen)

An American's idea: Corvette, Viper etc...

I think there are more ferarri's sold in the US than Italy. Same goes for British luxury marques.

On topic: American cars have always been larger than European and Japanese cars, and have not really stressed reliability as the former. So they fall behind in fuel consumption, reliability, mobility.
I think there are more ferarri's sold in the US than Italy. Same goes for British luxury marques.
When was the last time you checked pop'n figures? Plus, the US is the home of ultra capitalism and low taxes for the rich. The American elite have a lot more money than their European counterparts and there are A LOT more of them. Obviously there are going to be more Euro super cars sold here in NA than in Western EU.

Also, a lot of people in the US are immigrants who don't adhere to the American mindset. Those ppl are also the ones who go after Europeans design/taste and Asian technology.
Dude shut up! You are embarrassing Persian God King.

GM stock is worth about 39% less than it was on November 17, 2010, when the company went public at $33.00/share. However, during the intervening time, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has risen by almost 20%, so GM shares have lost 49% of their value relative to the Dow.

plz explain this

And you want a similar price point? Compare the corvette to the Nissan GTR. One oozes technology and can go faster than cars 3 times its price while the Corvette is CHEAP, literally (made from plastic to lower weight), ugly, uncivilized, has bad interior, has bad cornering etc...

The Corvette starts at about $50k and goes up to $112k only for the ZR-1, while the GTR is about $97k, about twice the price of most Corvette models sold. And the performance of a Vette ain't half bad, I will tell you.

Even then, the Corvette outsells the GTR by a HUGE margin:

GTRSales by vcheng552000, on Flickr

CorvetteSales by vcheng552000, on Flickr

Once the new model for the Vette is released in a few months, sales will rebound once again.
who buys american cars for god sake?...
except Americans of course.

last year canadian car sale
1. Ford
2. Chrysler
3. GM
4. Hundai
5. Toyota
6. Honda

Canada Auto Sales By Brand - May 2011 - GOOD CAR BAD CAR

GM should have been allowed to go bankrupt.

Obama admin has lost billions on socialist mumbo jumbo in alternative energy (Solandra) and saving Union jobs in places like GM.

This is what we call "Too Big to fail".

In reality if a corporation is inefficient, it should be allowed to die.

But Obama admin has refused to accept the reality and wasted billion of taxpayer dollars.

Sure there will be short term pain, but it will be good for Americans in the long run to let bad companies go to the grave yard.

In Pakistan too, we have inefficient state monopolies who are wasting billions of precious dollars. And here too, unions and leftist politicians are keeping the dead horses on life support and wasting Pakistanis hard earned money.


its not easy letting GM go, GM has been a symbol of US for a long time and with GM goes the US.
its not just some 60 GM plants and parts suppliers but 10000 dealerships and service shops, more than 2 million will loose their Jobs
last year canadian car sale
1. Ford
2. Chrysler
3. GM
4. Hundai
5. Toyota
6. Honda

Canada Auto Sales By Brand - May 2011 - GOOD CAR BAD CAR

its not easy letting GM go, GM has been a symbol of US for a long time and with GM goes the US.
its not just some 60 GM plants and parts suppliers but 10000 dealerships and service shops, more than 2 million will loose their Jobs

Canada and the US have the NAFTA, which eliminates the 6.1% tax and provides GM with the home advantage compared to overseas competitors with its larger economy of scale.

As well, Canadians and Australians are too much like Americans, compensating for something with larger or more expensive cars. That's why we're cursed with Canadian Fords and GM Holdens, which admittedly are quite inferior. :laugh:
I like my Mitsubishi Lancer.

The Big 3 have made allot of lemons in the past, and they lost customers, like me.
Ford's Product line is very impressive now... :tup:
After Figo's success in India.... they are launching Ford Ecosport with EcoBoost Engine(Winner of world's best new engine of the year award...)

This compact SUV will be a sure winner in India...


You're not getting the point I'm trying to make.

An Italian's idea of a dream car: Ferrari
A German's idea of a dream car: R8
A Japanese' idea of a dream car: Honda NSX (new gen)

An American's idea: Corvette, Viper etc...

While other countries' cars ooze luxury, technology and design, American cars ooze horse power and noise.
This sort of thinking is present in every American car and that's why they can never compete with EU and EA cars. All three have a bit of their dream cars in their mass consumer models, but while the Japanese add technology and Europeans design and luxury, the Americans add HP and noise.

That's my arguement.

And you want a similar price point? Compare the corvette to the Nissan GTR. One oozes technology and can go faster than cars 3 times its price while the Corvette is CHEAP, literally (made from plastic to lower weight), ugly, uncivilized, has bad interior, has bad cornering etc...

My dear dear dear poster,

There is no doubt that GM and Chrysler to a large degree, and Ford to a lesser degree have put profits and markups well above things that are important to a customer. That means, reliability, dependability, and bang for the buck.

The head honchos of GM sit in their cushy board rooms and conspire to loot American consumer in one way or the other. Which by any means is pathetic. really pathetic. And no mortal can ever defend this callous behavior.

However GM and other American manufacturers are also suffering from bloated bureaucracies both in corporate section as well as unions.

Case in point. Employee insurance programs run by the America Big three.

This is one program that many other countries and corporations in EU or China don't have to worry about. Why because retiree insurance and healthcare in every other country is borne by the taxpayers and not individual companies to a large degree.

In other words when it comes to final final accounting books, American Big Three have to account for a large percentage towards retiree benefits. While their competitors may have some of those benefits on their books but a very small percentage.

Mix this with burden with short term decision making due to Wall Street perssure means that GM has not invested in long term programs.

And now all this is coming back to bite them. And that's a terrible news about American auto and perhaps 1000s of other industries.

Good news is that many American states in the south are deciding to rid their programs run by bloated unions. And many American manufactures are relocating to these states.

While GM may die out when American taxpayers refuse to save these inefficient companies like GM, new companies take over and continue making America a great place for innovation, prosperity, and efficiency.

This is all the while our countries like Pakistan, iran, etc. will continue to be riddled with huge state monopolies and thus remain stuck in the past.


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