Abstract translation (in blue): The new fighter are designed on the bases of wide body concept. The lifting share of wings reduced in modern jets thus the lifting share of body has been changed, why? I am going to expand this: One of the fundamental aspect a fighter should have, is that it could target the gravity point (this part is not meaningful in Farsi, too!) of enemy in a surprising attack, and as the result that operational gravity point of the enemy to be disabled.
Taking unawares attack to the enemy needs you have the ability to collapse on your enemy head before he detects you! and operate on him like an eagle! You should hide yourself from the enemy radars. The RCS reduction means you should diffuse the radar waves hitting the plane body, so you should avoid any soft curve and aerodynamic surface in design!!! The material should also reduces the reflexes...
And that's how in modern planes the wing area is so reduced!!!
And this presentation which has taken days of me to be prepared is my response to the ugly propaganda of our government who thinks his nation is so joke that will accept any type of Ghaher-$hit!!!