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Gen. Raheel Sharif receiving proper welcome in Masjid-e-Nabwi

There is only one idiot here, and that's the person I am addressing right now. If you are 16 and don't have have high school political science down, why post to show your stupid imagination to us?

You have both the American flags....do you really think any president, even in the US, is THAT immune to prosecution, even at the level of treason and "robbing" a country like the poster I responded to, was accusing NS of "robbing" Pakistan? That's treason. TRUST me, if that was true, the military would've intervened long time ago. So think before you write stupidity. Second, if someone can give real "proofs" of "robbing Pakistan" by the ruling party, the Supreme Court has ALL the legal authority to ask the Parliament to "impeach" the Premier and / OR / SC can take action, as serious as taking down NS!!!

If you don't know how the law and constitutions work, why the fukk stick your neck and write an internet warrior kiddy post, effing up such a serious argument?? Go get a Degree in Law or in Political Science at the least, and come back here to talk about how "governments and the legal systems work". Till then, check out new pictures of the F-16's or the JFT on some thread on here. You aren't qualified to post to this thread, to be frank with you.

Last, so if Pakistan's politicians don't care about Pakistan....who does??? The military has ruled Pakistan for 60 years, without making ANY progress for the average Pakistani, without creating more jobs, planning to handle the growing population, planning to control the electricity, water, hospitals, education, infrastructure......so its pretty clear that the dictators didn't care about Pakistan, even with ruling it for 60 years....and per YOU, the politicians don't care either, then who does??? Entertain me with your lack of smart as* logic!!!??

By the way, the things the military didn't do in their 60 years of rule, are the things the current government has been doing in less then three years. These people running Pakistan right now, have done MORE work, than what the military and other didn't do in the past 60+ years!!!

People have the SAME reaction to seeing NS, IK, Mushy or others. We've clearly seen all those videos. So the question is, why glorify RS to make political points? I personally like him, a great general and a great person. He's not the type who wants attention and fame. This isn't IK's fake media political campaign. This is a Man of Honor. He has earned respect everywhere. He doesn't need to be politicized by people who hate NS due to IK, or who want the military in power, both of these people are the same people who tried to cause such a big deal in the country at the time of sit ins.

So let these two faced people NOT politicize this man of honor and integrity!!

P.R.O.O.F.S????? NS is corrupt, "robbing the country", aka, treason, rigging , kick backs, etc,etc. We heard the broken record being played for two years now!!!! Without ONE fukking proof!!! Time to change the IK anthem to something else may be???? Something like "I am IK and I will NOW start to work for the people, so I may get their votes again" and a sorry for lying??? He won't do that. People like these, lie ALL their lives to cover for previous lying!!

Precisely my point!!!! This is the same exaggeration that Indians do to Modi. The difference is, RS is actually a MUCH better and respectable person then Modi. So why over-glorify him, and put a question mark on him through this fake publicity, when everyone already likes him and he has extreme integirty???

Hurting what?? and who? You totally missed the point. I am personally a big fan of RS. I don't know how many of you currently or "ex" Pak military have met him to shake his hand and get a medal for 30 seconds. But I've talked to the guy many times. And I know his character and he's the opposite of Mushy and many previous dictators wanting power and fame. This guys a real soldier, black and white. His heart and background is filled with honor by serving his country.This guy's the BEST COAS Pakistan could ever get, period.

By writing these stupid posts and fake marketing propaganda on here and on other places, you are making his image questionable too. Everyone gets a protocol in KSA if you are a visiting dignitary, every Pakistani leaders will have people take pictures. So why over glorify him? And even all this on an event when he's visiting the house of God????

Think about the point I am trying to make. I am sure you'll get it, whether you want to show or hide your sense, its a different story.

So this is the "real honest brave man" inside of you? You gave me a negative rating instead of giving me facts of your argument. And then deleted that post all together as you knew the rating was being given unnecessarily??? But you knew deleting your post would hide the fact that rating was given totally unnecessarily, but the negative rating would still stay on my profile / signatures??? I'd totally expect that from people like you, who lie about stuff to score political points, and NEVER have proofs. They can't face the reality so hide facts and hit from behind like you did. Instead of continuing on with the discussions based on facts if you had any.

@Irfan Baloch @Slav Defence @WebMaster : I was given a -ve rating from the user above. He then deleted his post but the rating stayed. This is sheer abuse of Think Tank power. You guys should find better TT's. Please reverse the rating. Thank you!!
Nawaz Shareef is corrupt and entire family is except for Abaas. His voters also know he is corrupt to the core has made billions and transfered billions outside of Pakistan. Imran won't change his anthem and would keep calling thugs and corrupt mafias like PML N and PPP and MQM
There's something called Google. And I'm sure you know how to use the keyboard to write Nawaz Shariff Corruption cases..

There are plenty of fun videos by IK too. You should see them and read up on them. I don't want to read propaganda cases. Show me proofs that a court can act on and are legit. Everything else is a propaganda. There are plenty of people who send money to IK from the US and the UK, including the Indian lobby as disclosed in legal documents to DOJ. When shiit hits the fan and he gets investigated, I'd love to see who else will get investigated too.

You can't put an entire nation at the risk of civil war, put billions of dollars of loss on a country, for your personal greed to be a PM!!! How come I don't see you writing about IK's drama that caused billions of damage to Pakistan????
He then deleted his post but the rating stayed.
I never deleted the post. It's post #16, top of page 2 of this thread.
You gave me a negative rating instead of giving me facts of your argument. And then deleted that post all together as you knew the rating was being given unnecessarily???
I gave you all the facts. That you deny them is not my problem.
But you knew deleting your post would hide the fact that rating was given totally unnecessarily, but the negative rating would still stay on my profile / signatures??? I'd totally expect that from people like you, who lie about stuff to score political points, and NEVER have proofs. They can't face the reality so hide facts and hit from behind like you did. Instead of continuing on with the discussions based on facts if you had any.
Your logic is extremely broken. Firstly, I did not delete any of my posts. Secondly, deleting my post wouldn't hide anything - it's your post that was negatively rated, and the rating's legitimacy is to be judged by reading the post that was negatively rated, i.e yours.

My reasons for giving you a negative rating are legitimate:
-Long rant with no relevance to the thread or the posts you quoted
-Personal attacks, calling people stupid because they don't believe what you say in your long rants
There is only one idiot here
you are 16
Things like this, basically.

If the moderators don't agree with these reasons, they can go ahead and reverse my ratings.

As for ''never having proofs'', I'm sure I don't have to remind you of the dozens of threads you polluted with this nonsense only to run away from the argument when I responded with all your beloved proofs.
You got negative ratings twice in same thread for arguing over a baseless assumption. You are critical in your approach but I don't understand the reason of your love and affection with Nawaz Sharif and his system.
You are sitting too far to understand some matters in Pakistan politics.
May be when Donald Trump come to power and start treating USA as his private shop then probably you will understand what happen when you give a businessman with zero political maturity and strategic sense, the top political seat of your country.

We Pakistani know NS more and better than any one else....... So better stop criticizing over baseless assumptions........

Show me proofs that a court can act on and are legit. Everything else is a propaganda.
The exact same should apply to your claims. But you never give proofs of your claims.
IK's drama that caused billions of damage to Pakistan
billions of dollars of loss on a country
put an entire nation at the risk of civil war,
Where is the court case against IK? Why wasn't he prosecuted for treason on this basis?

I see you are still repeating that old ''billions of dollars'' figure, based firstly on a lie by PMLN's Saad Rafique - who had said ''500 billion rupees'', and you converted that to billions of dollars.Then Ishaq Dar brought the figure down to "almost Rs228 billion". Where is the evidence of that figure?
PTI, PAT sit-ins cost the country billions of rupees, claims Dar

All they did was make a ''claim'' and then never pursued it or attempted to prove it. Yet you parrot it incessantly, in discussions to which it has no relevance to, to make some sort of point about how evil IK is - without any proof except your favorite politicians' words.

That's the only proof you have. Words. Then why don't our words count as proof?

For your arguments, words are proof. For others' arguments you need court documents. Sheer hypocrisy.
I never deleted the post. It's post #16, top of page 2 of this thread.

Things like this, basically.

If the moderators don't agree with these reasons, they can go ahead and reverse my ratings.

There are other threads where I get name called because I don't agree with the senseless personal logic people apply on an entire system without facts. So if that's the issue and the forum will turn into this, where Think Tank level people don't have the ability to counter others with facts, but they resort to negative ratings and name calling, I feel sorry for the selection process for the "TT" role.

You and many others clearly don't fit that, or have qualifications for it. Some TT's are MUCH better, professional and ethical and take a disagreement very professional. Then we have children's mentality TT's like you, who don't give facts, but provide negative ratings!!

You gave me TWO -ve ratings, just to show you power trip when its pretty obvious you don't qualify for the TT role. You didn't give a Negative rating to the guy who called me "stupid-idiot", but you gave ME a negative rating when I responded to him???? That makes no sense. Protecting your buddy and political party brother, but giving the other party a negative rating is ALL you could do? GO ahead and give me a third one too, or TEN more. I challenge you, common, try me. That's ALL you people like you do. Don't have credentials or facts, lets abuse the power, typical Pakistani mindset!! Common this post deserves TEN negative ratings, show us (AGAIN) your level of immaturity, have at it :enjoy:

@WebMaster @Horus @Irfan Baloch @Slav Defence : gentlemen this is pure TT level abuse. I think there should be a criteria for TT's, including not abusing their powers, AND being able to manage a discussion with threads that may have tense or multiple opinions.

Additionally, this isn't the first time we are talking about this. Some TT's abuse their powers like above, and there should be a process to report TT power abuse so they can be downgraded.

Its the right thing to do. Why would you want a TT whose giving this forum bad reputation and may become the cause of some other drama and risk you shouldn't face in terms of legal issues??[/QUOTE]

You got negative ratings twice in same thread for arguing over a baseless assumption. You are critical in your approach but I don't understand the reason of your love and affection with Nawaz Sharif and his system.
You are sitting too far to understand some matters in Pakistan politics.

We Pakistani know NS more and better than any one else....... So better stop criticizing over baseless assumptions........

So you are saying that I should believe in the propaganda because many on here, are IK's people, and fund IK. So when they lie, and I happen to know the truth, I shouldn't ask them for proofs?

Almost every single thread, you'll see people asking for proofs or source. So somehow, we should just say, "if something is against NS", it MUST be truth from God? I am sorry, God gave me a brain and it wants to see legal sources for accusations like NS committing "treason" and "robbing the country" statements. Just like me, if you go to a legal court saying the same stuff, they would want the proofs too, and legal ones. Not the one's manufactured in ARY's Karachi and Lahore's studios. I've seen how it works!!

Next, the proofs have no limitations on where I live. When the Indians filed a case against Modi in a NY court, they provided proofs of Genocide and due to which, Modi didn't come to the US for a long time, knowing he'll get arrested. So no matter where you are in the world, these serious accusations need proofs. If you don't have them, you shouldn't be giving out negative ratings, you should back out of the topic and not argue like a child.

With this, you, as a person have a right to live your life. If you want to believe the sky is Red, so be it. But I will use my God given brain and associated ability to use sense and logic and will ask for the proofs. There have been many investigations into many things IK had been doing propaganda for. Result is 0, a big fat ZERO, and a HUGE drop in his own votes for the same reasons. People have logic and now they question how much lying is involved with these accusations!!
Oh dear, an american living few thousand miles away would stop at nothing to defend the Pakistani ganja.

In case you didn't know, this protocol is given by Saudi govt to all foreign dignitaries.

Secondly, this is the respect you get ! Respect is earned. Not bought.
And plz don't say these were paid supporters of army :D

Everyone has right to choose whatever person they like. This is democracy !

Ever seen NS's protocol in the US, Europe, etc? And an Army Chief's? If you find one, that would set your level straight in terms of an elected PM and a military chief.

So on the respect earned, NS doesn't get the support or Zardri doesn't get the support or IK won't??? Boy, you guys live in a world of delusion where 550K soldiers are the end of the world and should rule 200 million people of Pakistan, or a total fool who can't mange her personal life, should manage 10% of Pakistan!!!! That over glorification of the dictatorship for the past 70 years is "respect earned"??? By suppressing growth of an entire nation so that a few in the military can exercise abuse power?

You know the next time the military comes into power, you'd have fallen RIGHT into the hands of your enemy as they've been planning it across both of your borders. There are some people who learn the "hard way", and many generations pay the price due to the stupid decisions made by their previous generation!!

And democracy means responsibility, "liking" a leader is a LOT different than liking a "girl" in real life!! You "like" someone in a democracy because of what they can do for a country and a nation's growth. You as a voter needs to have sense. Majority of Pakistani's have built that sense, due to which, many "abusive talkers" are out of business in 75% of the Pakistan!!!! And going forward it will only get worst for them as they have no work to show!!

Where is the court case against IK? Why wasn't he prosecuted for treason on this basis?
Sheer hypocrisy.

Case against IK? LOL, you have to be BLIND to miss that case. The "second" most powerful party is nowhere to be found today in 75% of Pakistan. This is the case against IK that he has lost and THE PEOPLE have decided against him.

He continues down this path and he'll get 5% of the seats in the next election. At this point, he's not even existing in the political scene as a power broker. THAT is the case against him!!!! The voters threw him and his negative politics out of the door into a trash can.

That's the end of the case against IK. Listened, watched and decided upon, by the REAL judges and power owners of a country, the PEOPLE!!! And you can continue to lie, cry and give wrongful negative ratings because you have no legal proofs to show me how NS committed treason and you'd rather be a bully then leave the thread, OR, provide proofs and remain involved in a factual discussion in a civil manner.

This post deserves 10 more negative ratings from a TT who acts like a child and gives out negative ratings to show abuse of power over others, vs, debating with proofs, logic and facts!!

This forum really needs rules. Any TT if they give out more than 5 negative ratings, should be demoted!! We need more educated and professionals TT's, then people who gossip and give negative ratings for personal purposes!!
Ever seen NS's protocol in the US, Europe, etc? And an Army Chief's? If you find one, that would set your level straight in terms of an elected PM and a military chief.

So on the respect earned, NS doesn't get the support or Zardri doesn't get the support or IK won't??? Boy, you guys live in a world of delusion where 550K soldiers are the end of the world and should rule 200 million people of Pakistan, or a total fool who can't mange her personal life, should manage 10% of Pakistan!!!! That over glorification of the dictatorship for the past 70 years is "respect earned"??? By suppressing growth of an entire nation so that a few in the military can exercise abuse power?

You know the next time the military comes into power, you'd have fallen RIGHT into the hands of your enemy as they've been planning it across both of your borders. There are some people who learn the "hard way", and many generations pay the price due to the stupid decisions made by their previous generation!!

And democracy means responsibility, "liking" a leader is a LOT different than liking a "girl" in real life!! You "like" someone in a democracy because of what they can do for a country and a nation's growth. You as a voter needs to have sense. Majority of Pakistani's have built that sense, due to which, many "abusive talkers" are out of business in 75% of the Pakistan!!!! And going forward it will only get worst for them as they have no work to show!!

Hey calm down there yeah. Listen the protocol was given to him by Saudi govt and respect by local Pakistanis there !
What is your problem here ? I mean does it really concern you, Your are not even Pakistani ! we will show our love to whoever we like.

Regardless he is civilian or not ! who the hell are you to say anything to us. An American who will tell us what is best for 200 mn Pakistani now LMAO.

You see, as I said respect is earned not bought, so why do you think they were cheering for him ? because they like him simple as that. (for the work done) Who are you to suggest who they should like or not. This is the beauty of democracy every one has the right to dislike, criticize or like anyone in authority as it is their right as a Pakistani citizen

Hey calm down there yeah. Listen the protocol was given to him by Saudi govt and respect by local Pakistanis there !
What is your problem here ? I mean does it really concern you, Your are not even Pakistani ! we will show our love to whoever we like.

Regardless he is civilian or not ! who the hell are you to say anything to us. An American who will tell us what is best for 200 mn Pakistani now LMAO.

You see, as I said respect is earned not bought, so why do you think they were cheering for him ? because they like him simple as that. (for the work done) Who are you to suggest who they should like or not. This is the beauty of democracy every one has the right to dislike, criticize or like anyone in authority as it is their right as a Pakistani citizen

The same respect and protocol is given to Zardari, IK and NS. So what really is the big deal here? IK posted his pictures with people, people take NS's pictures, hell, people took Mushy's picture who's a chronic alcoholic like IK, when he went to the house of God. What's such a big deal about it???? In ALL these cases, all these "characters" were greeted by the Pakistani community. So you guys like show off I guess.

I am only trying to protect RS from becoming a controversial person. He's a great guy and isn't media happy or wants attention like others have in the history, like the dictators showing punches in the parliament till a few years ago (how low an it get). So don't over hype this guy. He's not the fame lover as you might think.

By the way, you keep saying "protocol is earned", when you learn anything about Geneva convention and international politics, you'll find out that all dignitaries visiting other countries get some protocol. So Gen. Raheel got it too, IK, Mushy, Zardari and NS all get that.

Sad fact is, "anti-protocol" people who used to bit*ch about NS, justified IK's protocol, justified Reham's abuse of Pakistani tax payer money by getting a CM level protocol, and the same elements are justifying RS's protocol. SAD and hypocrisy at its best!!
The same respect and protocol is given to Zardari, IK and NS. So what really is the big deal here? IK posted his pictures with people, people take NS's pictures, hell, people took Mushy's picture who's a chronic alcoholic like IK, when he went to the house of God. What's such a big deal about it???? In ALL these cases, all these "characters" were greeted by the Pakistani community. So you guys like show off I guess.

I am only trying to protect RS from becoming a controversial person. He's a great guy and isn't media happy or wants attention like others have in the history, like the dictators showing punches in the parliament till a few years ago (how low an it get). So don't over hype this guy. He's not the fame lover as you might think.

By the way, you keep saying "protocol is earned", when you learn anything about Geneva convention and international politics, you'll find out that all dignitaries visiting other countries get some protocol. So Gen. Raheel got it too, IK, Mushy, Zardari and NS all get that.

Sad fact is, "anti-protocol" people who used to bit*ch about NS, justified IK's protocol, justified Reham's abuse of Pakistani tax payer money by getting a CM level protocol, and the same elements are justifying RS's protocol. SAD and hypocrisy at its best!!

I said Respect not protocol that is earned ! dont twist my words.

I dont give a damn about IK or Ganja, did you find me talking about IK in any of my post, so dont brong him to justify your meaningless ego.

Why do you have to bring irrelevant stuff to your post ? Stick to the bloody topic ! Who are ypu to protect a Pakistani citizen and general from controversy? really, like this is such a lame remark i have heard from you.

I dont give a damn about IK so i could care less of his protocol or shit that dont concern me.

The men-in-uniform has earned his respect and therefore thast what we are witnessing.

Simple, No big demonstration no marketing campaign, just doing his job properly unlike other civilian bastards who are heading all other ministries under one bald head.

I never defended the IK's protocol or anyones for that matter, so dont give me the label of hypocrisy !

You as An American should be the last person talking about hypocrisy, dont make me remind you of the WMD drama on Iraq, then ill conceived interference in middle east in the name of non-existent freedom. How many Iraqis had to pay the lives for non-existent WMD in Iraq

It is our right to love whoever we like as a pakistani in Pakistani govt or military, You have no right or authority to suggest otherwise !
So you are saying that I should believe in the propaganda because many on here, are IK's people, and fund IK.

Blaming NS is not supporting IK and vice versa.

I want you to stay with Truth. Some times it's NS and some times it's IK who is right......

People of Pakistan support and cheer for RS for many reasons. If government take any step them those who got wise eyes can easily see which "Sharif" is behind this decision. We know NS (I am not IK supporter) & sadly I don't find any thing inside him to qualify him as a "Leader"..... he does have political power and money, but by such things he can get government, he cannot win hearts of common people. (Now don't ask me why people vote him)
You didn't give a Negative rating to the guy who called me "stupid-idiot", but you gave ME a negative rating when I responded to him???? That makes no sense. Protecting your buddy and political party brother, but giving the other party a negative rating is ALL you could do?

What can I say? You probably never set foot in Pakistan but are ready to defend a business man running the nation? You seem more and more like that PPP guy here posting pictures of some new building in Sindh.

How did the Military help Pakistan? Are you that fu<king stupid?

The greatest economic growth came from Military Dictators.

1/2 the country was lost by a civilian who couldn't bare losing the election.

Soldiers make less money a month than the civilian servants, do you know that?

Why should I respect some asshole? Who has more police officers protecting his peacocks?

The foreign reserves back in Musharraf's time were from actual trade not loans from the IMF.

Look at the loan history of Pakistan, tell me what was accomplished when a Civilian government took out Billions? Military governments took out less than 30% of what Civilian governments took out. Refute with facts.

As far as IK is concerned, he's a traitor in my eyes.
:yahoo: :rofl: :crazy: :omghaha: ANY LEGAL PROOFS for the bulleted accusations? Its a free world, you can say whatever you want. Key board warriors have no limits to lie!!

2: If NS is robbing the country, why is Gen. Raheel Sharif such a fan of his and is working very well with him???? If Mushy was here, he'd have tried his best to call NS a "traitor", "involved in anti-Pakistan activities", you know the usual speech people we hearing for the past 60 years, each time someone came in through votes and democratically???

3: Show me ONE proof of IK going with FIVE escort cars. I'll terminate my account from here permanently. Bull shiit has a limit and you and a few cross that and lie about everything so much that it's sad. And then you claim to be "religious" and use that card often. Does your God tell you to lie off your teeth so much and you'll be forgiven?? I thought lying in Islam was considered illegal, similar to the illicit acts of drinking Alcohol, having se*x before marriage and all? SO....you can use God as a reference when you want to, and lie the remainder of the time due to your personal hate???

Yea, double standard for yourself, for the guy and the party you like, and NO care for the country, it comes secondary in Pakistan, and people's own agenda's come first!!! VERY sad and the main reason why Pakistan's been so behind as honesty is a rare cow to find!!

If you look hard enough, you will see crumb trail of corruption NS left behind

Pakistan PM `made millions in UK'




A BRITISH family has become embroiled in the scandal surrounding the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, over multimillion-pound corruption allegations.
Inquiries by The Independent have established that bank accounts containing pounds 5m were set up in the names of three members of the family from Ilford, Essex. These deposits were used to raise millions of pounds in loans which, according to documents detailing Pakistan police inquiries, were channelled into Sharif family-owned businesses.

The documents, which were prepared for court actions five years ago against several members of the Sharif family, alleged that money was laundered through "fictitious bank accounts" and, using family business interests, was siphoned into offshore accounts.

The allegations against Mr Sharif, who has been Prime Minister for the past 18 months since taking over from Benizir Bhutto, who also faces corruption allegations, have resurfaced after the appearance in the West of a former senior Pakistan police officer, who is in hiding in London.

Rehman Malik, the former second-in-command of Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency - the Pakistani equivalent of the FBI in the United States - has produced an unofficial 200-page report on the agency's investigations into Sharif businesses.

The investigation into Mr Sharif and his family was originally commissioned in 1993 by an interim government, after Mr Sharif's dismissal as prime minister, which asked the agency to investigate 13 separate allegations of corruption and money laundering through overseas bank accounts.

Mr Malik, 46, was suspended from his post, charged with corruption and imprisoned without trial for a year.

The criminal charges against members of the Sharif family were dismissed in the Pakistan High Court after Nawaz Sharif returned to power 18 months ago.

The Sharif family is understood to control four luxury apartments in Park Lane, London, worth about pounds 3m. His son, currently studying at King's College London, is living in one of the properties.

The Independent has been told that bank accounts were set up in the names of three members of the Qazi family who were close friends of one of Mr Sharif's political allies - now a senior government figure.

The family claims that these accounts were set up - without their knowledge - with the assistance of this senior politician who had lived with them at their home while he was studied accountancy in Britain.

They claimed that the accounts were opened using copies of their passports, which they had given him to obtain Pakistani ID cards on their behalf. They said almost pounds 5m was then deposited.

They became aware of the accounts only when they received demands from various banks demanding repayments on loans totalling millions of pounds. They insist they have done nothing wrong.

Kashif Qazi, 29, one of four brothers, said last night: "We feel stupid. We feel totally raped by this man. We trusted him for 30 years. We have to clear our names. We have lost our reputation in the community."

Despite repeated requests from The Independent, London lawyers for Mr Sharif failed to give any response to the corruption allegations against the Prime Minister.

Pakistan PM `made millions in UK' | News | The Independent
Why do you have to bring irrelevant stuff to your post ? Stick to the bloody topic ! Who are ypu to protect a Pakistani citizen and general from controversy? really, like this is such a lame remark i have heard from you.

The day Pakistanis can rise above themselves and actually stand for their country like the Indians do, you'll be an unbeatable nation. Till then, your enemies will divide and conquer you from within and with outside help. These articles here, and many more using Rs vs. NS comparisons (essentially dividing the system), is a new Indian strategy created by some seriously smart people in India, just a few weeks ago and discussed in New Delhi recently.

I am adding you to another post. Please read and understand the reasoning behind my posts here. And get ready for a barrage of Indian sponsored campaign to divide the Pakistani system based on this same notion of "my guys above the country". Your enemies will ALWAYS take advantage of the individualism and your divide. Check out the other thread I am tagging you in.

There is only one idiot here, and that's the person I am addressing right now. If you are 16 and don't have have high school political science down, why post to show your stupid imagination to us?

You have both the American flags....do you really think any president, even in the US, is THAT immune to prosecution, even at the level of treason and "robbing" a country like the poster I responded to, was accusing NS of "robbing" Pakistan? That's treason. TRUST me, if that was true, the military would've intervened long time ago. So think before you write stupidity. Second, if someone can give real "proofs" of "robbing Pakistan" by the ruling party, the Supreme Court has ALL the legal authority to ask the Parliament to "impeach" the Premier and / OR / SC can take action, as serious as taking down NS!!!

If you don't know how the law and constitutions work, why the fukk stick your neck and write an internet warrior kiddy post, effing up such a serious argument?? Go get a Degree in Law or in Political Science at the least, and come back here to talk about how "governments and the legal systems work". Till then, check out new pictures of the F-16's or the JFT on some thread on here. You aren't qualified to post to this thread, to be frank with you.

Last, so if Pakistan's politicians don't care about Pakistan....who does??? The military has ruled Pakistan for 60 years, without making ANY progress for the average Pakistani, without creating more jobs, planning to handle the growing population, planning to control the electricity, water, hospitals, education, infrastructure......so its pretty clear that the dictators didn't care about Pakistan, even with ruling it for 60 years....and per YOU, the politicians don't care either, then who does??? Entertain me with your lack of smart as* logic!!!??

By the way, the things the military didn't do in their 60 years of rule, are the things the current government has been doing in less then three years. These people running Pakistan right now, have done MORE work, than what the military and other didn't do in the past 60+ years!!!

People have the SAME reaction to seeing NS, IK, Mushy or others. We've clearly seen all those videos. So the question is, why glorify RS to make political points? I personally like him, a great general and a great person. He's not the type who wants attention and fame. This isn't IK's fake media political campaign. This is a Man of Honor. He has earned respect everywhere. He doesn't need to be politicized by people who hate NS due to IK, or who want the military in power, both of these people are the same people who tried to cause such a big deal in the country at the time of sit ins.

So let these two faced people NOT politicize this man of honor and integrity!!

P.R.O.O.F.S????? NS is corrupt, "robbing the country", aka, treason, rigging , kick backs, etc,etc. We heard the broken record being played for two years now!!!! Without ONE fukking proof!!! Time to change the IK anthem to something else may be???? Something like "I am IK and I will NOW start to work for the people, so I may get their votes again" and a sorry for lying??? He won't do that. People like these, lie ALL their lives to cover for previous lying!!

Precisely my point!!!! This is the same exaggeration that Indians do to Modi. The difference is, RS is actually a MUCH better and respectable person then Modi. So why over-glorify him, and put a question mark on him through this fake publicity, when everyone already likes him and he has extreme integirty???

Hurting what?? and who? You totally missed the point. I am personally a big fan of RS. I don't know how many of you currently or "ex" Pak military have met him to shake his hand and get a medal for 30 seconds. But I've talked to the guy many times. And I know his character and he's the opposite of Mushy and many previous dictators wanting power and fame. This guys a real soldier, black and white. His heart and background is filled with honor by serving his country.This guy's the BEST COAS Pakistan could ever get, period.

By writing these stupid posts and fake marketing propaganda on here and on other places, you are making his image questionable too. Everyone gets a protocol in KSA if you are a visiting dignitary, every Pakistani leaders will have people take pictures. So why over glorify him? And even all this on an event when he's visiting the house of God????

Think about the point I am trying to make. I am sure you'll get it, whether you want to show or hide your sense, its a different story.

So this is the "real honest brave man" inside of you? You gave me a negative rating instead of giving me facts of your argument. And then deleted that post all together as you knew the rating was being given unnecessarily??? But you knew deleting your post would hide the fact that rating was given totally unnecessarily, but the negative rating would still stay on my profile / signatures??? I'd totally expect that from people like you, who lie about stuff to score political points, and NEVER have proofs. They can't face the reality so hide facts and hit from behind like you did. Instead of continuing on with the discussions based on facts if you had any.

@Irfan Baloch @Slav Defence @WebMaster : I was given a -ve rating from the user above. He then deleted his post but the rating stayed. This is sheer abuse of Think Tank power. You guys should find better TT's. Please reverse the rating. Thank you!!
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