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Who killed Benazir Bhutto?

PTI might have had a lot to do with this murder that will come out sooner or later.

They also supported Musharraf, and the evidence was washed away by an Insaafian Police officer

She was good riddance for the country as this scum class has imposed themselves upon the nation as rulers. None invited them or appointed them.

ZA Bhutto looted and destroyed the country, all his children looted, plundered the country and engaged in anti-state terrorist activities. Now Zardari is the last one to go, with him gone it will be clean chapter for three decades of illness perpetuated by PPP.
She and ZAB were the best leaders this country had. Anyway, PTI had a hand in washing away the evidence
Banazir Bhutto was killed by CIA and MI6.

She was killed because of this interview. Where she mentioned Truth about Osama's death.

Osama Bin Laden was taken out in Operation Neptune Spear in 2011. Acknowledgement came from even Al-Qaeda based sources a day later. Not just Osama Bin Laden, but one of his wives and the men who were responsible for his safety.

Benazir Bhutto had a misjudgment.

Al-Qaeda operatives are responsible for a large number of deaths in Pakistan. I vividly recall barbaric assaults on the offices of FIA and other agencies in Lahore and other cities. One of these attacks was of such intensity that the blast shook entire Lahore. Scary times.

Data uncovered from the hideout of Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad is accessible in this link: https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/index.html#orignalfiles
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Osama Bin Laden was taken out in Operation Neptune Spear in 2011. Acknowledgement came from even Al-Qaeda based sources a day later.

Benazir Bhutto had a misjudgment.

Al-Qaeda operatives are responsible for a lot of deaths in Pakistan. I vividly recall attacks on FIA offices in Lahore and other cities. Scary times.

The word of Banazir Bhutto has more credibility than the word of Obama in the international forums. She is saying in the video that Osama was dead. lol. You Americans think every one is an idot really! people do use their brains and they not brain dead like American public. I just gave you an evidence of not some journalist but the first ever female prime minister of any Muslim nation. Operation Neptune was a Hoax to get Obama reelected nothing else.
Yeah... I would recommend using a proxy before downloading anything from .gov website, preferably not to download anything at all on your personal machine ;)
proxy will not help as Javascript will giveup your location even with Proxy and they usually have finfisher on CIA acrives so better use tails to access.
proxy will not help as Javascript will giveup your location even with Proxy and they usually have finfisher on CIA acrives so better use tails to access.

Read the second part of my post.... Accessing any .gov system is asking for spyware on your system!
The word of Banazir Bhutto has more credibility than the word of Obama in the international forums. She is saying in the video that Osama was dead. lol. You Americans think every one is an idot really! people do use their brains and they not brain dead like American public. I just gave you an evidence of not some journalist but the first ever female prime minister of any Muslim nation. Operation Neptune was a Hoax to get Obama reelected nothing else.
I have incorporated additional information in my previous response in an edit. Recheck it.

Actually no! Benazir Bhutto did not provide any evidence to substantiate her claim back then.

POTUS will never issue a blanket statement over such an important development.
Who Killed Bhutto?

POTUS will never issue a blanket statement over such an important development.
POTUS never provided any evidence that Osama was killed in operation Neptune. The dead body was never shown to media why? POTUS deliberately threw this whole thing into a spiral of conspiracy why because it was conspiracy all along.

Bush didn't opened Osama's death because he wanted to stay in Afghanistan but Obama did opened the death to use it for political gain and he wanted to leave Afghanistan. Why because republicans are funded by weapons manufactures and Democrats are funded by oil firms. Democrats will always focus on middle east and Republicans always on Afghanistan.
POTUS never provided any evidence that Osama was killed in operation Neptune. The dead body was never shown to media why? POTUS deliberately threw this whole thing into a spiral of conspiracy why because it was conspiracy all along.

Ample evidence of Osama's presence in that compound has surfaced and highlighted in different reports including Abbottabad Commission Report. Al-Qaeda based sources corroborated the revelation of his death in Operation Neptune Spear just a day later. In-fact, Osama's family was there and survivors were taken into custody by ISI.

You will find lot of information in Abbottabad Commission Report.

Photos of his dead body might be declassified at some point. However, they are not being released in current times because Hamza Bin Laden has vowed revenge for assassination of his father in a speech.

Those who have seen the photos, testify that the scene is gruesome.
Reading the article, I am struck by how much the U.S. military and Pakistani police did to take down Benazir Bhutto's assassins, whereas no constructive role is attributed to either the Pakistani military or its intelligence services.
Solomon, I don't think you have any idea of how much the Pakistani military is the bulwark against religious radicalism. Whilst I will accept that the military has "fished" in dirty waters but as a institution it is the final bastion against the greatest pool of religious madness that exists anywhere on earth. My family had more than a few sepoys/NCOs in the Pak Army in 1950s, by 1960s we had another crop joining as 2nd Lieutenants [my dad was in Judge Advocate General's office when he left to pursue post grad in London in the 1960s] and many of them retired as Captains, few Colonels and one served in ISI until recently in the civilian section. The next generation invariably went to western universities in USA and UK. Most if not many never returned and ended up doctors,lawyers, bankers etc in the west.

The Pakistani military is a secular, professional force and probably one of the few institutions that functions properly inside Pakistan. That this is so is nothing remotely to do with Islam, Pakistan or anything "desi" but entirely is a product of the British Empire. As such it remains true to the very ethos,structures and the DNA built by the Raj in late 1890s.

Obviously Pakistan Army will pursue interests that it percieves as advancing Pakistan. That is expected of it like US Army or any other army does in other countries - although PA does more because of the poor civilian record in governing the country and the extreme problems Pakistan faces.

I find your continous disparaging of PA as uninformed ignorance. Assume for a second you could wish PA away with a "abracadebra". Trust me you would be opening the gates of Muslim Jahannam [hell], Christian hell and the Jewish Gehennom combined. Pakistan would implode like nuclear chain reactor breaking off into million radical groups chasing religious, sectarian, ethnic jihads and would make ISIS look like nursery kids - for a start the numbers would run into scores of ten millions. Don't forget Pakistan has almost same population as Iran, Syria, Iraq, Turkey put together. Don't forget you would have 10,000s of nuclear scientists roamin around unemployed with hundreds of loose nukes.

You know what keeps this "hell" capped? Pakistan Army.
Solomon, I don't think you have any idea of how much the Pakistani military is the bulwark against religious radicalism. Whilst I will accept that the military has "fished" in dirty waters but as a institution it is the final bastion against the greatest pool of religious madness that exists anywhere on earth. My family had more than a few sepoys/NCOs in the Pak Army in 1950s, by 1960s we had another crop joining as 2nd Lieutenants [my dad was in Judge Advocate General's office when he left to pursue post grad in London in the 1960s] and many of them retired as Captains, few Colonels and one served in ISI until recently in the civilian section. The next generation invariably went to western universities in USA and UK. Most if not many never returned and ended up doctors,lawyers, bankers etc in the west.

The Pakistani military is a secular, professional force and probably one of the few institutions that functions properly inside Pakistan. That this is so is nothing remotely to do with Islam, Pakistan or anything "desi" but entirely is a product of the British Empire. As such it remains true to the very ethos,structures and the DNA built by the Raj in late 1890s.

Obviously Pakistan Army will pursue interests that it percieves as advancing Pakistan. That is expected of it like US Army or any other army does in other countries - although PA does more because of the poor civilian record in governing the country and the extreme problems Pakistan faces.

I find your continous disparaging of PA as uninformed ignorance. Assume for a second you could wish PA away with a "abracadebra". Trust me you would be opening the gates of Muslim Jahannam [hell], Christian hell and the Jewish Gehennom combined. Pakistan would implode like nuclear chain reactor breaking off into million radical groups chasing religious, sectarian, ethnic jihads and would make ISIS look like nursery kids - for a start the numbers would run into scores of ten millions. Don't forget Pakistan has almost same population as Iran, Syria, Iraq, Turkey put together. Don't forget you would have 10,000s of nuclear scientists roamin around unemployed with hundreds of loose nukes.

You know what keeps this "hell" capped? Pakistan Army.

People are quick to forget July 2007.
Solomon, I don't think you have any idea of how much the Pakistani military is the bulwark against religious radicalism.
You wouldn't know it from the article. Obviously the author relied almost exclusively on public domain, FIA, and police sources. He may not even have sought out military sources. Fear, I think. So the Pakistani military is suffering the same fate Alexandr Solzenitsyn attributed to the Soviet KGB: since criticizing the institution is illegal, not only won't people say anything bad about it, they are even too scared to seek out information to say anything good.

People are quick to forget July 2007.
You were there, weren't you, RR? Share the top of your mind on this, please.
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