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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively, typically one below the other.

To be fair..i knew about turkey (though heavily motivated at the time with geopolitical reasons), and they fought well in korea.
And I am sure there is also a UN mission in africa somewhere where a dozen pakistanis or bangladeshis are walking around.

So yes…there are some examples…but they are very sparse.
you asked for one, point is that where is just cause muslims will participate one way or another, on the other hand west had only few examples of such and has strong bias towards muslim state actors in general, so you should look in reversed direction.
Haha you know when you can’t get an upper hand in an argument, personal attacks shows the desperation.
When a person starts making childish arguments and quoting YouTube videos as a proof of statistics then you have to question his education. It isn’t out of context but very relevant in your case.
Writing Ahhhs and Oooohs wouldn’t change the fact that you tried to misquote my statement to buttress your bias.
def the music festival girl who’s still eating your heart away
Probably that is playing more in your mind and you are trying to presume so for others too.

Please rise above these fantasies and try to understand the sadness and suffering in the conflict in the “REGION”.
I'm hoping that after all this that they are able to return back and rebuild with the Arab League pledging support. Realistically, authority if given would be given to the Palestinian Authority (Abbas). That would be the best case scenario considering the circumstances, prevent radicalization perhaps in the future. I don't think Israel can stay in Gaza indefinitely either, too costly and bigger fish to fry.
I don't know if there even an "After this" to be honest.

There are plan for Israeli parliament to expand their military size 3 folds and extend the conscription period. If you think we don't want 9/11 to ever happen again, they are even more serious on this matter. They are looking for a force that is bigger than all the Muslim world combine. Whether they can do it is another matter.
They are going to see worse, that's the problem, but then it's not Hamas that is going to suffer, it's going to be everyday Gazan, Palestinian.

The Israeli equate this to their own 9/11, some even goes further and said this is 9/11, Pearl Harbor put into one. They now only have revenge in their mind, and I know for a fact, because I was part of it, after 9/11, we went in there and fu.k shit up, kicking cans and blowing shit up, But we still have ROE we need to follow, they don't have ROE in Israeli, this is going to be a revenge ops, the Israeli are massing 300,000+ troop for mass casualty. And sad thing is, it's not really Hamas they are after, they are there going after everyone. And the world will let them do it, and that's the possibly the saddest thing.

On the other hand, in the long term, the 2 states solution is gone, there are no way Israel would accept any 2 state solutions after this, well, to be fair, 2 states solution exist in name only even before the attack, this attack has written the death certificate of any probability that Israel is going to agree with 2 states. Which mean the only way now for Palestinian can declare independence is basically eliminate Israel and the west that is backing the Israeli........
I have been reading on the two state solution

Read that Hamas in their 2017 charter, refused to recognize Israel's existence. The 2 state solution, goes out of the window right there.

It is sad that the innocents, will now pay the price. Both Hezbollah and Iran have backed off already, saying they have nothing to do with this and have no part in it.

So in the end, there will be just lip service from other Arab nations whereas Israel will go to town on Gaza.
124 Israeli soldiers confirmed killed as per IDF
I have been reading on the two state solution

Read that Hamas in their 2017 charter, refused to recognize Israel's existence. The 2 state solution, goes out of the window right there.

It is sad that the innocents, will now pay the price. Both Hezbollah and Iran have backed off already, saying they have nothing to do with this and have no part in it.

So in the end, there will be just lip service from other Arab nations whereas Israel will go to town on Gaza.
Yeah, that's why i said it was in name only even before the attack. There are always no 2 states solution probably longer than 2017 or Gaza elected Hamas.

This changes nothing to the Palestinian or Arab nation, but changes a lot in Israeli, they can literally now say they need to prepare for an annihilation event as either them or the Palestinian and 2 states solution don't work, there are already talks in Israeli parliament to triple the defensive budget and their force and they are literally doing a Poland after Ukraine if you know what I mean.
So it was not a case of false intel or mistaken identity. Israelis bombed US ship deliberately

Thanks for admitting it
You brought this up again so I checked more sources to understand the picture. US did not give Israel permission to attack USS Liberty. Israel rather figured out that USS Liberty is up to something and took action. But Israel came to its senses soon with damage control and had been very accommodating to American interests in the region in subsequent years. US dropped the issue in exchange. This is the picture.

Classic case of a smaller country looking up to bigger country to meet its needs and extract something from it.

Pakistan had been very accommodating to Chinese interests in the region as well. From accepting Chinese border re-arrangement to CPEC.

Similar story - similar concerns - different faces. Survival strategy.
I don't know if there even an "After this" to be honest.

There are plan for Israeli parliament to expand their military size 3 folds and extend the conscription period. If you think we don't want 9/11 to ever happen again, they are even more serious on this matter. They are looking for a force that is bigger than all the Muslim world combine. Whether they can do it is another matter.
millions of settlers on move already, they do not have endless human base for that, ok they can pull out total mobilization but at what cost in general, here in link is sensible overview from former high ranking officer with rational approach beside bloodthirsty mood of israel public.

When a person starts making childish arguments and quoting YouTube videos as a proof of statistics then you have to question his education. It isn’t out of context but very relevant in your case.

Writing Ahhhs and Oooohs wouldn’t change the fact that you tried to misquote my statement to buttress your bias.

Probably that is playing more in your mind and you are trying to presume so for others too.

Please rise above these fantasies and try to understand the sadness and suffering in the conflict in the “REGION”.

Why don’t you take a minute off your growling here to watch in that TCAP and point out how many Indians vs Pakistanis you see? Afraid it may confirm that fear?

Do quote where you mentioned by name Palestine and their suffering vs I quoted you enf on your heart break already.

Scum like you believe they are always one step ahead. Wasn’t the case with the predators, women recording their harassments, police interviews, and neither here with your sudden “change of heart” to include region and slip a little decency. No Saar, you are scum that delivered their bleeding heart’s desire.
Just like I predicted from day one. Bloodbath. It will be interesting if this turns into a two front war. That is when things will get seriously interesting.
It’s going to be interesting how neighboring countries will react considering this will be the first time. No doubt their leaders are sweating at the thought of their pissed citizens protesting across the cities and the risk of this spilling over.

This may be the reason why Bin Salman cancelled his peace deals with Israel recently out of fear of having a backlash in his country.
I wouldn't be surprised if both Saudi Arabia ( recognition of Israel) and Iran ( nuclear deal) use the crisis to extract favorable terms from the US on their deals and the people of Gaza are hung out to dry.
Abu Marzook, one of Hamas leaders, said, "We have achieved our goal, we are ready for dialogue."

Was your goal to wipe Palestine off the map, son of a bitch!
Yeah, that's why i said it was in name only even after the attack. There are always no 2 states solution probably longer than 2017 or Gaza elected Hamas.

This changes nothing to the Palestinian or Arab nation, but changes a lot in Israeli, they can literally now say they need to prepare for an annihilation event as either them or the Palestinian and 2 states solution don't work, there are already talks in Israeli parliament to triple the defensive budget and their force and they are literally doing a Poland after Ukraine if you know what I mean.
By the way I read your post about the hostages

I agree as on a program locally, someone was saying same. Conditions right now will mean that, they are effectively dead anyways. So don't think Israel will stop for them

I heard about Dresden bombing for the first time, and the retired general was pointing towards some similar action. The tunnels he says, towards Israel or Egypt that Hamas uses might be a good reason to cook them live. He says that most of these open into, Schools and Mosques and Hospitals or Banks to give them civilian cover. (Guess the small geography makes it necessary, but its cruel to have human shields still). He mentioned this is one of the reason, IDF is bombing so many buildings.

Whatever this is, will change the face of that region for long time to come, but also leave a trail of human misery that world will remember.
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