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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Exactly. Say this again to the rabid Shia haters here who hide behind the “secular” and nationalism when claiming xyz. Typical cowards of hind, that’s what South Asia is and has been in its history and it shows.
Your self -hater species are used as canon fodders by Iranians.I am sure you don't have much time so your desparate attempts to downplay South Asians.
The person who Built Nuclear Weapons for India - South Asian Muslim
The person who Built Nuclear Weapons for Pakistan -South Asian Muslim

These super - brave Iranians bent to South Asians in 1994 in OIC
Well, In PP, a photo of Hitler with his 6th chakra opened, which I think is believed to be the center of wisdom,
under that, wannabe Hitler netenyahu
And hand of god... One God...

A Hindu with the username Hitler says that Jews are the chosen by only God.

Every corner of the tweet has another absurd thing... Ok, I am done, no more internet today.
You forgot the most important thing - india stands with israel !
What the ??? Not that anyone is afraid. Jews raped Americans culture so badly. Most young males are single and miserable. People are spiritually and mentally dead. People are in huge debt and living paycheck to paycheck. Actually Americans might start lynching Jews if they drag US into a big war and cause more economic damage.

Urgent | Israeli army spokesman: We work according to intelligence and operational coordination with the American army

I wonder why the PLO is not making a move? I think there was a statement of support but we don't see anything concrete on the ground. Hamas alone cannot unify the lines or it could suffer heavy casualties. So, if not today, when?

do you still believe any country will physically support them?

All representatives who are celebrating the killings of innocent Israeli people.

They will soon be crying in the name of humanity.

And if any country tries to directly join, the USA will bet free hands to do whatever they can.

Killings of innocent people of both sides is very bad scenario expects Hamas... I hope no one will be left after this from HaMAS
do you still believe any country will physically support them?

All representors who are celebrating the killings of innocent israeli people.

They will be soon crying for the name of humanity.

And if any country will try to directly join, USA will bet free hands do whatever they can do then.
Hindi retard, are you brain dead or something? It's your Jewish masters crying and begging for US intervention against small paramilitary group. What don't you get about it? No one cares about USA. Egyptians can butcher all of NATO and anyone else that attacks Palestine.
What the ??? Not that anyone is afraid. Jews raped Americans culture so badly. Most young males are single and miserable. People are spiritually and mentally dead. People are in huge debt and living paycheck to paycheck. Actually Americans might start lynching Jews if they drag US into a big war and cause more economic damage.

Urgent | Israeli army spokesman: We work according to intelligence and operational coordination with the American army

No people are too brainwashed. The media will just tell them it’s Chinas fault and they’ll believe it.
A good clip from CNN to watch.

Another one from the BBC, the Palestinian representative from their government in the West Bank held his own two nights in a row.

The only take away needs to be to end the vicious cycle of violence; End apartheid, end the occupation, and finally move towards peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis.

Speaking about Apartheid, there is Mandela’s words on Palestine

History of Black-Palestinian Solidarity
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do you still believe any country will physically support them?

All representors who are celebrating the killings of innocent israeli people.

They will be soon crying for the name of humanity.

And if any country will try to directly join, USA will bet free hands do whatever they can do then.
Lol and you didn't see the crimes of Israel since 7 decades against innocent Palestinian lol
Hindi retard, are you brain dead or something? It's your Jewish masters crying and begging for US intervention against small paramilitary group. What don't you get about it? No one cares about USA. Egyptians can butcher all of NATO and anyone else that attacks Palestine.

Again, is this new new for you?

Everyone knows that an attack on Israel means , USA will get involved...

The real questions is that "Who will going to physically support to HAMAS???????? Expect just doing lip service?

India stands with Israeli🇦😂😂
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If Israel launched an attack on Palestine, killing thousands of innocent people. We would criticize Israel here.

However, it makes no difference whether they are Isrealis, Pakistanis, or Bengalis when such innocent people are killed. We will continue to denounce acts of terrorism.
Again, is this new new for you?

Everyone knows that an attack on Israel means , USA will get involved...
Lol, you were not saying that before. Before you were saying best army in world will crush them. But reality is diaper army begs for US help against small paramilitary group. This is not even a attack. Imagine if a country with actual military staged a offensive on Israel. Is Israeli army and Jewish people mighty and elite or not? Why are you hiding behind US now?

You guys always argue that Israel won wars independently without US help.
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