Well to be fair , a gear to cover the hair is sufficient.
It is unnecessary to cover all face
Again one is going to do some service , not necessarily a beauti pagent arranged by Trump that you have to wear a bikini to get a job or role
Hot folks still look hot even after hijab
Quite normal , and if some bastard comes to hit you (Western scholars or that bastard on street who tries to act tough by violence on street or bus or subway) , carry a AK-47 in your purse and shoot that bastard
Generally all muslims should spend some time to ensure their families know how to carry weapons for self defence
Recomend ladies to carry this lovely piece, spend some weekends on weapons firing center to train , sometimes changing times need some change in mindset
Completely legal for self defence
Cost is around may be $100-$200 bucks , and some licencing cost etc in your city and necessary background checks.
Seems like a proper thing to do where law allows such weapons
But please don't kill anyone who comes to you with a flower that would be quite cruel