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Future leader of India : Rahul Kim Jong Gandhi

^^ Ladna band karo yaar...

Cant believe this colossal idiot is the flag bearer of biggest political party. Shameful.. Congress used to be better organisation but entry of Sonia Gandhi has destroyed every sign of democracy in it. Not a single Congressi is ready to accept that Rahul is a bad bet.

Who is the best or good bet then?
First let rahul become a minister then let him prove his metal...... If he is expecting to use his father's route to become a PM.... I am sure that route is closed....... He is too young to become a PM and he lacks experience......If he become he may not able to hold for more than 6 months......
LOL ....its your guilty conscious that makes you justify your position and standing :lol: ...... I think it is obvious to everybody here now :angel:

Dont be too eager to play the victim ....no one has claimed all Indians christians are Italians .....only there are some 'christian Indians' and that they support congress because sonia gandhi is christian. That much is self evident. BTW ...your support to koovie makes it clear if you are a christian Indian or an Indian christian.

Let them join ranks ......it will then become obvious where each of us stand :devil: ...... birds of a feather do flock together.

:lol:..............looks like you have taken training from sikular Rahul gandhi school too .....You have not answered the question but have went on a pointless rambling about your greed for dead animals.

Let me ask you AGAIN .....what is your opinion about Raul Vincis educational background. :azn:

....and ya another thing ....are you a protestant or a catholic ?

I ALREADY told you its irrelevant, had he been a Harvard deen I would still not vote for him, he has shown no merit, his track record as a MP is horrendous and his ability to campaign is confined to a week at best unlike veterans on the other side who can go for the hard nosed politics. He's not Minister material. Other that that I could care less where he got into with his family's clout and money.

Nope, not christian.
First let rahul become a minister then let him prove his metal...... If he is expecting to use his father's route to become a PM.... I am sure that route is closed....... He is too young to become a PM and he lacks experience......If he become he may not able to hold for more than 6 months......

Bhai, 2013 was his last chance, no way 2014 & beyond for atleast 5 years.

Let him sit in the Opposition Benches & Let him make Congress WIN from there, THAN he can come any close to the TOP JOB.

Nothing is "2 minute ready made noodle" in this world, I have tried it, it takes 4 minutes instead :lol:
Bhai, 2013 was his last chance, no way 2014 & beyond for atleast 5 years.

Let him sit in the Opposition Benches & Let him make Congress WIN from there, THAN he can come any close to the TOP JOB.

Nothing is "2 minute ready made noodle" in this world, I have tried it, it takes 4 minutes instead :lol:

He was trying to go the Rajiv way, man the guy didn't even see it fit to see how policy making happens first hand. Ye anaap shanaap bakne se aur vague assertions marke ane se log usse chu*&^% hi kahenge na. Not one single concrete plan or policy or even prospective policy in that vacuous head of his. And MS wanted this guy running, there is a limit to how much a name can get you, why not just go away with all the money and not interfere in things way above your pay grade.
So what is the difference between Rahul Gandhi and Kim Jong Un?

Read more at ********.com - Future leader of India : Rahul Kim Jong Gandhi (comments)

I have no idea if this is true but if it is, plz tell why hasn;t the media pointed this out to the Indian citizens? Plz forward this to MODI and his ppl so they can make it a big deal to the media!

Don't know if it's true or not, but this was shared on Facebook too, a long while ago, but there was no official response from Rahul Gandhi or Congress :undecided:
So we are the citizens of the civilized nations. We are educated, we believe in a free society, and we believe in governing ourselves vis a vis electing people amongst us to positions of power.

We believe in democracy.

When was the last time, you or your neighbors felt like you had any say in this process?

The last time you cast a vote, did you have a feeling of choosing between the lesser of 2 evils, as compared to choosing between the greater among the good?

When was the last time, you felt you had any control over your tax dollars being used to benefit you and your community, vs. going in to utter waste?

Democracy has always been a sham. It is from the classic movie "Usual Suspects" that the line comes : "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was to convince the world he does not exist". Similarly, we are led to believe there is no "devil" pulling the strings, selecting the "leaders" of our "democracies".

I am Indian American, and I have 2 of the world's "greatest" democracies to consider.

Let us consider India for this article :

Nehru becomes the Prime minister, dabbles in socialism, ruins the economy, creates Pakistan. Then after a few terms, comes his daughter, Indira Gandhi, who starts a reign of terror, kills more Indians than anyone, her younger son is a sociopath who is assassinated. Then she herself is killed, as Indians who can no longer bear her pernicious rule, gun her down.

Then ... comes Rajiv Gandhi. A person with nary a year of political experience, but elected to the top post, thanks to his family ties. He dabbles with the Sri Lankan terror situation, in turn gets assassinated, then his wife... (And this is laughable), Sonia Gandhi - an Italian citizen is pushed to the fore front. Although she holds no official position, she controls it all.

Now, they have groomed Rajiv's son, Rahul Gandhi to be the next prime minister.

Lets consider his credentials.

Rahul claims to have a Masters in Philosophy in the subject of "Development Economics" from the Trinity College in Cambridge University.

So lets go through his educational credentials. Being an educated man myself, I value education above all in a person, and I despise prevarication.

1) Rahul did not have sufficient grades to qualify for entrance to St. Stephen's College in Delhi. The palms were greased, and he was admitted on a "Shooting" (sports) quota seat. Even though Rahul has never displayed any skills or interest in the sport of shooting.
Within a year, he had failed the freshman year courses and was on the verge of being kicked out, when he left.

2) He joined Harvard University. He stayed there from 1990 to 1993, and failed courses, left citing "Security reasons".

3) 1994 he joined Rollins College and evidently got his Bachelor's degree. There is no record in Rollins college of any student by that name.
Baltimore Independent Media Center: Open Letter to President of ROLLINS COLLEGE , Florida on Rahul Gandhi's Education Qualification

4) In 1995 he got his M.Phil in Development Economics from Trinity College, Cambridge. Note that he claims to finish his Masters in less than a year after 'finishing' his bachelors. (Took me around 2.5 years to get my Masters.) Investigation reveals: Mr.Gandhi did not complete his M Phil degree because he had failed the
National Economic Planning and Policy exam and hence could not fulfill
the mandatory requirement of writing a M Phil thesis (much less defend
it). Also, Trinity College does not award M Phil degrees, and
"Development Studies Department" has nothing to do with the "Economics

Last but not least, Rahul also claims to be an Italian Citizen, and has an Italian passport. An absolutely unacceptable parameter for any citizen, to hold 2 passports from 2 nations, let alone to elect such a person to the top job in the country.

Is Rahul Gandhi, an italian citizen?

Also, his family has a history of lying to the Indian Public ,
a) His
Father Late Mr. Rajiv Gandhi , Prime Minister of India ,lied to the
Indian Public that he was Qualified Engineer from Cambridge University ,
upon inquiry it revealed that he didn't passed a single exam .
b) His
Mother ,Ms.Sonia Gandhi , Member of parliament , Head of Congress Party
, lied under oath in the Parliament that she was a Graduate of
Cambridge University , when confronted she later twisted by mentioning
that she attended an English teaching shop in Cambridge ,UK

India has been stripped clean by this family and their political fiefdom, the Congress party.

In a recent gathering of industry leaders, Rahul ended up making a jack *** of himself. His knowledge, diction, personality, everything was far below par than everything else.

So why is he guaranteed to be the next Prime Minister and leader of the world's largest democracy?

Because he is a part of the Gandhi Family.

So what is the difference between Rahul Gandhi and Kim Jong Un?

Read more at ********.com - Future leader of India : Rahul Kim Jong Gandhi (comments)

I have no idea if this is true but if it is, plz tell why hasn;t the media pointed this out to the Indian citizens? Plz forward this to MODI and his ppl so they can make it a big deal to the media!

Ignored by media is wrong ,Most of these allegation are raised in the media ,For example allegations about his M.phil ( Truth about Rahul ) Indian express raised that issue in 2009 ,,,,u can see his certificate in that link and also notice his real name also
Koovie been 'put to his place' :lol: How amusing that he is being accused of 'not abusing Congress' because he is *gasp* a Christian. No wonder minorities prefer Congress, who in their right mind will prefer these Nazis
Koovie been 'put to his place' :lol: How amusing that he is being accused of 'not abusing Congress' because he is *gasp* a Christian. No wonder minorities prefer Congress, who in their right mind will prefer these Nazis

I am a Christian and I prefer Nitish Kumar or Modi, just not the BJP...
Koovie been 'put to his place' :lol: How amusing that he is being accused of 'not abusing Congress' because he is *gasp* a Christian. No wonder minorities prefer Congress, who in their right mind will prefer these Nazis

Thats how politics works ,that Guy derailed the thread with un related stuff ( Forigiener 's pov ,Blogspot ,not a credible source,NRI ...etc) ...... Congress protect intrests of minorties in all issues thats why they prefer Congress
Koovie been 'put to his place' :lol: How amusing that he is being accused of 'not abusing Congress' because he is *gasp* a Christian. No wonder minorities prefer Congress, who in their right mind will prefer these Nazis

:lol:........looks like you too have been put in your place by Nisha ........just too funny. :omghaha:
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