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Falcon V Fulcrum Turkey Shoot

mig29 is s uperd fighter, but it does not have a good combat history. it has also been reported that 5 migs have been shot down by Ethiopia
Since we have stooped down to propaganda videos to prove our point, Here is one...

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how can it be more agile? it is bigger and heavier
MiG-29 (9-13) with half fuel and 4 AAMs weights 13,700 kg
F-16 block 30 with half fuel and 4 AAMs weights 10,400 kg

MiG-29: 16,600 kg
F-16: 12,260 kg

power to weight:
MiG-29: 1.21
F-16: 1.18

weight/wing area
MiG-29: 360 kg/m2
F-16: 373 kg/m2
You mean when two F-16s crept up a formation of five MiG-29s, once they realised the presence of the Falcons, the MiGs jinxed so violently that they almost crashed into each other.!!! Flying on your side of the respective border, and painting the guy on the other side is no big deal.

Well if merely a lock on without the ROE counts then even the MKI didn't fair any better when it transgressed over Lahore. A dead eye HUD shot from an F-16 is circulating in some circles.

I don't know how you feel like lying so much and so shamelessly?!?!?!

How can you feel like completely making up stories like this, do you think that everyone on this forum is a fool? Really, you need medical help if you are like this in real life.

Is there any mention by anybody from the PAF about this bull crap story of F16s' creeping up on MiG-29's? Everyone knows that F-16 was in no position to even fly air patrols due to lack of spares, let alone anything more. Not only that, these PAF vipers most likely were only capable of WVR, which never was close to happening in Kargil.
So you came up with this wet dream, that F-16's crept up behind MiG-29's. When did Kargil happen, in 1965? :hitwall:
And let me state for the record that you are lying blatantly about this HUD shot of the MKI. You know how I know that? Because no MKI ever flew over Lahore!! This is another cow dung story being spread by you and your ilk!

To quote Kaiser Tufail about the Kargil intrusion:
"The over-arching consideration was the BVR missile capability of IAF fighters which impinged unfavourably on the mission success probability."

Knowing your track record, all you will do is copy paste ( without any links) stuff which has nothing at all to do with my post, just more keyboard dysentery caused by your penchant to lie.
I don't know how you feel like lying so much and so shamelessly?!?!?!

How can you feel like completely making up stories like this, do you think that everyone on this forum is a fool? Really, you need medical help if you are like this in real life.

Is there any mention by anybody from the PAF about this bull crap story of F16s' creeping up on MiG-29's? Everyone knows that F-16 was in no position to even fly air patrols due to lack of spares, let alone anything more. Not only that, these PAF vipers most likely were only capable of WVR, which never was close to happening in Kargil.
So you came up with this wet dream, that F-16's crept up behind MiG-29's. When did Kargil happen, in 1965? :hitwall:
And let me state for the record that you are lying blatantly about this HUD shot of the MKI. You know how I know that? Because no MKI ever flew over Lahore!! This is another cow dung story being spread by you and your ilk!

To quote Kaiser Tufail about the Kargil intrusion:
"The over-arching consideration was the BVR missile capability of IAF fighters which impinged unfavourably on the mission success probability."

Knowing your track record, all you will do is copy paste ( without any links) stuff which has nothing at all to do with my post, just more keyboard dysentery caused by your penchant to lie.
we just used our f-16s for offensive purpose during kargil war but today all our bl-15 f-16s has been converted into bl-40 now
situation has been change
I don't know how you feel like lying so much and so shamelessly?!?!?!

How can you feel like completely making up stories like this, do you think that everyone on this forum is a fool? Really, you need medical help if you are like this in real life.

Is there any mention by anybody from the PAF about this bull crap story of F16s' creeping up on MiG-29's? Everyone knows that F-16 was in no position to even fly air patrols due to lack of spares, let alone anything more. Not only that, these PAF vipers most likely were only capable of WVR, which never was close to happening in Kargil.
So you came up with this wet dream, that F-16's crept up behind MiG-29's. When did Kargil happen, in 1965? :hitwall:
And let me state for the record that you are lying blatantly about this HUD shot of the MKI. You know how I know that? Because no MKI ever flew over Lahore!! This is another cow dung story being spread by you and your ilk!

To quote Kaiser Tufail about the Kargil intrusion:
"The over-arching consideration was the BVR missile capability of IAF fighters which impinged unfavourably on the mission success probability."

Knowing your track record, all you will do is copy paste ( without any links) stuff which has nothing at all to do with my post, just more keyboard dysentery caused by your penchant to lie.

Ah...John Doe....I was wondering where have you got to.....we were missing the amusement.
First, as the story goes, a certain shop specialises in selling brains, a potential buyer walks in to look at the goods on offer, he notices an American brain in a jar for $2.00, next is a Japanese for $5.00 and a Chinese for $8.00 and so on, at the end of the line is an Indian brain for $100.00...the shopper is bemused at the price discrepancy since the likes of American, Japanese and Chinese are way ahead in technology, yet their brains are all under $10.00, and Indians.....however his inquiry is promptly answered by the assistant who discloses that the Indian brain belongs to a certain John Doe, while all other brains have been used that's why they are so cheap but the Indian brain has never been used and it's still in original packing , hence the price difference, however the assistant also warns albeit brand new but there is no guarantee it will ever activate. !!!
Now to the highlighted part, according to you, all F-16s were grounded due to lack of spares !!??.... yet some frivolous Indian warlords awarded a MiG-29 pilot for painting an F-16 !!! now did he supposedly achieve this while the F-16 was sitting in the hangaror did that F-16 belonged to Somalian Air Force..... BUSTED.
Let me try and enlighten you, the PAF was very much deployed on FOB including the F-16s, I have a video to that effect (VHS).
Characters like you just want to believe what your heart tells you, apart from the Falcons giving a surprise to a flight of Fulcrums, I bet your self centred media never ever disclosed the incident involving your then energy minister's Helicopter or how an inauguration flight involving an Indian transport aircraft met with fire from both sides of the border.....you know if you are desperate to seek attention, there are better ways than wasting band width and peoples time and making a spectacle of your self.
Damn, I don't need to answer to any of your cheap banter, however since this is an open forum, I challenge you on the MKI incident to prove me otherwise. Here is the works, Santro is a highly credible and respected MOD, and by your own admission, your favourite, whatever method suits you, you can inquire from him regarding the MKI getting locked on by an F-16, which incidentaly happened over Murid k, near Lahore.
This is a totally one sided cut and paste job! Why does this video only show the HUD of the F-16? How about some footage from the HUD of the MiG-29 too?

Fail! :pop:
This is a totally one sided cut and paste job! Why does this video only show the HUD of the F-16? How about some footage from the HUD of the MiG-29 too?

Fail! :pop:

Well this is how it appears, perhaps there is another version from MiG-29's HUD.... none the less we all know what happened during the actual shooting wars. Pass. !!
This is a totally one sided cut and paste job! Why does this video only show the HUD of the F-16? How about some footage from the HUD of the MiG-29 too?

Fail! :pop:

Yes. Unfortunately, it is one-sided.
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