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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

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Ya, many of the generals here are sold out to the US and sisi is a fag.

but you got to understand our situation, basically Egypt is in the center of Middle East conflicts, we have libyan civil war on our west , sudanese civil war on our south and palestine with zionists on our east.

even with the most corrupt leaders , do you think we will wait to die or not do anything?

Are you Egyptian?
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What is the meaning of this word?
I went to Istanbul long time ago and came across a bad Turk who was a pimp. He was trying to give me cheap dirty Russian girls, sexy white girls and expensive but clean Turkish girls, that's when the word Basturk: a bastard Turk.
The Israel Defense Forces have published footage of captured weapons from the Palestinian group Hamas. The video contains many weapons from all over the world, including RPG-7 and their Chinese counterparts Type 69, Italian TS6 anti-tank mines, Al-Yassin anti-tank grenades, MANPADS and other weapons. Apparently, weapons reached Hamas through all possible channels from many countries around the world.

Israeli Saar 6 class corvettes attacked the Gaza Strip. Israel began using the latest Sa'ar 6 class corvettes to fire at Hamas positions on the coast of the Gaza Strip. For shelling, corvettes use mainly 76 mm Oto Melara naval artillery guns, made in Italy. Saar 6 class corvettes have fairly powerful anti-aircraft and anti-missile weapons for a ship of this size. The ships are based on the German K130 Braunschweig class corvettes. There are currently 3 ships of this project in service. The Saar 6 class corvette costs about $550 million.

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Seriously? That Pol Pot guy murdered all the "collaborators " he could get hold of and sent them to mass graves. There is no misunderstanding. Seems like you have a convenient memory.
Millions were killed in China's Cultural Revolution and Indonesian genocide too. It is hard to connect events that happened all over east and Southeast Asia to Vietnam war. There were genocides whenever communists took over and came to power by force. This is as old as Lenin and Stalin.

Millions were killed in China's Cultural Revolution and Indonesian genocide too. It is hard to connect events that happened all over east and Southeast Asia to Vietnam war. There were genocides whenever communists took over and came to power by force. This is as old as Lenin and Stalin.
Allah has certainly heard the statement of those [Jews] who said, "Indeed, Allah is poor, while we are rich." We will record what they said and their killing of the prophets without right and will say, "Taste the punishment of the Burning Fire.

Millions were killed in China's Cultural Revolution and Indonesian genocide too. It is hard to connect events that happened all over east and Southeast Asia to Vietnam war. There were genocides whenever communists took over and came to power by force. This is as old as Lenin and Stalin.
I went to Istanbul long time ago and came across a bad Turk who was a pimp. He was trying to give me cheap dirty Russian girls, sexy white girls and expensive but clean Turkish girls, that's when the word Basturk: a bastard Turk.
I didn't ask about your wet dreams, I just asked to write down exactly what the word you used means. Istanbul is a city of 16 million people, 70 nationalities. You can encounter all kinds of filth. But you can also find some of the most wonderful people you will ever meet in your life. So everyone can find what they are looking for, if you are a shit you will find shit, if you are a person with self-esteem you will find people like you. As yo write you have been to Istanbul once in your life, and while your experience during that time gives an idea about your life and ideals, I think it would be more moral to question your own life instead of insulting a nation based on isolated incidents.

So, Don't act like a cunt, if you are a super racist asshole just like the Zionist Nazis you should write about it openly without word games, if you can't, you are putting yourself in an even more pathetic position than the Zionist racist assholes.
Yes it is because you basturks got defeated and abandoned Palestine, no go and do what your obligation is and stop twisting and forgetting history.

Because of traitor Arabs during WW1

Arabs including Palestinians were allies with the British to fight against the TURKS ( Ottoman Empire )

and now British supports Israel to kill Arabs in GAZA-Palestine
enjoy with your MASTER ( British )

after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire
USA,The UK,France,Israel,Russia killed millions of Arabs in Algeria , Iraq , Syria , Libya , Palestine , etc

We TURKS are not stupid to fight Israel for traitor Arabs
Their MASTER USA and The UK should save Palestine from Israel

that's when the word Basturk: a bastard Turk.

shut up and go to fight Israel you ugly smelly bastard
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