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'Frankenstorm' bears down on US east coast

You northeast people have some nice houses while in Florida it is over priced and its little. :hitwall:

But you have beautiful weather mate except for yearly rituals like last night. ;) - But the houses in the pictures I posted are million odd dollar homes.
The pictures are quite bad!

Is it over though... I thought they said the hurricane will come down again and strike NE in 24-48 hours... what's that about?

I heard nothing of that and in fact the sun was trying to breakout all day and the wind is very mild. I just check the weather forecast, It'll sunny and mild Thursday onward.

The scary part was the ocean water tidal surge, they inundated and flooded every coastal low lying area. It gave an impression of tsunami hitting the land. The biggest job now is to pump out the water of their basements for those who have them.

But for many the lack of electricity is insufferable and it might take more than a week for the service to resume. In ares like downtown Manhattan, Chinatown being one, you can't ever buy food in restaurants or food marts because they also closed due to lack of electric. Their cellular phones won't work for long because they can't charge them.

Currently my brother, my sister and my wife's sister's family are bumping with us until their electricity resume so that their burners can generate heat. It's rather cold at nights. All emergency and some make shifted shelters are in operation for those who's friends or relatives' places are inconvenienced.
RIP to those who've lost lives! Some pictures look quite bad, I hope people make it through OK!
im currently in the US capital and it was NOTHING other than some occasional power gusts of wind and some rain and cold.......media made a big drama over it

i heard new york took a beating though

hope it warms up, b/c riding season is almost over and i'm having major bike withdrawal symptoms
Whole Long Island without Power till unknown period.:frown:

im currently in the US capital and it was NOTHING other than some occasional power gusts of wind and some rain and cold.......media made a big drama over it

i heard new york took a beating though

hope it warms up, b/c riding season is almost over and i'm having major bike withdrawal symptoms

Yea it did alot damage in NY & NJ.
The number of homes without power is down to 16,000 locally, from a high of 23,000 overnight. Some roads are still blocked, but crews are working round the clock to clear them.
A record storm surge that was higher than predicted along with high winds damaged the electrical system and plunged millions of people into darkness. Utilities say it could be up to a week before power is fully restored. A fire burned 50 houses in one flooded section of Queens. There were 17 storm-related deaths, 10 of them in New York City. Power outages: 2.18 million, down from a peak of 2.2 million.

A state-by-state look at the East Coast superstorm - Yahoo! News
Japan`s disaster was greater , and that made this look like nothing ...

May be we are becoming , used to these clamity ...

Strange .. but Tsunami > Hurricane

They were lucky that it was not a Category 4-5 Hurricane it was only a Tropical storm in end

However , its a known fact , that there are few places in Africa where sicentist have been studying land mass and they predict that its quite possible that if a major "Land Fall" occurs in one of the western locations of Africa and that land fall is "tons and tons of land mass falling into sea"

Natural ... process , that would trigger Mega Tsunami
This is REAL

Imagine the devestation now multiply it by 100
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CNN) -- Sandy disrupted the lives of millions of people when it turned toward the Northeast United States and morphed into a superstorm. Most will return to their routine in time, but some lives are forever changed.

Among those people, here are three of their stories:

Emergency: A desperate rush to save lives in a hospital

The doctors, nurses and staff at the New York University's Langone Medical Center acted fast Monday evening when their hospital basement flooded, cutting off power and the roof-top generators choked under Sandy's torrential rain.

Ventilators giving newborns breath failed, lights dimmed and elevators in the 15-floor hospital stopped.

Dr. Andrew Brotman described a desperate rush to find other hospitals to take their 260 patients and ambulances to take them there along streets flooded by the superstorm.

The hospital was empty of patients by 11 a.m. Tuesday, but Brotman and his colleagues were left with the challenge of reclaiming it from Sandy's fury.

Rescue: Police chief aids hundreds who stayed behind

One of Ralph Verdi's jobs as police chief of Little Ferry, New Jersey, is to make sure residents heed warnings when danger approaches.

But many of the 10,000 residents who rode out Irene last year -- the first hurricane to make landfall in New Jersey in 108 years -- might have seen Sandy as another overhyped storm.

When Sandy lived up to her billing and flooded Little Ferry and two neighboring towns, Verdi's job became the rescue of residents trapped in the top floors and roofs of their homes by 6-feet-deep water.

Rescuers under Verdi's direction scrambled to save a Bergen County woman who waved and shouted from her front porch.

The chief has been too busy to count how many people have been whisked from rising water, but he knew it was in the hundreds -- with many others, some in pajamas and barefoot, calling for help.

Death: She answered the call of the sea and history

While the patients at Brotman's hospital and the people Verdi rescued all survived, Sandy took the life of Claudene Christian.

Christian, 42, was living her dream as a deckhand on a replica of the historic HMS Bounty before giant waves, churned up by Hurricane Sandy, overtook the three-masted, 180-foot sailing vessel off North Carolina's coast early Monday.

While 14 crew members made it to lifeboats, waves washed Christian, Capt. Robin Waldridge and another crew members overboard. The third crew member eventually swam to a lifeboat.

The U.S. Coast Guard staged a daring helicopter rescue: They flew into the hurricane's outer bands and plucked the surviving crew members from two lifeboats.

Christian's body was later pulled from the sea, but Waldridge remained missing Tuesday.

It seems the worst of the storm has passed, the real work now is the cleanup and restoring power to cities. The initial response from authorities has been good so far, hopefully they'll keep at it.
For a CAT-1 storm this did massive damage, i am glad you guys are safe, feel sorry for those who lost their life. I can't even imagine if the same thing was CAT-3 or CAT-5 what it would had done.
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