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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Already 700 settlers doctors fled to europe, @Meengla is right, occupiers are vulnerable to prolonged wars, they miscalculated their own capabilities and support within their population for this prolonged genocidal war, probably they know they are thiefs, robbers and murderes at same time and get scare everytime when rightful owner show on as enforcer of law.

Even if 10 rockets are fired per day into Israel from multiple locations by militias operating from hills, ravines, dugouts, bunkers, mobile launchers then that would be a HUGE impact on a rich country's economy and on the pampered citizens with dual nationalities.
Who the hell would want to invest in that kind of country or emigrate to their? Israel's geography and its rich lifestyle is Israel's Achilles Heel!!! I had said many pages ago that the chances of the Palestinian victory are higher than the chances were available to the Afghan Taliban against the NATO occupation.
Government Information Office:

The occupation threatens to bomb the Orthodox Cultural Center, which has 1,000 displaced people, and the Roman School, which has 500 displaced people.
Greek cunt stfu and get your pink glory anal hole raped by some Turks. Using terms like Pajeet to seek validation wont stop your gangrape on this thread, you are literally a textbook definition of beta..trying so hard to seek validation, that too online 🤣🤣

An Indian calling anyone a beta is hilarious and crazy.
LOL at Germany. Jeez. These guys have been literally licking Zionist boots from day one. So much so, that every single commentator that I have come across is literally saying the same thing as you are. Germany has no choice, but to lick Israeli boots.

Or else comes another Israel Firsters like Spielberg making a major movie about World War II.
The last time Germany tried to show some spine was opposing the Iraq War of 2003 and they got so much America-driven bad press like calling them the 'Hans' that Germany never dares anymore to have any independence of action. Even in case of the on-going Russia-Ukraine war it took only minor coercion by Washington to make Germany comply.

Europeans are the biggest Cucks in the world! When you compare Europe's wealth, size, population, rich long history, which gives them options, then the American surrogates in the Islamic countries would like more independent. I am not exaggerating!!
Armenians often sided with one or the other empire,that's obvious. We had wars with them,but they were often a significant part of the empire as well. Often got us into trouble by acting hot-headed,but also often were providing a lot of soldiers and help. It depends on the period. They often seeked their own indendepent kingdom,of course,again depending on the period.

What something exactly?

From what I know,the most loyal nation to the Ottomans,were the Jews. They were the most cooperative and protected as a nation. Do you disagree?

Distortions? Do you disagree that Azeris caused a lot of suffering to Armenians in the 20th century? Stop gazing at ships passing by :P What's going on,aren't you guys having a massive protest planned,that was called by the president?
This thread is about the Israeli atrocities in Gaza, not your absurd claims based on twisted facts. When even your own ministers and academics have stated that the lies you repeat here endlessly are utter nonsense, I think you should slow down a bit and stop spamming every thread with an anti-Turkish agenda.

Looks like the supporters of the Ukro-Nazis....the LGBTQ Sissies, after trying to sway everyone against Russia only to find out that Russia is smashing their dreams/hallucinations, have come to this thread to back the same Nazis commit8ng genocide against the defenceless. They should know this, VICTORY IS GUARANTEED FOR THE PALESTINIANS. THE fraudster settlers will soon be brought to task for the crimes they've committed.
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