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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Pentagon Press Secretary US Air Force General Patrick Ryder:“US military bases located in Iraq and Syria have been hit by resistance forces 27 times since October 17.”
I condemn every aggression against civilians, unlike you.
You're not answering the question. Do you condemn the genocidal statements and actions of the Israeli govt ? How can you support anything the Israeli govt is doing if its openly saying it wants to commit genocide ? And is doing so? If you were actually what you say you are, you'd adopt a neutral stance against Israeli government and Hamas.
And that was something smart to say, it was expected.

Nobody will beg you for anything, you are cucked efficiently by west and it will remain like that for who knows how long, probably forever, some others will fight for muslim causes until end of the times.

No, with or without pressure from the west, most Turks are against a military adventure outside our borders.

And I think most wannabe jihadists are cowards otherwise they would be fighting in Gaza not posting 30.000 messages on PDF.
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I condemn every aggression against civilians, unlike you. I am a person with a big heart. Don't forget, I have nothing against Palestinians, and I have repeatedly expressed that they deserve peace.

Furthermore, I have stated that I wish for a day when Israelis and Palestinians can live together in peace and harmony. Unlike you, who constantly supports terrorism and enthusiastically celebrates when news reports a large number of Israelis killed, as if it were a basketball game.

That's the difference between you and me. Don't forget that!
Hey, you could say that 25 years ago before creating Hamas. They did the biggest concentration camp in the history, they made paradisiac neighborhoods just few hundreds of meters of that concentration camp, while in the West camp, settlers were human hunting. Years before. YEARS!!!!!
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If they're admitting 15 militia members killed, then the real figure must be much higher than that. Israelis are known for hiding their casualties.

The sheer insanity of these people is nothing short of amazing. Many studies were done on the MKUltra brainwashing program, but I posit that in the not so distant future, there will be commentary on the extensive nature of zionist brainwashing, which is just as powerful albeit subtle.

These people genuinely believe they are victims. They ghettoize the natives, cut off their water supply, brutalize them, bomb them to oblivion, and yet cry as if the Holocaust is happening when a handful (I believe casualties are around 1,000+ for the Lie-DF but they aren't being transparent) of their occupiers are shot to pieces by resistance fighters. I would certainly consider it a cynical sleight of hand if done by someone like Netanyahu or Ariel Sharon, but when Knesset members and laypeople bawl over this it really shows me how insane the true believers of Zionism are. And this is precisely why they are so dangerous; they live in an alternate reality and have the power to inflict significant pain around them.

All day I have been seeing videos of skillful ambushes the likes of which have not been seen since the days of Vo Nguyen Giap, so imaginably the toll on the Lie-DF is far higher than we are led to believe. It's important to grasp how crucial the myth of military invincibility is for Isra"el"'s glorified time-share program called birthright. This war has thoroughly violated and defiled the IOF, like the combat virgins they are, revealing it to be an occupying bully force the likes of the Dirlewanger regiment, rather than a competent and skilled force.
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You're not answering the question. Do you condemn the genocidal statements and actions of the Israeli govt ? How can you support anything the Israeli govt is doing if its openly saying it wants to commit genocide ? And is doing so? If you were actually what you say you are, you'd adopt a neutral stance against Israeli government and Hamas.
Do you condemn Hamas for killing and raping innocent people including kids and babies?
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No, with or without pressure from the west, most Turks are against a military adventure outside our borders.

And I think most wannabe jihadists are cowards otherwise they would be fighting in Gaza not posting 30.000 messages on PDF.
We know, why are you bitching then?

Probably you do not type from Candil mountains, it is stupid assesment

Mehmed the conqueror's sword took Constantinople not some hadith.

Please. The Donme Jews have fried your brains with their secularization of Turkish history.

For those who don’t know. The Dönme were a group of Sabbatean crypto-Jews in the Ottoman Empire who converted outwardly to Islam, but retained their Jewish faith and Kabbalistic beliefs in secret.

Here’s a news report about the conquest of Constantinople from a Turkish newspaper.


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