It was never our objective to target or capture the leadership since that would have distracted from the actual goal of securing the region. We can't just allocate resources to go search this bush, or that house, or cave to search for the leadership.[/QUOTE]
Isn't it tragic that pak generals are still running clueless as to how to counter the insurgency---for thousand of years since history---since dawn of man---since insurgency has been started any place anywhere in the civilized and the uncivilized world---it is always the leadership that is the target---you chop of the head of the serpeant---once the leadership is gone---the wind blows out of the sails---the funding dries away---the ideogical binds---the charismatic hypnotic control of the leader is gone----
Did nobody told this man,the general, that leaders have hypnotic qualities---they mesmerize the audience with their speech, their voice, their eyes, their appearnce, their persona, their ability to look at the wider picture, they make people do terrible things, they make people do wonderful things, they make people lay down their lives for them without asking a question---you take the LEADER OUT OF THE EQUATION---THE HOUSE FALLS LIKE A DECK OF CARDS---example Mohammad Ali Jinnah---pakistanis still crying for that one leader---saying none is there to replace him for the last 62 years---that is why nation is in turmoil---.
Pakistan's tragedy is that that there are more like the IG FC in the heirarchy than those who would make a difference. It is pitiful.