A slight shift away from Israel even in Col. Macgregor's narrative. Here is a personal note about 'the but narrative'! If you follow the '... but ...' way people appear 'balanced' for 'ratings' or not to be 'cancelled' reasons, then you'd notice there is now more of 'the but narrative' about supporting Israel even by Col. Macgregor.
The more the people find resonance of their views in the growing, global anti-Israel narratives, the more they would use the 'but' way to present their views. On October 6, people were too afraid to use the 'Zionist' word, let alone the 'J' word, but no more the fear of using those words--except in MSM--and not much fear left of 'Anti-semitism'. And, again, the pro-Israel, fake crocodile tears 'balanced' voices in this thread are also less now --no one wants to be on the losing side of a war, even if in a war of narratives!
This video by Col. Macgregor again mentions the role of Pakistan's nukes--as help to Turkey. He and some Western analysts keep bringing up Pakistani nukes in this very global conflict--a conflict which, unlike the Russia-Ukraine conflict, has riled up countries and their politicians in all continents of the world in mostly pro-Palestinian ways.