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Future Indo Pak War (Aerial War) (I Pray to Allah that it nver happens)

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Oct 4, 2006
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India Launches Attack on presumed militant sites in Pakistani Kashmir and to add pressure attacks Sialkot

Pakistani Reaction
Pakistan had predicted such an attack and act accordingly keeping in mind that the war under no circumstances shouldescalte to nuclear exchange nor pakistan wants to gamble its limited resources to that extent

Destroy Indian war fighting capabilty



Pakistani Thunder loaded with Raad ALCM....hit indian radar sites ,control towers ,Runways(Working on anti runway Raad) No.1(Kashmir) Highway Bridges and no mobile command stations with the aim of basically reducing the IAF and IA high commend'd ability to make decisions. Raad can be launched from our airspace :sniper: without entering Indian Air space.


Pakistani Cammondoas in India use Anza Mk-2 to destroy both Indian transport and combat helicopters which after collapse of bridges try to resupply forward IA troops. Fleets of terrain hugging Cobras move in to destroy IA Field command stations through battle intelligence provided by UQAAB and Chinese satellites + IAF will need few hours to recover from previous PHASE-1 attack. This will cause confusion of orders on IA lower rank command as both midlevel and upper level command will have been damaged by PAHSE 1 and PHase-2.In the same context Pakistani commandos blow major IA ammunition dump... I think this might have happened in 2002 military standoff between India and Pakistan..remember a major ammunition depot of IA was blown by fire in 2002 :rofl:


IAF regroups and launches a counter attack on PAF air fields
Mostly the deep Su-30 bases will not get affected by PAHSE-1 attack as Falankers would be placed far behind war lines due to its range. PAF defences include the 250 thunders,55 F-7PG and in addition SPADAMedium Range SAM. PAF will suffer some losses here but IAF depeleted attack will not achieve its goal of suffocating PAF.



FC-20's ,F-16Am/BM/C+/D+ attcak remaininIAF jets and air resistance over Indian Air space and with some cover from the Thunders.IAF will move with Flankers and will use it as trump card thus PAF fighters would have to be really good to destro them .Both FC-20 and F-16 have the ability to destroy Flanker unde the hands of good pilot.PAF will need its best pilots here.
Note; I now they r UAE F-16E but PAF will be getting Block52+ with similar performnce

After removing major part IAF attack capability F-16's using JSOW and Thunders with laser guided bombs destroy Indian tanks and APC.Thus removing IA punching Capability.Remeber the IA army will alreday be confused due to damge to High and mid level command.

End Result
Both India and Pakistan go back to Peace Table and new agreement is signed.with status quo..but Pakistan will achieve its goal of destroying war fighting capability

PLZ Comment but with respect....its just a hypothetical situation which I hope never comes true as today Economics is far more important for ppl then Tanks
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This is really poorly researched post...U are not including the electronic warfare capablity, Airborne Early warnings, CIWS installed in many of the Indian HVA that u are talking about, there is no mentioning of ARMs, I would rather say it is a bad post....just my opinion. U havent even spoken about the SAM capablities and how are u going to take care of them...Above all as it is the future u are forgeting the Indian naval air wing on ACs. There are also 126 M-MRCA joining which is going to be more potent than ur fighters..u are not talking about the political problemsthat u will be facing and how are u going to stop the supply chain and logistics on the Indian airforce...If the scenario is 2020 then it is the most Ill-researched post.
The only line I agree to in that post is

"I pray to Allah it will never happen"
Have you ever heard abt the term Gawadar.....IN doesnot have the potential to have much effect to that area...so our external supply chain is not a worry...there r two higways plus a rail link which connects it to rest of the Pakistan....Plus Omara....Agreed we will have some porblem from Karachi as its near the Indian border. Plua anyways Pakistan has a stockpile of 6o days at any given time for fuel and ammu....its not 65 or 71 today...Dont give me the AEW point as both will have it thus neither will have a edge on that issue..Now abt MCA
U have not even ordered 1 AC
Even if u order tommorrow it will take arounf atleast 5 years to get the first squad....just listen to ur ex chief SP tayagi
so I have no intention to count them till 2015
Now abt navy....I did not count the Jf-17 that Pakistan Navy is getting plus the Pakistan Navy's Hawkeye AEW sysytem note ur navy has not ordered any AEW..the 3 phalcons for ur AF....abt IN AC u will have Mig-29K on Admiral Groschove... in the last two wars ur NAVY AC were parked in Bombay dockyard ....I wont be surprised if this happens again in the war
India Launches Attack on presumed militant sites in Pakistani Kashmir and to add pressure attacks Sialkot

So you mean to say that if India launches attacks on militant sites it would not factor in Pakistans response.

Ha Ha. Your scenario is pathetic. Please go back to reading Archie comics.

BTW does PAF have 250 Thunders already ?

Ha Ha. Your scenario is pathetic. Please go back to reading Archie comics.

BTW does PAF have 250 Thunders already ?

The scenario is drawn for the future so I suppose Pakistan will have 250 thunders , if not more.
The scenario is drawn for the future so I suppose Pakistan will have 250 thunders , if not more.

Which future ? 2020 ?By then IAF may have 200 Flankers and 126 MCRA's etc.

Why will India strike Pakistan over Kashmiri miltant camps in 2020 ? when it has never done till date ?

It's a possible military scenario , so anything can be potentially possible.

To the original poster , if allowed by rules then you can post a more comprehensive military scenario which we could all enjoy reading.
Have you ever heard abt the term Gawadar.....IN doesnot have the potential to have much effect to that area...so our external supply chain is not a worry...there r two higways plus a rail link which connects it to rest of the Pakistan....Plus Omara....Agreed we will have some porblem from Karachi as its near the Indian border. Plua anyways Pakistan has a stockpile of 6o days at any given time for fuel and ammu....its not 65 or 71 today...Dont give me the AEW point as both will have it thus neither will have a edge on that issue..Now abt MCA
U have not even ordered 1 AC
Even if u order tommorrow it will take arounf atleast 5 years to get the first squad....just listen to ur ex chief SP tayagi
so I have no intention to count them till 2015
Now abt navy....I did not count the Jf-17 that Pakistan Navy is getting plus the Pakistan Navy's Hawkeye AEW sysytem note ur navy has not ordered any AEW..the 3 phalcons for ur AF....abt IN AC u will have Mig-29K on Admiral Groschove... in the last two wars ur NAVY AC were parked in Bombay dockyard ....I wont be surprised if this happens again in the war

I think you are comparing the Indian air power of today with the future air power of Pakistan. You also have not yet ordered the J 10. The Jf 17 is yet to get IOC. The Gwadar port will be complete by 2012 only. The block 52s have not yet arrived...AEW means not only early warning but also electronic warfare....
Why will India strike Pakistan over Kashmiri miltant camps in 2020 ? when it has never done till date ?

Because we know by then Pakistan would have 250 thunders.:smitten:

We want a balanced fight, thats why India will attack in 2020.

if we attack now, then there might not be a true balance, as Pakistan is busy somewhere else.

That actually shows writer's honesty towards India.
Thanks mate.
Which future ? 2020 ?By then IAF may have 200 Flankers and 126 MCRA's etc.

Why will India strike Pakistan over Kashmiri miltant camps in 2020 ? when it has never done till date ?


By 2014 India will have 230 MKIs,70 upgraded Fulcrums,60 upgraded M2Ks to dash 9 standard,100 Jag Darin II/III,55 upgraded Floggers,40 LCA Tejas,not taking into account the MRCAs.These will be more than a match for anything PAF can field.
@ last .... 10000000000000 0f Mkiz bla blaa vs 100 of F16 (Depend on Pilots) lol not on aircraftz!
@ last....come with spitfires and why are u buying new aircrafts and missiles...
So you mean to say that if India launches attacks on militant sites it would not factor in Pakistans response.

Ha Ha. Your scenario is pathetic. Please go back to reading Archie comics.

Mister "Always Neutral", I would like to point out that you are being unnecessarily mean to the new member. If you disagree with any aspects of his analysis, slinging personal insults won’t add to your credibility.

People with varying levels of knowledge, insight and investigating abilities come here, they should all be appreciated for their contributions. No one’s analysis is perfect, circuitbaba has done a decent enough job. Let’s not turn this into a “you are better, we are better” thing, and analyze its technical, tactical and strategic aspects in a purely factual way.

I for one would like to point out that it is unlikely that India will try anything like bombing Pakistani Kashmir as long as Pakistan is involved in the American lead War of Terror, because that would seriously tick Uncle Sam off as Pakistan would without a doubt quickly redeploy all its air and land assets back to our eastern frontier, and probably make peace deals with Taliban forces in the process of freeing troops up. A lot of American progress in the region would be lost, and the Americans would face the un-easy choice of losing Pakistani support in the WoT (which is quite essential) or losing a new ally in India depending on who they support during the war. Therefore the Americans are likely to keep a serious lid on things even if tension spill out between Pakistan and India in the foreseeable future.
@ last .... 10000000000000 0f Mkiz bla blaa vs 100 of F16 (Depend on Pilots) lol not on aircraftz!

So what make u think ur pilots in 100 F-16s will be able to take over Indian pilots in 100000000000000 MKIs????
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