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[Gallery] This paradise is called Iran


They're doing fine?

In my last visit (07) I saw a security guard using a collapsed section of a column as a stool!!!!!! The ******* dahati mofo 2 dollar nobody had his behind on a 2500 year old piece of our history, identity and culture. I wanted to go and slash his throat right then and there.

It represents the situation our nation is in perfectly. A bunch of two dollar mullahs that used to beg on the side of the street for food have now become the owners of the nation. No wonder everything is fucked.

But yeah, if you think Perspolis and Cyrus' tomb is doing fine, think again. Every time I've visited the site, I've been shocked by one thing or another.

"Harki ino bebine ashkesh dar nayad, Irani nist". What goes on inside the minds of these people is beyond me, somehow they started caring more for their Islamic Republic than for Iran.
"Harki ino bebine ashkesh dar nayad, Irani nist". What goes on inside the minds of these people is beyond me, somehow they started caring more for their Islamic Republic than for Iran.

Esfand shoma irani hastin?
Khob, vali 1 sal ham kheili vaghte baraye yad gereftane zabane no. Na, az taghige internet peydash kardam..

Khili ghashang harf mizani, Afarin be shoma :)


In Persian Esfand means two things

1.Esfand is the twelfth month of the Iranian calendar.

2.Esfand was well known among the ancient Indo-Iranians. Two varieties of the plant are mentioned in the early medical texts, the white rue and the more potent black rue. The plant is considered to be hot by nature.

The most important use of Esfand in Persia involves magical practices. Smoke from its burning roots is believed to help determine whether or not a woman is barren.

The practice of burning esfand seeds to avert the evil eye is widely attested in early classical Persian literature. This practice may have been influenced by the association of esfand with haoma, the sacred beverage of Zoroastrian lore.

The continuity of Persian tradition has brought the ancient sacred plant into Islamic sources. A Shi'a tradition states that there is an angel in each of the plant's leaves and seeds. Its root drives away sorrow and magic, and the devil stays a distance of seventy houses away from homes in which it is kept. Shi'a sources tell of the benefits of ingesting esfand or its juice. For instance, drinking a bit of esfand juice every day for forty mornings brings about wisdom in addition to fortifying the imbiber against seventy varieties of diseases. The apotropaic value of esfand is reflected in its burning against evil presence. In a ceremony to counteract effects of evil upon a child burning of esfand is required.
Agha ba inke az man khoshet nemiyad vali namusan damet garm...

Man hichvaght nagoftam ke khosham azat nemiyad. Vali tarji midam ke khodeto gul nazani: Hame midunim ke mollaha farhange Irano dust nadaran, barinke fokus ro az Eslam mibare. Siyaset be kenar - dust dari ke farhangeto pak konan?
Khob, vali 1 sal ham kheili vaghte baraye yad gereftane zabane no. Na, az taghige internet peydash kardam..
lol I spent 2 years learning spanish and the best I can do is recognize random words here and there in Shakira music videos haha

2 god damn years man!!!!

So your ability to learn another language is super.

"Harki ino bebine ashkesh dar nayad, Irani nist". What goes on inside the minds of these people is beyond me, somehow they started caring more for their Islamic Republic than for Iran.

Iranians are turning into Russians/Eastern Europeans. They're slowly dying from the inside the same way the people of the Soviet Union started dying from the inside at the end of the USSR's life.

When you lose hope and depression becomes epidemic, you stop giving a **** about everything. You become a microbe, just goping through your life cycle without any thought.
Man hichvaght nagoftam ke khosham azat nemiyad. Vali tarji midam ke khodeto gul nazani: Hame midunim ke mollaha farhange Irano dust nadaran, barinke fokus ro az Eslam mibare. Siyaset be kenar - dust dari ke farhangeto pak konan?
In nazar shomast.man marzbandiye moshakhasi beyne din va meliyat qaelam.alan daram bara ye sahari khodamo amade mikonam ta ruze begiram va dar ane vahed daram az vatanam to ye forum englisi defa mikonam....
Shoma tanaqosi mibinid?
In nazar shomast.
"Un gol khashang ast" nazare. "Abr sephide" fact hast. Man fact behet dadam: Jomhyriye Eslami be fekre farhange Irani nist, faghat be fekre farhange eslami hast. Sat darsat khodet aksaro az Takhte Jamshid didi keh mardom ba graffiti rush neveshtan. Agar nadidi, kheili asun az taghighe internet peyda mishan. Az khodet bepors: Aya, agar in mollaha be farhange Iran ehteram mizaran, chera ejaseye in chisaro midan?!

Hameye iraniha rue in forum (az khodet begir ta Serpentine, Shahin Vatani, Soheil, ...) tue deleshun khub midunan: Yek moshgele besiar jedie, vali (1) nemikhain ghabulesh konid ya (2) baratun enghard mohem nist.

... va dar ane vahed daram az vatanam to ye forum englisi defa mikonam....
Are, fekre Takhte Jamshid nabash, vali joloye internet beshin ba ye arab jarobash kon. In moshkele hich chizi ro hal nemikone.
"Un gol khashang ast" nazare. "Abr sephide" fact hast. Man fact behet dadam: Jomhyriye Eslami be fekre farhange Irani nist, faghat be fekre farhange eslami hast. Sat darsat khodet aksaro az Takhte Jamshid didi keh mardom ba graffiti rush neveshtan. Agar nadidi, kheili asun az taghighe internet peyda mishan. Az khodet bepors: Aya, agar in mollaha be farhange Iran ehteram mizaran, chera ejaseye in chisaro midan?!

Hameye iraniha rue in forum (az khodet begir ta Serpentine, Shahin Vatani, Soheil, ...) tue deleshun khub midunan: Yek moshgele besiar jedie, vali (1) nemikhain ghabulesh konid ya (2) baratun enghard mohem nist.

Are, fekre Takhte Jamshid nabash, vali joloye internet beshin ba ye arab jarobash kon. In moshkele hich chizi ro hal nemikone.
Duste golam.darke matlabe Farsit hanuz to sathe balayi nist....man aslan az hokumat defa nemikonam....man hata velayat faghih ro qabul nadaram....

Man ye iraniye mosalmunam....meliyatam Irani va dinam Eslame...HAMIN

Az tarafe dige lotfan darbareye takhte jamshid maghlate nakonid.man bar e akhari ke unja budam moshkele khasi nabud...
Har chan tond ro ha qablan zer hayi zadan ke albate be hadafashub ham naresidan...
Mahmoud Farshchian is the father of the Modern Persian Miniature Painting. He is the creator of his own style and school of Persian Miniature Painting. He is a distinguished and respectable Persian Miniature Painter and a global humanitarian artist.

Master Farshchian's art is based on Persian Classical Poetry from great masters such as Hafez, Rumi, Ferdowsi and indeed Khayyam. Farshchian is very much in to Persian Mysticism. His theme is classical Persian poetry; however, he mixes and portrays various human emotions, moods, feelings and desires in his art. His final touch is his wild Imagination.

This is a selection of his famous art works. Enjoy Master Mahmoud Farshchian's Persian Miniature Paintings.





Crystal Ball of Vision


The Distant Drummer, Rumi

Night's Engulfing Magic


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