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FATA Situation

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Fine it is all the US' fault.

Again, you take the usual beaten track - blame all and absolve yourself of all responsibility and errors. You are pristine, pure and beyond sins! That is unmitigated tripe! Every country is responsible for things happening that affects her. Or else, she is moribund and spineless! I am sure that is not what you are suggesting of Pakistan!

Indeed, if it is all US' fault, are you suggesting that Pakistan is some vassal state that has to allow the ruling State (US) to do as it wishes?

Are you suggesting that Pakistan does not govern itself and decide what is good for it?

This blame shifting is an insult to all who govern and governed Pakistan!

And anyone who has an iota of knowledge in governance would laugh at this attempt to surface as purer than the snow of Mount Etna!

No country abdicates it sovereignty and allows others to tweak the environment to put the country in a mess!
Act I: Reagan’s freedom fighters

Drawing a line in the sand against a Soviet juggernaut that was only a decade or so from imploding anyway, Ronald Reagan (not Charlie Wilson) authorizes the CIA to secretly recruit, organize, train, and arm a group of batshit-crazy Muslim fundamentalists to wage a jihad against the godless commie invaders of Afghanistan. Answering the call is a multinational band of brothers from all over the Muslim world. Many are recruited through Pakistan’s Red Mosque, which by Part III of our tragedy becomes an internationally infamous hotbed of Muslim extremism. Also, in Act I we call these mujahideen “freedom fighters,” but by the end of Act II, this same bunch would be known as Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Islamofascists, or just plain terrorists.

And lets not forget Reagan's contribution to the Contra's in Nicaragua, nor similar pursuits in the rest of Latin America in the guise of "National Interest" (or, Manifest Destiny). That the monster was fed by Pakistan to pursue its interests is no different from what the US has done over the years. That fact should be taken into consideration while analyzing the events. The West is overly involved in simply criticizing without looking at the skeletons in its own closet.

There is no doubt that the West cloaks itself with morality over their dodgy actions.

But then, who is impressed by that?

Yet, to believe that the West can do what it wants in one's country without the connivance of local bigwigs is also a truism that one should own up to!

There is no doubt that the West cloaks itself with morality over their dodgy actions.

But then, who is impressed by that?

Yet, to believe that the West can do what it wants in one's country without the connivance of local bigwigs is also a truism that one should own up to!

Sir no one is saying nor do i am saying that we do not have share in creating this problem.

My reply was in response to all those and likes of those and likes of nytimes that come up with raised heads blaming only us for creating that mess and forgetting their basic role.

Anyway here is another angle to Al-qaeda creation the role of Israel
Give details rather than statements and inference that are woolly!

Let us get the goats and not the scapegoats!

What is this about Israel?

How Israel created the myth of Al-Qaeda", by Seymour Hersh, a New Yorker journalist. How Israel Created The Myth of Al-Qaeda | Sydney Indymedia

The following article by Seymour Hirsh is quite thought provoking. Who knows, thirty years from now when 'classified information' is released a future generation might learn the truth of the matter. In the meantime, in these days of government and media 'spin-doctoring', propaganda, outright lies, half-truths, and censorship, we report on it for the record.
It has been said that truth is stranger than fiction… has Seymour Hersh uncovered some facts, some truths, which to most would appear 'fiction'?
Could this be partly the reason why New Zealand's Prime Minister Helen Clarke was so angry and upset about the Israelis infiltrating her land -- and the subsequent jailing of the two Israeli spies? If they are in New Zealand, you can be doubly sure they are in Australia!

Seymour Hersh writes:

"These Israeli citizens came into Iraq disguised as Arab or Kurdish civilians, businessmen. Maybe "contractors"? Under contract with the Pentagon's neocon office? Your tax dollars at work? How much of their work is blamed on Abu Musab al-Zarqawi? How much of Israel's terrorism is blamed on "Al-Qaeda"?
I have investigated the development of the "mujahideen" and here is my conclusion
In the 80s, Israel supervised the recruitment of Arab Afghan "mujahideen" supposedly to fight against Russia. They became cannon fodder and refugees before they ended up in Guantanamo. Their real purpose was to help Israel create a useful myth: Al-Qaeda! The Arab mujahideen were rather harmless as recent revelations from Guantanamo have shown. Israeli and Jewish-American intelligence specialists were trusted by the CIA -- Israelis being "allies" and experts on the Middle East -- to recruit the Arab "mujahideen" to be used by the US against Russia. Israelis disguised as Arab or Pakistani missionaries (tablighis) even ran the recruitment centres. Israelis playing Muslim missionaries (tablighis) were caught in India and Israel rushed to retrieve them.

The Arab "mujahideen" themselves were inefficient and almost useless. I have heard from the relatives of many who died in vain in clumsy incidents in Afghanistan. All the Zionists wanted was a story, a myth that would enable them to create another myth: "Al-Qaeda." The Zionists needed this myth as an excuse for their long-term plans for the "war on terror," a war to destabilze the Middle East and pit the world against Muslims.
Neither Bin Laden nor the Arab refugees he took care of were of any military significance. The Afghans themselves were the real efficient mujahideen because they knew the territory and the tribal structure. The Afghans actually saw the Arabs as nuisance. Arabs say "nothing comes out of a pot except what's in it." When the neocon liars speak about Arab/Islamic terrorism and Al-Qaeda, they are in fact talking about what they themselves are doing. They are talking about Israeli covert activities. No Arabs are involved. Israeli commandos move around using forged or stolen Arab ID's and -- if necessary -- they wear masks to hide their real identities, such as in beheading videos. Israelis continue to fake whatever it takes to prove that the "war on terror," i.e. the war on Arabs has to continue.
Listen to them more carefully. Zionists in our midst have been telling us the truth all along. Just replace "Arab" with "Israeli," replace "Al-Qaeda" with "Mossad," etc." (emphasis added…ed)

ALOR - OnTarget Vol.40 - No.29

That is more like it, even if a bit partisan!

But then, it appears to ha\ve meat!
Islamic Militants Capture Military Base in NW Pakistan
By Nancy-Amelia Collins
16 January 2008

Islamic militants have captured a remote military outpost in northwest Pakistan near the Afghan border. VOA's Nancy-Amelia Collins in Islamabad has more.

The Pakistan military said Wednesday more than 20 troops are missing and feared dead as Islamic militants linked to al Qaida captured a remote military outpost located along South Waziristan's mountainous border with Afghanistan.

Military spokesman General Athar Abbas said about 300 Islamic militants attacked the Sararogha Fort from four sides late Tuesday evening.

"Around 300 plus miscreants launched a fresh attack with rocket fire and small arms fire and they were able to make a hole in the wall at the moment the fort has been captured by the militants," he said.

Abbas says 15 troops were able to escape to an army base in Jandola, located around 35 kilometers east of Sararogha Fort, but up to 25 others are missing and feared dead.

Abbas also claimed the military killed 40 militants during Tuesday evening's attack.

Pakistan's Army troops arrive to take positions in the area of Matta near Mangora, the main town of Pakistani district Swat along Afghan border, 06 Jan 2008
The capture of Sararogha Fort is the first military outpost captured by the Islamic militants since last October when the insurgents captured military and police posts in the tourist region of Swat Valley.

The government has since recaptured Swat Valley, but sporadic fighting continues in the region.

The Sararogha Fort outpost is one of dozens located along South Waziristan's border with Afghanistan, a mountainous, lawless region where the Pakistan military patrols - checking for militants and weapons crossing between the two borders.

The Pakistan army has been battling with al Qaida linked militants in this region for several years.

Pakistan has been hit by over 20 suicide bombings in the past few months aimed mostly at the security forces that have claimed the lives of more than 400 people.

Benazir Bhutto arrives for election campaign rally in Rawalpindi, 27 Dec 2007
These attacks include the assassination last month of former prime minister and opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, who was killed while campaigning for parliamentary elections.

While Ms. Bhutto's supporters blame elements within the government for her death, the government blames al Qaida-linked militant leader Baitullah Mehsud.

The Sararogha area where the military outpost was captured is also the stronghold of Mehsud and his followers.

Analysts say the growing number of suicide attacks coupled with this latest setback for the military is likely to contribute to fears the government is unable to contain the Islamic insurgency ahead of next month's parliamentary elections.
US Gives $750 Million To Develop Pakistan's Tribal Areas
By VOA News
15 January 2008

The United States is giving $750 million to Pakistan to help develop its remote tribal region.

The U.S. Agency for International Development says the money - to be allocated over five years - will fund projects in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATAs), which border Afghanistan.

The agency says the projects include efforts to strengthen livelihoods, expand economic opportunities and improve education and healthcare.

A $43 million contract has been awarded by the agency to Development Alternatives, Incorporated. The company will help the Pakistani government and non-governmental organizations to plan, implement and monitor a wide range of development programs.

The Federally Administered Tribal Areas are governed by the Pakistani central government, but Pashtun tribal elders run the day to day affairs of the region.
Militants overrun Pakistan fort

Hundreds of militants have overrun a paramilitary fort in north-west Pakistan, killing or kidnapping many troops, the military says.
At least eight soldiers died in the raid and 15 escaped, the army says. The whereabouts of another 25 are unknown. Some reports put the death toll higher.

South Waziristan is a known stronghold of pro-Taleban and al-Qaeda militants.
The region has been at the centre of fighting between the army and the militants in recent months.

"About 200 militants charged the fort from four sides," army spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas said.
"They broke through the fort's wall with rockets."

Local officials and other reports suggest the number of militants may have been nearer to 1,000.

Observers say this is the first time that militants have captured a fort in Pakistan.

The army says that up to 40 attackers were killed in the fighting, something the tribal fighters deny. There is no independent confirmation of this figure.

Officials said troops at the fort came under rocket and automatic weapons attack from militants on Tuesday night.

Soldiers returned fire and the battle went on until early on Wednesday morning. People in the Sararogha area told the BBC Urdu service the exchange of fire went on for four hours.

There are many forts in South Waziristan

They said the militants entered the remote military outpost and started shifting weapons and troops they had captured out of the fort.

It is unclear whether the militants are still inside the fort.
Correspondents say that Sararogha Fort dates back to the British colonial period.

It is one of several such posts located along South Waziristan's mountainous border with Afghanistan.

Military personnel at the base monitor and patrol the frontier which it is claimed is used by militants to transport weapons into Afghanistan.

Militant leader

Correspondents say the Sararogha area is a stronghold of pro-Taleban militant leader Baitullah Mehsud.

He is accused by the government of being behind the assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto in Rawalpindi on 27 December and a wave of other bombings in recent months.

Meanwhile, the political administration of South Waziristan agency, based in neighbouring North West Frontier Province, has called a council of the Mehsud tribe to try to resolve the issue.

The BBC's Barbara Plett in Islamabad says that in recent weeks there has been an increase in skirmishes on Mehsud tribal lands.

Sources say the government is considering an economic blockade of the tribe.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Militants overrun Pakistan fort
"Sources say the government is considering an economic blockade of the tribe."

What......theres no economic blockade already in place?:crazy:
"Sources say the government is considering an economic blockade of the tribe."

What......theres no economic blockade already in place?:crazy:

That would be on account of civilians in the area.

Besides it would look worse to starve them out as opposed to bombing them.
Where is the protection? Thats pathetic.

300+ that too sounds unrealistic.
god i'm so sick of these militants don't they ever get tired of the fighting and suicide bombings ?? pak army is just so soft on them showing the enemy how weak they are which why they're so bold to keep attacking ! everytime something like this happens they try and make some sort of peace deal and go to tribal jirgas and the militants carry on roaming freely only to attack again.
They need to put their foot down and do something extreme what the hell is the PAF doing ?? they need to go and bomb the crap out these people .I guess this could be a good opportunity for an attack hundreds gathered in one place maybe send a cruise missile in there take out all of them at once or starve them out then beat the sh!t out of them plz no mercy anymore !
"Sources say the government is considering an economic blockade of the tribe."

What......theres no economic blockade already in place?:crazy:

Sorry to say this but had there been one then people would have been crying about "starving the people" to death.
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