Of course my logic is confusing to you because
it doesn't serve your biased purpose 
And here is Lt. Commander Michael Scott's incident details for you. There was a Foxbat that fired 5 missiles on an F-15.
But the F-15, even though empties out of missiles at that time, still managed to escape.
Speaks volumes for the Foxbat.
Always remember that there may be some people on here, who know what they are talking about. Please don't waste my time by writing a response without facts or with ill facts.
I won't respond unless I see something valid. Thank you.
U.S. Veterans Dispatch/1996
Ted Sampley
Lt. Cmdr. Micahel S. Speicher: Expendable
There is no chance Lt. Cmdr. Michael S. Speicher survived, Defense Secretary Dick Cheney assured the American people within hours of the Navy pilot's failure to return to the aircraft carrier Saratoga on the night of Jan. 16, 1991. He was last heard from over Iraqi flying northeast toward Baghdad.
Speicher, 33, of Jacksonville, Fla, was the first U. S. pilot shot down in the Gulf War. He left a wife, a 3-year-old daughter and a 1-year old son.
On Jan. 18, 1991, less than 48-hours after Speicher became missing, the Pentagon said his single-seat FA-18 Hornet fighter bomber was shot down by an Iraqi surface-to-air missile.
The plane "exploded to bits" in the sky after being hit.