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First Project-28 ASW Corvette Launch Today

i wonder why indian army and airforce dosent follow the foot steps of indian navy when it comes to buying or inducting domestic military hard ware

the answer is as simple as the question itself.

IN is the least funded force of India.It gets small share of indian defence budget.But IN has far more ambitions than its counterparts,like ruling seas and power projections.

With its penny sized budgets,it certainly cant afford buying from foreign vendors.Then realised an alternative of developing its most needed systems inhome.Started deputing its tech savy officers to DRDO labs or for creation of new labs.Though the initial projects were to realise an alternative indian system,today it was in a position to develop a competitive system.

If one looks at the naval labs,most of the people were from IN itself.Which is unlikely with IA or IAF.Since both these getting lion share of budget,they are taking the luxury of spending that on overseas products and reluctant on inducting a cheap competitive product from Indian companies.

A heavyweight torpedo developed by DRDO costs 1/4th of the same purchased from abroad.Same with all other products like Sonars,practise torpedoes,anti-sub guided rockets, batteries for D-E subs,...........

In short,all sucessive IN leaders were foresighted than compared to IA/IAF. IN 5 carrier requirement was laid down during the later 70`s after a sucessfull blockade of Karachi and chitagong.The 5 carrier battle group was mainly considered due to the american involvement in the war and sending of its CBG to warzone.As gov keep changes, IN failed to realise its wishlist,but went on forcing the MOD.With economy shining,IN is hoping that its wishlist will be fulfilled.

IN despatches its top brass to all R&D organisations in india,including BARC,ISRO,DRDO,IISc,TIFR,IITs,CISR..... on a regular basis to educate itself of new developments.And its an eyesore to see IA/IAF doing this.
With the type of delays we are seeing, I will not be surprised if future P-28 derivatives are made entirely by the private shipyards. Though looking at the poor pace of pipavav in their current order-book, I have started to believe that there is a chronic issue of mismanagement in many Indian shipyards regardless of public or private, which the Navy should not be forced to live with :rolleyes:!

If I remember correctly, P-28 was laid down sometime in 2006. With commissioning still years away, I am amazed at how these ministers can still smile at these launch ceremonies :disagree:! What's the use of showing us grand visions of blue water navy when you have no way of getting there!?!

One of the major issues IMO is the tight budgets that these public yards agree to work on. This not only creates a big issue when we look at possible private players (for whom profit is all), but also leads to stop gap purchase (as was the case with talwars) eventually leading to higher costs!

IMO, IN should seriously look at international yards to fulfill its needs till the Govt. of India and the shipyards in India get their act together. This does not mean doing away with orders to these yards but should mean higher pressure on the GOI from IN to make some systems (especially critical ones like submarines) from outside. Hopefully some established private players will get enough incentives to get into this business. Barring small orders for interceptor boats and "non-combat" vessels from IN, they haven't done much. Looking at the cash flow of public yards, I can understand why the GOI still regards them as the "best option"!
As per CNN IBN:

Scutter torpedo decoys and Kavach chaff decoy system on P-28's:

Rafael Scutter Expandable Torpedo Decoy

SCUTTER is an intelligent expandable torpedo decoy for submarines. Operating as a self-propelled decoy, SCUTTER can be launched instantly, at any depth and provide the submarine with an omnidirectional protection against attacks by all known torpedoes.

On receipt of a torpedo alert, SCUTTER is launched from the Submarine Signal Ejector (SSE) or external launchers. The system is automatically activated after launch, propelling itself autonomously to its operating position. Torpedo transmissions are received and analysed. After identifying the specific torpedo by its characteristic signature, Scutter will select the appropriate deception signals. If an unknown torpedo is encountered, SCUTTER will employ an appropriate deception technique from its portfolio, including Doppler,
elongation and range gates, as well as highlights discrimination.

Concequently, torpedoes will always prefer SCUTTER as a legitimate target, attacking repeatedly while the submarine performs evasive maneuvers. SCUTTER can operate for 10 minutes at a depth of 300 meters, and will self destruct and sink on the completion of its mission.

SCUTTER can be accommodated on all types of submarines and has no special installation requirements. It is designed from the submariner's view - as a compact cylinder, it requires only small volume of the valuable submarine space and has been designed to consume no maintenance or facilities on board. No pre-launch tests or presets are required prior to launch, eliminating any chance of human error and ensuring error-proof launch and in-water operation

Have India clarified whether it wants stealth or a heavy weapons full of corvettes ??/ The picture is what India wants. There are a lot of weapons in it.
If we really wants something like visby whose main purpose is stealth, then either we should reduce the weapons or we have to completely change the design. Visbi is considered to have 99% visibility.
I also believe India should consider to make smaller anti-sub corvette like visby which should act as the frontline of indian navy because of 2 reasons :
1) Lower price and because of which we can induct more and more of these corvettes.
2) These would be meant to go offensive in case of subs attack and in case the corvettes get attacked by sub, then there would be less loss of life and property.
Bottomline is we need many more Visby like anti-sub corvette since our neighbours are increasing their sub power.
Interesting corvette. Similar to our Milgem in size and role.

u said that visbi is 99% visible, then why it is called stealthy?
Sorry !!!! for the wrong info :
The actual info is :

The Visby's angular design reduces its radar signature (or radar cross section). John Nilsson, one of the designers, told BBC News Online: "We are able to reduce the radar cross section by 99%. That doesn't mean it's 99% invisible, it means that we have reduced its detection range."
Why is the Brahmos not fitted to this one?

Furthermore, is there a possibility of fitting the Shaurya on the Indian Corvettes/Frigates/Destroyers? Would give them a potent long reach against stationary targets. (~1900km)..and the missile is pretty compact..only 10 meters long and .75 wide in its canister form.
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I think if India is going for these many weapons on board, they should also go for Brahmos, After all its our BRAHMASTRA. But I still have doubts about the stealth. Visby has hidden every weapon inside. I don't think we would be able to hide such big weapons inside the ship. But Swedish are the best for our deal, it has been 10 years since 1st visby was launched by Swedish Kockums and they have been working in this field since then. It might be possible that P28 A might be more stealthier than visby. Also India should not go for cheap navy blue color. Visby's color is also very cool.

Schedule for P28 and P28A
Project 28
Yard 3017 GRSE 20 Nov 2006 2010
Yard 3018 GRSE 27 Sep 2007 2011
Yard 3019 GRSE ? 2008 2012
Yard 3020 GRSE ? 2009 2013

Project 28A
GRSE ? 2010 ? 2014
GRSE ? 2011 ? 2015
GRSE ? 2012 ? 2016
GRSE ? 2013 ? 2017
GRSE ? 2014 ? 2018
GRSE ? 2015 ? 2019
GRSE ? 2016 ? 2020

I think we should include LnT in this project. The scheduled planned above seem to be very tight. I think the workload should be divided with one more shipyard so that we can easily built all these warships by 2020 because we know there would be delays.

Some points about visby :
Length: 73m
Displacement: 600 tonnes
Crew: 43
Speed: 35 knots
Hull: Carbon fibre reinforced plastic
Cost: £100m ($184m)

Does anybody knows how much money govt. has sanctioned for this project ?/ Any RFPs ??/ Right now I think we have issued RFI only. Does anybody knows what is the progress on this project?
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