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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

The "civilised world" doesn't care if Israel imposes collective punishment on 2 millions people living in Gaza because a terrorist group with maximum of 5,000 members committed attacks against Israelis?

Doesn't sound very civilised to me.
Nope,all I see is regular Gazans spitting on dead bodies mutilated in the street.These are no innocent civilians, they're all terrorists, including their children whom they indoctrinate from an early age.
Gaza is irredeemable.
Isn't this what you cheered for? Isn't this what you wanted?

I warned you 2 days ago about what would happen,but you cheered,you guys were ecstatic! Why do you lament? You thought Israel would crumble and give full independence to the Palestinian nation?

You said Israelis reap what they sow,Hamas and Gaza now reaps what they sowed. And the circle of violence and hatred continues.

What an incredible scumbag. Just reading his ugly and hatefilled words make me puke.
Ruthless terror attacks will be met with ruthless countermeasures.

When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the US annihilated the Japanese military, firebombed Tokyo and nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan is now a prosperous society today.

Hamas will be dealt with
In 2 decades Hamas members will be peaceful vegan shepherds petting their sheep.
You will see.
Nope,all I see is regular Gazans spitting on dead bodies mutilated in the street.These are no innocent civilians, they're all terrorists, including their children whom they indoctrinate from an early age.
Gaza is irredeemable.
Wow. These Americans are desperate.

Who is the scumbag Zionist?

What about you?
The only incentive for Israel to stop is the cost imposed. Until that cost is imposed they clearly wont stop. No one so far is able to impose that cost, but what we are seeing now is incredible upgrade in Palestinian capabilities. And it's very very concerning to the western alliance.

The cost the Palestinians will pay is huge. But they doent exactly have a choice, so they will bear the coast regardless. Whether it's 5,000, or 100,000 or indeed the whole 2 million.

Personally If I was Palestinian I would evacuate Gaza and send them to Germany or UK or Italy by boat. That patch of land is not worth he casualties I think.

But looks like Palestinian leadership is determined to keep them there at all coats. I think it s curious decision.

What is the cost you are willing to pay for a secure border? What is the cost you are willing to pay for getting elected?

Do you ever wonder why we dump 20 trillions, that's with a T, not a B, in a shit hole called "Afghanistan" That is the price we are willing to pay for the two thing I mentioned before, and get yours truely actually involved.

Again, what you failed to see is if you are an Israeli, you pay just about everything for what happened 3 days ago not to happen again, the question is, who wanted it bad? And who can last longer, both side are not going to go away, so if you are expecting a scenario like US leaving Afghanistan then I can tell you right here, right now, it's really not going to happen.

Russia and china will never help Arabs conquer Israel. it will have to be done with other powers and Arabs themselves. It might be done peacefully, they might integrate them into the Middle East, but a lot more wars will need to happen before this can be done.
Then it would come down to reality and historical facts.

Unless a third (or fourth) power emerge and take this matter with their own hand, they still need to navigate with the US and probably most of the west support, which mean that 3rd or 4th power is going to be bigger than the entire West combine or at least have a decisive say on them.

Or you are looking at Arab world to help Palestinian to gain independence, again, the problem with the West notwithstanding, history did not really favor them. And Hamas itself is not going to be enough to achieve that. That much is very simple.
Nope,all I see is regular Gazans spitting on dead bodies mutilated in the street.These are no innocent civilians, they're all terrorists, including their children whom they indoctrinate from an early age.
Gaza is irredeemable.
You are inciting violence against *children*. Let that sink in. You are filth.
Israel is surrounded by the Arab world. Yet they can't stop this. What a shame and how pathetic. Instead SA is a US lapdog. Iran is fully politically isolated. Syria is in ruins. Libya in ruins, Iraq in ruins. Goes to show you why they are in ruins.
Leaving the land is exactly what the Jews want and it's exactly why it shouldn't happen

You need to do the opposite and increase your number

A war has been declared upon the Palestinian people, and defeat it not a option

You have seen how quickly land can be captured. I dont think it's worth the civilian casualties. I would order an evacuation and migration to EU. But obviously the Palestinians will allow these people to lose tens of thousands or civilians. For me, just not worth it. Learn from Azerbaijan. What if Azerbaijan let 1 million Azeris live under Armenian terror for 30 years. Just not worth it. They got their land back despite Russia backing Armenia like USA backs Israel.
Nope,all I see is regular Gazans spitting on dead bodies mutilated in the street.These are no innocent civilians, they're all terrorists, including their children whom they indoctrinate from an early age.
Gaza is irredeemable.

Non semitic european squatters who worship an estate agent won't live in peace. No amount of stink oozing out of your illegitimate orifice will change this fact.

Glorious death and martyrdom awaits the Palestinians, humiliation awaits you and your kin in this life and the next.

Fester in your rank hatered, and enjoy the footage of zionist swine squealing in terror.
Now you understand why they removed Imran Khan from power. At least the man had the guts to eloquently bring the message to the masses. They didn't like it and they removed him before our very eyes. Welcome to the world of thuggery.
Are you sure it's Gaza, not Ukraine ...its drone drops ...?

Hamas has released videos in which drones were dropping small bombs. And yes it's near Gaza as it was a Merkava tank that was targeted
You are biased because you cannot see issue from both side, if you do, we won't be making a discussion like this. You so called "Facts" are information from one side.

You can think you are not, I don't mind or care, but seriously, who are you trying to fool. If you are non-partisan on this and then I am Xi's no1 fans....
I see it from both sides, side from freedom fighters and side from colonial racist occupier.
2 million people will be massacred in the coming days and the whole world will watch and blame eachother for the rules that were broken by the other side
You have seen how quickly land can be captured. I dont think it's worth the civilian casualties. I would order an evacuation and migration to EU. But obviously the Palestinians will allow these people to lose tens of thousands or civilians. For me, just not worth it. Learn from Azerbaijan. What if Azerbaijan let 1 million Azeris live under Armenian terror for 30 years. Just not worth it. They got their land back despite Russia backing Armenia like USA backs Israel.

Where are they supposed to go?

Azeris had Azerbaijan…Palestinians have only 2 strips of land.
To be fair, I don't really care whether Palestinian or Israel get along, I am neither a jew or a friend of a jew, or a Muslim or a fan of a Muslim to have my view supporting either side. There can be 2 states solution or Israel or Palestinian can take all. I don't care.

I am just comment the way it's realistic pragmatic way, I don't believe in holy land, or whose's right is this or who settle there first, I look at a problem and I comment on what I think about the issue, I mean if Palestinian want to kills Israeli, go nuts, the same I will say for any Israeli wanting to kill Palestinian.

P.S. I don't really shred tears over this, I don't cry over either side. I mean, sure it's hard to watch the video, but most likely I will move on to do something else in a week or so time and forgot about all these just like everybody else.
You are talking too much and taking up space that can be better utilized.
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