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Foxbat over Pakistan the facts & fiction

You should have titled this post, "Heart's Desires that never became reality". :sarcastic:

Yeah, we all know that capabilities of mighty PAF.
but for some reason PAF failed to turn the tide in your wars against india .

Heard this from one of the Viper drivers a few years back.
Fighter Jets have drivers, I thought pilots fly the plane.:pleasantry:
USAF did not stop the flights, they stopped short cutting over Sweden.
They were not in significant violation in the first place.

That was due to "diplomatic requests" the Swedes made. If the Russians and the Chinese couldn't stop us from flying over their cities, I can't imagine how the mighty Sweden would've done that. Just stating the reality here.
Officially HQ-16 & SPADA MR SAMs are available to defend high value targets while it is said that HQ-9 is also available to protect very high value targets and Pakistan is in talks with Russia for purchase od Buk M-3, Pantsir S-2, Tor latest versions.

Many here didn't believe that HQ-2 was capable to intercept Mig-25 and it was ready to fire if orders were given to intercept.
don't fool yourself sir HQ-16 is base defense system with a range of 30 km or 19 miles and intercepting altitude is mere 40,000+ ft, SPADA- 2000 is not a medium range system, it is short range system just like HQ-16 take a look "The Aspide 2000 missile can intercept enemy missiles and aircraft at a range of over 20 km" and intercepting altitude is mere 45000+ ft and as for HQ-9 this is just a rumors nothing else, if we have it give me a solid prove:blah:, they are all short ranged SAMS. actually HQ-2 is basically a Soviet "SA-2 GUIDELINE" which was the 1950-60 technology with upgraded radar nothing else:p:
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Do you even know the "actual" flight ceiling of the F-16?
more than whats advertised as usual.
its like asking a submariner how deep his sub can really go. he does not know untill he does it to find out.
you can stretch it to 80k+ft depending on the engine. the pw f100-200 standard will struggle but if mlu'ed knocking of about a tonne of it weight then it would be easier. your block 60's would do it quiet well having the most powerfull ge f110 engines be being quiet heavy.

are you sudgesting using f16 as a subsittute for long range sams?
That was due to "diplomatic requests" the Swedes made. If the Russians and the Chinese couldn't stop us from flying over their cities, I can't imagine how the mighty Sweden would've done that. Just stating the reality here.

You stop doing things when it is no longer in Your interest.
US was informed about the violations and requested to stop, which they did,
knowing the Swedish Air Force could get Radar Lock when they used their normal path.
You stop doing things when it is no longer in Your interest.
US was informed about the violations and requested to stop, which they did,

knowing the Swedish Air Force could get Radar Lock when they used their normal path

I would minus the bold line from your post. The rest is fine. Yes, the Swedes did request and the US agreed as the Swedes are our allies.........shooting down a US jet means war with the most powerful fighting machine in the world and no one wants that. Just stating facts, nothing more. Thanks
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FAITH and BELIEF don't come without struggle,, they live in their fantasy world

You stop doing things when it is no longer in Your interest.
US was informed about the violations and requested to stop, which they did,
knowing the Swedish Air Force could get Radar Lock when they used their normal path.
have a nightmares :lol: go to sleep:sleep:don't overhyped yourself:blah:
FAITH and BELIEF don't come without struggle,, they live in their fantasy world

have a nightmares :lol: go to sleep:sleep:don't overhyped yourself:blah:

You have had a hard row to hoe. Looks like fanboys of all nations are averse to checking data.
Do you even know the "actual" flight ceiling of the F-16?

It's classified and it varies by the engine and models. But it can go at and some beyond 60K with specific payloads. Similarly, 9G's are recommended but the USAF pilots routinely pull 9.5-10G's and get fatigued up just to enjoy the ride :cheers:

Love the lock-on, BVR buzz tone of the -15's APG radar. This thing is deadly (I am sure the pilot of the Mig-25 figured it out quickly).
Of course my logic is confusing to you because

1. it doesn't serve your biased purpose :rofl:.

And here is Lt. Commander Michael Scott's incident details for you. There was a Foxbat that fired 5 missiles on an F-15.

2. But the F-15, even though empties out of missiles at that time, still managed to escape.

Speaks volumes for the Foxbat.

3. Always remember that there may be some people on here, who know what they are talking about. Please don't waste my time by writing a response without facts or with ill facts.

I won't respond unless I see something valid. Thank you.

U.S. Veterans Dispatch/1996
Ted Sampley

Lt. Cmdr. Micahel S. Speicher: Expendable

There is no chance Lt. Cmdr. Michael S. Speicher survived, Defense Secretary Dick Cheney assured the American people within hours of the Navy pilot's failure to return to the aircraft carrier Saratoga on the night of Jan. 16, 1991. He was last heard from over Iraqi flying northeast toward Baghdad.

Speicher, 33, of Jacksonville, Fla, was the first U. S. pilot shot down in the Gulf War. He left a wife, a 3-year-old daughter and a 1-year old son.

On Jan. 18, 1991, less than 48-hours after Speicher became missing, the Pentagon said his single-seat FA-18 Hornet fighter bomber was shot down by an Iraqi surface-to-air missile. The plane "exploded to bits" in the sky after being hit.

1. I totally agree with you. Logic is supposed to be confusing to serve a biased opinion (yours).

Hurts, doesn't it, when you have to admit that you lost an aircraft , that too the top of the line in your inventory at the time, in first few hours of a war which you later claimed never saw the opponent's airforce take to air? Anything to toe the official line, eh?

2.Says a guy who has not got his facts in line.


Now you can tell that the post war intelligence analysis of the intelligence services of the shoot-down is also incorrect and biased!!! And that you have the sole repertoire of all the facts and intelligence in this world and everyone else is a fool.

3. Maybe you should follow the statement in your above statement I took the time to bullet as point 3.

Maybe the pilot flying with him did not have the insight that you sitting on a keyboard have ....


Now let me debunk the extract of report you posted.


https://books.google.co.in/books?id=2oa-AwAAQBAJ&pg=PA271&lpg=PA271&dq=scott+speicher+shot+down+by+mig-25&source=bl&ots=ISm18pVHzz&sig=-vH7Uqx3l6BLqWKfz2teoFWdcI8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwicjMKWx5fOAhXMuY8KHWwVDmg4ChDoAQhPMAk#v=onepage&q=scott speicher shot down by mig-25&f=false

His body was recovered in 2009.

So did he bale out before the aircraft exploded? I am yet to ascertain how did he bale out before missile strike and his aircraft 'exploding into bits'?

You have been tried and found wanting.

A mere lazy wannabe know-it-all who has no idea of what he is talking. Just google and you will get facts in 5 seconds.

But you decided to brazen it out ... and were caught wanting!!!

Stop making your own assessment and history.

we were conducting regular sorties over Tibet and Pakistan .. with impunity merely because the Mig-25 could achieve an altitude above 60+ feet AGL in India itself and then simply power up and enter and be back before the interceptors could be in a position to actually do something about it ... a quick ingress and egress ... and in Pakistan that means a total time of 4-8 minutes tops for Islamabad et al

I enjoy the ignorance ..
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