Are you proud of starving infants and children to death ?
Hamas leaders are fat like pigs, they can stop of eat so much.
I only see mass gathering when a fat terrorist die, when children die nobody give a fck in that sad place, people are insane there.
I think only Western public opinion care something when Palestinian children suffer or die, but the Palestinians dont give a sht, they only care about terrorist leaders.
Israel represents the Anglo-Saxons anointing themselves as the Zionist God "giving" Israel to jews. It's heresy. Anglo-Saxons are delusional supremacists, especially anti-European.
Sane sovereign countries defend their own interests.
Crazy vassals states care about supranational organizations instead their own people, like EU dumbfcks.
I can't ask to a Briton or a French to care about Spaniards interests, that is the work of Spanish state and nobody else.
There's no exist "Europe" as a nation.
Nato is clearly a racist organization.
You wrong, it's a classist organization.
Racism is bad seen in the West, but classism is OK.
You see gulf rich states GCC, they are respected, by now, we'll see when cheap oil start to run out.