To add to this discussion about radars, even General Hostage pointed out the F-22 needs upgrades.
When the Raptor was produced it was flying “with computers that were already so out of date you would not find them in a kid’s game console in somebody’s home gaming system.” Still, the U.S. Air Force was forced to use the stealth fighter plane as it was, because that was the way the spec was written. But now, the F-22 must be upgraded through a costly service life extension plan and modernisation program because, “If I do not keep that F-22 fleet viable, the F-35 fleet frankly will be irrelevant. The F-35 is not built as an air superiority platform. It needs the F-22,” says Hostage to Air Force Times.
We know two radars were involved. One was the MKI's Bars. Another was a ground based radar, we don't know the type.
This was confirmed by both the air chief and an air commodore.