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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Didn't I tell you that they would bomb the entire Gaza to pieces after what Hamas did?

But you were cheering. When some people here were saying "this will be bad for the Palestinians",you ignored us and celebrated,you were so happy,you acted as if you won some war. But the rest of us knew how the Israelis would reply.

Now you're saying "Jews killed more than 200 kids and women in these 3 days".

What did you expect? You knew how yahood react.

Most of us knew.
Ashkelon on fire.
A Muslim fighter from the Armed Forces of Ukraine harshly criticized the Ukrainian authorities for supporting #Israel:

We are near Bahmut, this is occupied land. #Ukraine is fighting to take it back. Just like now, #Palestinians want to reclaim their legally occupied lands.

The Ukrainian government supported Israel by labeling them as extremists and terrorists.

Now, if a country supports Russia and says, "Ukraine is the terrorist, Russia is right," what will happen? Why do you say Palestinians are terrorists?

If Palestinians are terrorists, then Ukrainians trying to reclaim their lands are also terrorists.

Yeah. Where is Maryam and Whiskey? Oh wait, they can't criticise because pedo Biden would not allow them.

Almost all political parties in Pakistan have condemned the brutal attacks by Israel on innocent helpless Palestinians.

The interim government has called for an end to escalation and underlined the core issue of the conflict. Last Pakistani government even strayed from the founding fathers opinion on Israel and called for 2 state solution with pre 67 borders. Jinnah outright rejected Israel as he considered its formation as illegitimate from nation state polity.
Yeah yeah yeah, spare me the keyboard warrior machismo crapezo. You've had a bug up your nose about Sisi since I joined this forum 7 years ago and you're perfectly entitled to your disgruntled opinion. I really don't care, I'm just glad that you're in no position to make such decisions at any level under any circumstances since you're clearly not able to understand the implications and complexity of the circumstances at hand.

That guy is a pakjeet and doesn’t represent the majority sentiments of this forum.

The way you can spot a pakjeet or a faujeet is extensive swings at other people, that are unsubstantiated, but also ride foriegn histories and larp as foreign historical figures.

They tend to have an inferiority complex.

Nevertheless the developments from Egypt is surprising and unexpected
Dude, I couldn't give a flying f*** about Egypt or Sisi...and you've clearly mistaken me for someone else...I wasn't even on this forum 7 years ago!! lol :)

I must've had you confused with someone else I guess, my bad on that.

I don't even know what the hell I said that triggered your disgruntled response in the first place? You quoted something I said that had no bearing on you whatsoever.
Turkish President Erdogan:

Look, there are more than 20 American bases in Syria. What are American bases doing in Syria? What is being done with these bases? 23 bases. Shouldn't all this be evaluated?

But the US shoots down a Turkish UCAV. While the US shoots down a UCAV, isn't Türkiye a partner of the US in NATO? How do we explain this?

When it suits them, we are partners; when it suits them, the US supports, trains and equips all terrorist organizations.

Then, unfortunately, they turn Syria and the Middle East into a bloodbath. Let's see these too.

ISIL had overrun Kurd dominated areas of Syria and US had no choice but to work with SDF to defeat these elements. People do not understand how difficult this mission was.

Assad regime created this problem by sheltering terrorists to damage Iraq, but nobody questions Assad regime today. What kind of world WE live in. These terrorists were loyal to nobody but themselves and decided to create their own kingdom in the region by grabbing lands from Iraqi and Syrians.

SDF is composed of several groups including PKK - Turkey is understandably upset. US and Turkey should come up with a solution to address this problem. Turkey should provide fighters to replace PKK in SDF. Perhaps this arrangement can work.
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