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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Let me clarify something here, I have sympathies for Palestinian cause. They have been suffering endlessly, and they like any human have full rights to live with dignity and have freedom. No human should be facing such situations, and its wrong. There is no ifs and buts there for me.

You would notice that my country, for long long time never openly supported Israel. As a country who was under Colonial rule, and has faced external invasions its but clear what the Palestinians are suffering mentally and physically for me as a Indian.

What I have been pointing out here, is that this action by Hamas is not well thought out on a end game level. Something @jhungary has written well, since he seems to have a better military knowledge compared to me as a civilian.

Yes they have done a brilliant tactical action, and caught Israel's with their pants down literally. This attack will be resulting in discussions in every intelligence and military outfit of Israel, for decades to come.

Wonderful but now what? As expected the West is on Israeli side, and Iran and one or two other Middle Eastern nations on Palestinian side.

Its possible Chinese and Russians will try to appear neutral, but make sure any actions which give advantage to Israel are negated at UN level. I think it already happened, in the UNSC meeting.

The West however will not care for any UN resolution, and go in full to support Israel as is happening as well.

The few Middle Eastern nations actually supporting Palestine, have always supported them. The rest who were moving towards rapprochement with Israel, will now stop fearing internal reprisals against rulers. However will they do anything more than lip service? Has Hamas gained new supporters, other than adrenaline drunk people on social media, who sit safe and got nothing to lose on personal level?

This is all at a geopolitical level, where Israel now has full support from those who matter. What did Hamas achieve here, other than social media following (which is so short-term as people shift to next big thing within days if not weeks)?

On a tactical or military level, they (Israel's) are now on backfoot. I am a civilian but do listen to military experts, who are coming onto youtube more and more these days. From what I hear, their situation is similar to what happened in Yom Kippur war where they got surprised with attacks on two fronts. The end result was a stalemate, but over time they actually gained more land using strong arm tactics and other means.

Currently they need to secure their people, who have been taken prisoners. It will be political suicide for Bibi, if he messes anything on this front. So they are on backfoot here too, but for how long? Once they go all out, does Hamas have the means to fight conventionally against IDF? Let us say they do, but can they overrun Israeli's? Or can only defend themselves? Either way, the war is not going to be a short one right?

So even on the military level, other than giving Israel a blood bath -- they haven't thought of any proper endgame no?

A community that has already been suffering badly, will see even worse conditions won't they?

This is my point of view, and I fully stand with Palestinians in their struggle for better life. However I don't stand for massacre of Civilians, by organizations like Hamas who actually hurt the people of Palestine more than they benefit them. You or anyone can totally disagree with me, as its your right.
They are going to see worse, that's the problem, but then it's not Hamas that is going to suffer, it's going to be everyday Gazan, Palestinian.

The Israeli equate this to their own 9/11, some even goes further and said this is 9/11, Pearl Harbor put into one. They now only have revenge in their mind, and I know for a fact, because I was part of it, after 9/11, we went in there and fu.k shit up, kicking cans and blowing shit up, But we still have ROE we need to follow, they don't have ROE in Israeli, this is going to be a revenge ops, the Israeli are massing 300,000+ troop for mass casualty. And sad thing is, it's not really Hamas they are after, they are there going after everyone. And the world will let them do it, and that's the possibly the saddest thing.

On the other hand, in the long term, the 2 states solution is gone, there are no way Israel would accept any 2 state solutions after this, well, to be fair, 2 states solution exist in name only even before the attack, this attack has written the death certificate of any probability that Israel is going to agree with 2 states. Which mean the only way now for Palestinian can declare independence is basically eliminate Israel and the west that is backing the Israeli........
Pakistan had a disaster in the form of 1971 before nukes. Something that could have been avoided if handled better. At least 16 December 1971 wouldn't have happened

Also failed to take whole of Kashmir. Didn't even attack Kashmir in 62 just to please USA

Pakistanis are shameless bunch of mofos. And I am saying this as a Pakistani myself
Bad leadership, yes, has always plagued Pakistan, which continues today as well.

Your self loathing is exactly what your opponents want you to feel even if it’s justified in current events. Carry on if you must call your existence unfortunate.
Just like I predicted from day one. Bloodbath. It will be interesting if this turns into a two front war. That is when things will get seriously interesting.
I don't think there will be a two fronts war. If they ever are, it would not be at least after a few months.

This attack shock everyone, Hezbollah included. Which mean they aren't prepared for a war with Israeli now, they can try to muster whatever they have to try to disrupt the north, but this is not going to be enough as they need months to train fighter and stash arms.

And if there is a two fronts war, I would think US and NATO will get involved at least with air campaign. That's why they sent a CBG over to the area.
plenty during collonial era, read forgotten heroes of ww2
I asked for list of muslim countries.

Not colonial regiments ordered to act by british/french government…
True. Liberals tend to forget no one gave Pakistan nukes. They made themselves and cheated the world community until 1999. Im proud of my country.

It’s a matter of another event like feb 2019 and all the hate against “Napak” army will melt away. The hate that should be towards the corrupt leadership only.
If US greenlights such a act of genocide, then we can expect God to blast USA out of existence.

That's horrific. Gaza is a tiny besieged strip of land. US enabling that is genocidal and horrific.
Well, Biden, whose I think is the least that can stand on Beny Netanyahu, has literally gave him a carte blanche with that televised interview he did 2 days ago.

This is going to go ahead, I mean, there aren't really any doubt since Saturday.

Russia mostly flattens cities with artillery. The amount of bombs used so far pales in conparison.

Wake me up when 90% of gaza is completely destroyed.
Well, 3 days and about 2400 sorties already, that's more than the entire year of Ukraine. And Gaza is not really that big, 2400 sorties in 4 days is a lot.....
300,000 reservist, with another 100,000 regular and security force, Beny is serious this time, looks like this is going to end up in a giant blood bath they are accepting 10-20k Israeli dead and up to 300,000 Gazan casualty........sad day for everyone not involved.
You think they could really ignore all diplomatic pressure?

Second intifada operations stopped after 3000 dead Palestinians. despite many dead israeli civilians fue to terrorist attacks.

Hezbollah 2006 war stopped with few thousand dead lebanese as well.

As soon as the death toll of palestinians rises to 1:2 ratio, more and more western calls will come that its “not proportional” and there should be “truce/peace”.
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I asked for list of muslim countries.

Not colonial regiments ordered to act by british/french government…
turkey in korea?
Other than PDF, your bookmark, you may go ahead and search google, the unbiased source for the many Indian perverts and their stories. TCAP, tiktoks, YouTube, you name it. Or perhaps you may actually see what you fear?
Are you really in the US? Because a person with any decent knowledge and education knows how these things work and wouldn’t base his/her argument over these. More so while making a claim of statistical nature. Please don’t make such stupid claims. And worst would be start posting them here, which is done by many Mullahs to buttress their stupid claims.
Suffering of Israelis you mean?
That shows your biased mind. I sad “region” and you tried to paraphrase me due to your own bias. Do you see it? I guess not. Hatred is generally blind.
10-20k dead is an order of magnitude higher than casualties in the Yom Kippur war. Are they planning to fight house to house ? Does Hamas even have the capability to inflict so many casualties?
They accept 10-20k dead, that does not mean they expect that much, we also have accepted 10-15k dead in the first gulf war, and we lost 168 (something like that) and up to 50,000 in combat operation in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we lost probably around 9k the 2 combine. That's the ceiling figure

And yes, they raise enough troop to fight every corner in Gaza, house to house, brick by brick.
What is Israel's plan regarding the hostages ?
back channel, if not, write off. They won't spend another 5 years and releasing 1000 prisoner for a single Private this time, in fact, some parent of the hostage went on National TV and tell Netanyahu to forget about their sons/daughter as long as they kill every one that responsible for this attack.
You think they could really ignore all diplomatic pressure?

Second intifada operations stopped after 3000 dead Palestinians.
Hezbollah 2006 war stopped with few thousand dead lebanese as well.

As soon as the death toll of palestinians rises to 1:2 ratio, more and more western calls will come that its “not proportional” and there should be “truce/peace”.
They don't care about diplomatic pressure.

Israeli people want bloods, they literally went to National TV and told Beny to kill them all, you don't try to get 5000 with 300,000+ troop deployed, if you are using that amount of troop, you are looking at Ukrainian level of Casualty.

Plus, they already blockaded Gaza from everything, even if they don't launch a ground attack, you are looking for similar figure of casualty just by lack of supply alone, 90% of Water and 70% of Food in Gaza was from Israel. Egypt don't have any pipeline going there, which mean now that Israeli stopped supplying food, water and medicine, you are looking at a Leningrad type situation here. With 2 million people living without basic need for however long they will

The Hamas terrorists were caught stealing from the victims including the executed civilian blurred out.

Absolute savages
Awww. Its fine to steal/grab their lands and kill them for fun. But its bad that they are stealing from cars.
Yea… do big and massive, otherwise you would be punished lol
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