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Falcon V Fulcrum Turkey Shoot

Ah...John Doe....I was wondering where have you got to.....we were missing the amusement.
First, as the story goes, a certain shop specialises in selling brains, a potential buyer walks in to look at the goods on offer, he notices an American brain in a jar for $2.00, next is a Japanese for $5.00 and a Chinese for $8.00 and so on, at the end of the line is an Indian brain for $100.00...the shopper is bemused at the price discrepancy since the likes of American, Japanese and Chinese are way ahead in technology, yet their brains are all under $10.00, and Indians.....however his inquiry is promptly answered by the assistant who discloses that the Indian brain belongs to a certain John Doe, while all other brains have been used that's why they are so cheap but the Indian brain has never been used and it's still in original packing , hence the price difference, however the assistant also warns albeit brand new but there is no guarantee it will ever activate. !!!
Now to the highlighted part, according to you, all F-16s were grounded due to lack of spares !!??.... yet some frivolous Indian warlords awarded a MiG-29 pilot for painting an F-16 !!! now did he supposedly achieve this while the F-16 was sitting in the hangaror did that F-16 belonged to Somalian Air Force..... BUSTED.
Let me try and enlighten you, the PAF was very much deployed on FOB including the F-16s, I have a video to that effect (VHS).
Characters like you just want to believe what your heart tells you, apart from the Falcons giving a surprise to a flight of Fulcrums, I bet your self centred media never ever disclosed the incident involving your then energy minister's Helicopter or how an inauguration flight involving an Indian transport aircraft met with fire from both sides of the border.....you know if you are desperate to seek attention, there are better ways than wasting band width and peoples time and making a spectacle of your self.
Damn, I don't need to answer to any of your cheap banter, however since this is an open forum, I challenge you on the MKI incident to prove me otherwise. Here is the works, Santro is a highly credible and respected MOD, and by your own admission, your favourite, whatever method suits you, you can inquire from him regarding the MKI getting locked on by an F-16, which incidentaly happened over Murid k, near Lahore.

The PAF F-16s had started flying CAP missions,but stopped after a while due to lack of spares.There is a excerpt of a PAF officer about it.I think you know about it already.

During this time one of the PAF F-16 was locked on by an IAF Mig-29.
And in today's BVR combat environment, would we still depend on conventional WVR 'dog fights'? That's passe. A 2nd WW concept until BVR combat became the mantra in the late 90s.

I am sure there were also incidents during the war in former Yugoslavia.

I very much doubt if the MiG-29 is technically any match against the F-15.

And of-course, the Serbs alone were no match against NATO forces. They can't do anything against B-2 bombers.

The Balkan Air War

If you ask me, the MiG-29 and the F-16 are about the same league. Each have their advantages.

Although, I wouldn't question the sheer skill and experience of PAF pilots, and that's what really matters.
. yet some frivolous Indian warlords awarded a MiG-29 pilot for painting an F-16 !!!
Let me try and enlighten you, the PAF was very much deployed on FOB including the F-16s, I have a video to that effect (VHS).


To begin with, let me start with quoting Kaiser TUfail:

F-16 CAPs could not have been flown all day long as spares support was limited under the prevailing US sanctions. Random CAPs were resorted to, with a noticeable drop in border violations only as long as the F-16s were on station. After one week of CAPs, the F-16 maintenance personnel indicated that war reserve spares were being eaten into and that the activity had to be ‘rationalised’, a euphemism for discontinuing it altogether. That an impending war occupied the Air Staff’s minds was evident in the decision by the DCAS (Ops) for F-16 CAPs to be discontinued, unless IAF activity became unbearably provocative or threatening.

That should tell you what exactly the F-16's situation was.

Next, no MKI flew over Lahore, let alone have a F-16 lock on it. I don't believe the PAF was so scared of the IAF as to let such an insult go unpunished.

What actually happened was that a Gulfstream operated by the RAW's Aviation Research Centre flew too close to the border and possibly violated it for a few minutes. This is admitted by the Indian Gov. Even then, no PAF jet did anything about it( I don't know why, I can only guess ).

Ok, you claim that some IAF pilot was awarded for locking on to a Viper? Ok, educate me , who was it? C'mon now, share your knowledge of the IAF with the rest of us mortals......

how an inauguration flight involving an Indian transport aircraft met with fire from both sides of the border.....

Hahaha, you sample, you!!!

This incident happened in March 2002:-) So when did the Kargil conflict happen, do you know genius?
You say it was not reported by the Indian media? You are a clown , madam! Read and weep:

Air Marshal's plane hit by Pak fire - Express India

Now again, no F-16's crept up on any IAF planes, let alone MiG-29s and your claim of an HUD shot of any IAF plane is total Windjammer, i.e. total B.S.

Hey, how much time did you need to remember that 3rd std joke about unused brains and type it down, with my username in it? Wow, you must be your primary school's star pupil!
Air Marshal's plane hit by Pak fire - Express India

Now again, no F-16's crept up on any IAF planes, let alone MiG-29s and your claim of an HUD shot of any IAF plane is total Windjammer, i.e. total B.S.

Hey, how much time did you need to remember that 3rd std joke about unused brains and type it down, with my username in it? Wow, you must be your primary school's star pupil!

Well Pinkie, pull you frock down since this incident has nothing to do with the other. The incident I am referring to is where an Anza took out a whole engine of the IAF's transport plane, and when it dived back into the Indian air space, the IA naturally assumed it to be a Pakistani aircraft and also opened fire on it. After commissioning of a new base in the middle of Kargil crisis, the local base commander at the controls took off for the inaugural flight with other high ranking officials on board and ended up on the wrong side of the border. !!!
Instead of digressing in every direction and smearing the thread with your usual crap, why don't you prove what a brave lassie you are and accept the challenge. Knowing you, you will probably end up throwing more tantrums.
ok , so you are still trying to reply to my posts? Note, I say trying, because you still HAVE NOT replied!

I'll ask again:

1. What proof do you have that a Su-30 was locked on by the PAF? What proof do you have that a Su-30 even intruded over Lahore?

2. Who was the IAF pilot that you claim was awarded a medal for locking onto a Viper? Name please, I mean this as a genuine question, no sarcasm here.

3. Ok, you now claim that 2 transport planes were shot at over Kargil airspace? Any supporting information? Can you share which plane this was and where I can find this story other than in your imaginative posts?

4. Any proof or supporting info to your fantasy of the PAF Vipers 'creeping' behind IAF MiG-29's? Do you even understand how air combat works? ! ? !

Ok, nothing but simple questions here. Remember YOU are the one making all the above claims, so the onus is on you to prove that these are not figments of your imagination.

I don't want to constantly make fun of you, so I have improved the tone of my current post as you will no doubt notice. Reciprocate by replying point to point, using facts. Don't copy paste anything other that what I asked you for. Above all, don't steal John Fricker's scanned article for the 100th time........
I challenge you on the MKI incident to prove me otherwise. Here is the works, Santro is a highly credible and respected MOD, and by your own admission, your favourite, whatever method suits you, you can inquire from him regarding the MKI getting locked on by an F-16, which incidentaly happened over Murid k, near Lahore.

Well, I have a serious question.

Correct me if I'm wrong, You have stated that MKI was locked on by F-16.

..Which missile?....

In 2008, F-16s of PAF inventory was non BVR capable and rumor is that the interceptor was F-16.

Heat seeking missiles are fire and forget missiles, you do not need a 'radar lock' for the same.

Can you explain?
Windjammer my freind why you bothering with these trolls they have closed minds
MKI's were never locked on by Paf- 16. As a mater of fact we picked and locked on Paf - 16 when they tried there stunts near LOC. Poor boys just turned around and landed in there bases near somewhere Lahore or Sakardu.
Decided to take the higher path, so changed what I typed.....

Higher path? - You are on the lowest path possible. It doesn't matter what you type it is evident with the words you chose that you are abusive wherever possible. It is not necessary to answer to someone that has distaste for other members.
Are you sure you know which person Indushek was referring to?

Please re-read indushek's post.
Guys please maintain this forum's decorum and kindly do not indulge any more on that topic, thanks Irfan for deleting my post, If i had looked at that again i would have puked. John please let us leave this topic here as i think that it is something we should be talking on pm not here.
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