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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

do you still believe any country will physically support them?

All representatives who are celebrating the killings of innocent Israeli people.

They will soon be crying in the name of humanity.

And if any country tries to directly join, the USA will bet free hands to do whatever they can.

Killings of innocent people of both sides is very bad scenario expects Hamas... I hope no one will be left after this from HaMAS
You know what you have a very foul mouth and you are constantly babbling about innocent Zios while all your life you were dead when Isra-hell was brutally and mercilessly killing Palestinian children and openly boasting about raping teen Palestinian girls.
You are not different than your two tongue devil country.
Stop crying here and go back to abyss. You are not welcome on PDF.
More 'Babies' aka Israeli soldiers combatants killed in face to face combat with Hamas special forces in Sderot. West media will call them innocent babies.

officially.4 Israeli soldiers were killed in ongoing battles in Sderot on the Gaza Strip.A new surprise ground attack by the resistance

You know what you have a very foul mouth and you are constantly babbling about innocent Zios while all your life you were dead when Isra-hell was brutally and mercilessly killing Palestinian children and openly boasting about raping teen Palestinian girls.
You are not different than your two tongue devil country.
Stop crying here and go back to abyss. You are not welcome on PDF.

I know the history, so please don't play innocent victim cards.. And I am just referring to the medieval world. The past is too dark; even Jews were thrown under the rug for many decades. Today, by playing victim cards, they victimize other party in the past.

Total Israeli losses in 1967 Six Day War against Egypt, Syria and Jordan: 776-983 killed

Israeli losses in 1-2 days against Hamas: 600+ killed (real number likely much higher)
Something seems off about this. How were they able to kill that high and going deep in so easily in one of the most militarised and patrolled area in the world?

Did they learn from their past experience and evolve or what?

US antisemitism envoy: Barbaric attack most lethal assault on Jews since Holocaust

By Jacob Magid
Today, 6:10 am

US Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt, center, speaks with the head of the American Jewish Congress Ted Deutch at a conference in New York City, September 19, 2023. (Luke Tress/Times of Israel)
US Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt, center, speaks with the head of the American Jewish Congress Ted Deutch at a conference in New York City, September 19, 2023. (Luke Tress/Times of Israel)

Weighing in on the Hamas terror attacks on Israel for the first time after the Simchat Torah holiday, US antisemitism envoy Deborah Lipstadt says, “No one has the right to tell Israel how to defend itself and prevent and deter future attacks.”

“Yesterday’s heinous, barbaric terrorism against Israeli civilians is the most lethal assault against Jews since the Holocaust. There is no justification whatsoever for this mass murder. None,” Lipstadt tweets.

https://www.timesofisrael.com /liveblog_entry/us-antisemitism-envoy-barbaric-attack-most-lethal-assault-on-jews-since-holocaust/
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