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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Unfortunately, Palestine will suffer the consequences of Iran's selfish ambitions

Iran is playing dirty game to use HAMAS as a proxy for destroying normalization steps in relations between Turkiye and Israel ....... between Israel and S.Arabia ,The UAE

What about Egypt , S.Arabia , The UAE , Jordan , Bahreyn , Morrocco , Algeria and other Arab Countries ?

They only watching on TV how Israel killing Arabs in Palestine

That's a reality that it will sabotage normalization steps but it will also open eyes and re-realize everyone what Israel is. Israel has no interest in well being of Muslims and Arabs, They only want to ensure their path towards Greater Israel. How to stop them? That's a different question and a very important one.
And Hamas's ambitions are obviously different in nature. They're fighting for now. There is no Palestinian state and Gaza is under a permanent blockade. In order to have any long term goals.

I would not say this is irrational. It's entirely rational and justified. Of course it's shook the region. But does not make it irrational.

It's rational as long as the risk involved for Gaza does not exceed a certain existential threshold. Hence why I don't think the Resistance is helpless, and there must be reasons it does not think it is, which may or may not include certainty that it will be able to rely on support from outside if and when indispensable.
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What did Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the rest of the USA-allied Arab governments and Turkey undertake in comparison? That is not shameful?
Egypt has peace deal with Israel after Israel returned them Sinnai
What Arab Govts can do?
Send their Conventional military towards Israel?
that will be utter devastation for them b/c that will directly involve US
And no country on Earth can win against US in Conventional war.
So Palestinian best hope is Hezbollah that can somehow divert Israeli attention away from Gaza.
Hezbollah needs to get involved in a big way and not let this opportunity lost. I don't know why you talk like Gaza is okay on its own. It's not and can't sustain this much more. And shouldn't have to bear brute of whole Israeli fire power alone over and over again.
But Israel military is a diaper army.
Those with weak imaan get discouraged by the number of martyrs.
The brave people of Gaza were already living in an open air prison with horrible living conditions and getting bombed by Israel frequently. Their land was shrinking continuously and Israelis were massacring our brothers non stop. This year before this war was the bloodiest year for our brothers in West Bank. Arabs and other Muslims countries were ready to recognize Israel and kill the Palestinian cause.
For Muslims this world is a prison. Real life begins once we leave this world. The people of Palestine were already facing such condition in which they had nothing left to lose. But the mujahideen of Palestine fought even if everyone gets martyred they still fought. They have strong imaan. They know they won’t lose. Either they become shaheed or ghazi. In both ways they’ll be winners. We are promised victory. Allah is on our side. Eventually we will free Al Aqsa from the hands of Zionists. Who wouldn’t want to get martyred in this blessed cause? Our brothers and sisters who are martyred in Gaza by Zionists forces, they are shaheed. They will enjoy the rewards of heaven. The real life has just started for them. Every true Muslim yearns for martyrdom. Just remain steadfast on your cause and the help of Allah will come.

He will also give you another favour that you long for: help from Allah and an imminent victory. So give good news O Prophet to the believers

-Quran 61:13
The problem with Muslims is that they are very short-sighted.
Holy city was taken back from Muslims earlier also but they stepped back prepared well and then re-conquered it.
Palestinians should have accepted two state solution earlier.Should have prepared well not by establishing Hamas org but a strong conventional military and then should have captured back its lost territories.

Similar to what sikhs did in Punjab.Afghans literally did Holocausts against them, destroyed their Golden Temple
they went back to mountains regathered their strength and came back.They defeated Afghans amd rebuilt their Golden Temple and moreover built their empire in Punjab.

Survival of nation is the key.Accept what you can take at certain moment, regain your strength and then take back what actually belongs to you.
Biggest is Pakistan
You can better book your flight for Gaza.
Iranians acted like a catalyst for Palestinian genocide Better they deal with it
Your types never called Iranians pus*y when they veto-ed our Kashmir Resolution in OIC.
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I think a lot of what you say makes sense, but building a multi-layered AD network takes time and even that is not impenetrable. We are talking about an enemy with hundreds of F-35 fighter jets and whose entire military doctrine relies on air superiority. They will find ways to degrade and destroy any AD network near them. So if you say the aerial costs should be higher, yes, but if you say nothing should be done until 'air cover' is established, that is not realistic in my view.

This should have been done before I think considering this type of future situation. Some air cover is possibly already established in Syria. the sam network in Labennon and Syria should be dense enough to keep israeli af casualties. When the ad sites are taken out the channel to transfer new sams should be established as well. Somewhat like Ukranian air defense network continiously supplied by west Iran has to establish the network to transfer a/d equipment to Syria. At least not S300 like systems can be transferred continiously but hybrid high altitude light weight systems similar to Pantsyr can be transferred continiously through borders with Iraq or air cargo. Syria and Iran has some defense pact it can be done according to this agreement and some can be transferred to Labennon continiously. Also unlike Ukraine Israels air bases are scattered around a small area that can be hit by precise tactical bms that would be another advantage to raise the threat level and make them accept ceasefire.
Cham Albanians.
Cham Albanians collaborated with the Germans and Italians during the occupation,in WWII. They looted,pillaged,abused people and when the Italians and Germans left,Zervas kicked them out. They weren't exterminated or anything. Now,some descendants demand their "properties" back...with vague claims and fake history.
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This should have been done before I think considering this type of future situation. Some air cover is possibly already established in Syria. the sam network in Labennon and Syria should be dense enough to keep israeli af casualties. When the ad sites are taken out the channel to transfer new sams should be established as well. Somewhat like Ukranian air defense network continiously supplied by west Iran has to establish the network to transfer a/d equipment to Syria. At least not S300 like systems can be transferred continiously but hybrid high altitude light weight systems similar to Pantsyr can be transferred continiously through borders with Iraq or air cargo. Syria and Iran has some defense pact it can be done according to this agreement and some can be transferred to Labennon continiously. Also unlike Ukraine Israels air bases are scattered around a small area that can be hit by precise tactical bms that would be another advantage to raise the threat level and make them accept ceasefire.
Light and medium AD systems are possible but these will not be effective against F-35Is close to Israeli borders. They could, however, neutralise the role of Israeli helicopters and drones, but only until Israeli conducts a SEAD/DEAD campaign against the AD systems.
Number of Murdered peace festival goers are numbering 250+ now.

Yet here we have propaganda that “Hamas treats civilians well” and that it is “a few incidents”.
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