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**USA F-22 Raptor Fighter May Get Its First Combat Mission In Syria War**

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You can say what you want dirty MOSSAD crotale

You don't even have an underground. Which modern country is like them?

Einstein also invented the nuclear bomb. Little problem: the R&D team didn't know him, and he never attended the enola gay test.

Israel has the nuke in 1968, all made by the french. All your jets & the missiles of your jets are USA tech or French tech (Mirage)

For sure you're good to make people believe you are genius

Einstein did not invent the nuclear bomb, he was just one of the few who laid down the theoretical groundwork that enabled the idea. Unfortunately for you, no one claimed otherwise. It seems that your inability to deal with real arguments of fellow debaters leads you to invent ones.

In light of all the news coverage Israel suffers/enjoys, one might forget we are merely a nation of 8 mil. It should not come as a surprise that most of our military hardware is imported. However it is of no exuse for you to overlook the numerous pieces of equipment that Israel both developed and produces. Negev machine gun, Tavor Assault rifle, Jericho 941 pistol, Galil, B-300 and Metador rocket grenade launchers.

Spike, Lahat, Tamuz, Nimrod, MAPATS, Phython, Shafrir, Popeye, Delilah, Iron dome, Davids sling and Jeriho missiles. As well as Hetz conjoined with USA. And others...

Merkava Tanks, as well as Israeli upgrades: Magach, Nagmachon, Achzarit APC. Namer APC, Wolf, Puma, Sand cat. Guardium Unmanned patrol vehicle (first such to be deployed in the world iirc). Soltam M-71, M-68, M-65 howitzers. Cardom mortar.

UAV's: Heron, Eitan, Harpy, Harop, Hermes 450, 900, Skylark.

Saar 4, Saar 4.5 missile boats, Dabur, Dvora, Shaldag Coast guard and SF boats. Protector USV (unmanned surface vehicle) again, the first of it's kind in operational service.

Satellites: AMOS, EROS, Ofeq, TecSAR. As well as the Shavit space launch vehicle.
Israel was the 8th country in the world to accomplish a successful space launch. Only superseded by countries which by any account do not belong on the same scale as tiny Israel: USSR, USA, France, Japan, China, UK and India.

Here's a couple of pictures to drive the point home of how ridiculous you sound:

Merkava MK IV with Trophy countermeasures, developed in Israel and again iirc the first of it's kind to see active duty:


Hermes 900 medium range UAV:


Saar ship:


Amos 4:


Iron dome:


Tavor rifle:


Shavit space launch vehicle:


And there are probably a bunch that I have forgotten, so please check your facts before you make a fool of yourself
Hahahaha JEWS are the first country to have the F22 with the JEW USA

Source that Israel got F-22?
Egypt for example is also recirving USA aid in similar quantities to Israel (though a bit less). Are they parasites?

Tell me what the JEWS produce? Asus, Acer, Toshiba, Samsung all of this what is an israeli trademark?

JEWS are crooks who love to pretedn to be genius, but the reality is that they live doing nothing in Israhell, they produce nothing for the world.

Israel indeed is not great at establishing world wide corporations, maybe it's the culture and maybe it's because large markets of the world are closed and there is always risks of boycotts. However would you care to explain how come Apple has opened it's only R&D center outside of the USA in Israel out of all countries? How come Intel has just two R&D centers who work on their microprocessors, one in the USA and the other one? you guessed it. How come numerous high tech corporation choose to open R&D centers in Israel out of all the world?
How come the application to sell for the highest price ever is currently from Israel?
How come recently Israel has scored 7th on the world's best universities for tech CEO's. The only top 10 outside of the USA, score tied with MIT: Top 10 Colleges for Tech CEOs: Revenge of the Nerds - Bloomberg

17 best uni In mathematics (Hebrew Uni), 4th country in the world superseded only by USA, UK and France.
38 best uni in Chemistry, 7th by country.
18 best in computer science, 4th by country.
Israel's Technion scored 46 in Engineering in Shanghai ranking, surpassed only by 8 countries USA, Canada, UK, Japan, China, Taiwan, S.Korea and Switzerland.
In science scored 38 surpassed by 7 USA, Canada, UK, Japan, S.Korea, Australia and Switzerland.

2013 World University Rankings | Academic Ranking of World Universities

Your propaganda is meaningless when it hits the brick wall called reality.
Source that Israel got F-22?
Egypt for example is also recirving USA aid in similar quantities to Israel (though a bit less). Are they parasites?

Israel indeed is not great at establishing world wide corporations, maybe it's the culture and maybe it's because large markets of the world are closed and there is always risks of boycotts. However would you care to explain how come Apple has opened it's only R&D center outside of the USA in Israel out of all countries? How come Intel has just two R&D centers who work on their microprocessors, one in the USA and the other one? you guessed it. How come numerous high tech corporation choose to open R&D centers in Israel out of all the world?
How come the application to sell for the highest price ever is currently from Israel?
How come recently Israel has scored 7th on the world's best universities for tech CEO's. The only top 10 outside of the USA, score tied with MIT: Top 10 Colleges for Tech CEOs: Revenge of the Nerds - Bloomberg

17 best uni In mathematics (Hebrew Uni), 4th country in the world superseded only by USA, UK and France.
38 best uni in Chemistry, 7th by country.
18 best in computer science, 4th by country.
Israel's Technion scored 46 in Engineering in Shanghai ranking, surpassed only by 8 countries USA, Canada, UK, Japan, China, Taiwan, S.Korea and Switzerland.
In science scored 38 surpassed by 7 USA, Canada, UK, Japan, S.Korea, Australia and Switzerland.

2013 World University Rankings | Academic Ranking of World Universities

Your propaganda is meaningless when it hits the brick wall called reality.
Egypt has what you call an aid, but it doesn't help them at all. At the same time you "help them" giving them F16 that never destroy israhell, at the same time you ruin them totally with creating the muslims brothers

Does JEW USA create the muslims brothers in Israhell? I don't think so.

The muslims brothers anit-arabs sect, who are always with Kerry or JEW USA diplomats. They also have air support of JEW NATO to take Libya

You can say everything you want, the reality doesn't match what you say.

It's not arabs who say everybody they own the majority of the brevets in the world like the JEWS who obviously lie

And yes you will have F22 & V22 osprey for free of course
Merkava Tanks, as well as Israeli upgrades: Magach, Nagmachon, Achzarit APC. Namer APC, Wolf, Puma, Sand cat. Guardium Unmanned patrol vehicle (first such to be deployed in the world iirc). Soltam M-71, M-68, M-65 howitzers. Cardom mortar.

UAV's: Heron, Eitan, Harpy, Harop, Hermes 450, 900, Skylark.
Saar 4, Saar 4.5 missile boats, Dabur, Dvora, Shaldag Coast guard and SF boats. Protector USV (unmanned surface vehicle) again, the first of it's kind in operational service.

Satellites: AMOS, EROS, Ofeq, TecSAR. As well as the Shavit space launch vehicle.
Israel was the 8th country in the world to accomplish a successful space launch. Only superseded by countries which by any account do not belong on the same scale as tiny Israel: USSR, USA, France, Japan, China, UK and India.

Here's a couple of pictures to drive the point home of how ridiculous you sound:

Merkava MK IV with Trophy countermeasures, developed in Israel and again iirc the first of it's kind to see active duty:


Hermes 900 medium range UAV:


Saar ship:


Amos 4:


Iron dome:


Tavor rifle:


Shavit space launch vehicle:


And there are probably a bunch that I have forgotten, so please check your facts before you make a fool of yourself


Einstein was a over mediatised crooky scientist. His E=Mc2 theory has never been used to make the nuclear bomb
He's like Bernard Henri Lévy as fake scientist as Lévy is a fake philosopher

The russian have the nuclear bomb far before you even their country was devastated by the war. And your nuclear bomb was fully made by the french as usual: the goyims making everything for you.

For genius, i find you very slow.

So we clearly see that the JEW scientist director of the team who created the Enola gay bomb was there because of the JEWS relationship and money as usual, otherwise Israhell would have the nuclear bomb very early

I guess your satellite is also made by the JEW USA unconditionnal slave.


The merkava is far from beeing the best tank


The israeli Heron drone sucks compared to the US reaper, and you pretend to be leader in the drones technology

- more powerful sensors
- ability to carry the arms and number of pylons to integrate(6 against 2),
- higher speed(470 km/h against 277 to 407 km/h)
- number of planes already manufactured(150 to180 for the Reaper,4-8 for the Heron TP),
- cost per flight cheaper(6000 euros against 7150 euros)

France could not buy Heron TP


The israeli Iron Dome sucks *** & is extremely expensive, all financed by the parasited USA slave of course

It's been replaced by Patriot missiles, US technology


Look the Tavor rifle spec, it's not at all the best weapon
Even Malaysia makes their own rifles, no need to be a genius

Look at your sniper rifles, sniper binoculars, night vision, your M4s: all made by the JEW USA brainwashed slave

Egypt has what you call an aid, but it doesn't help them at all. At the same time you "help them" giving them F16 that never destroy israhell, at the same time you ruin them totally with creating the muslims brothers

Does JEW USA create the muslims brothers in Israhell? I don't think so.

The muslims brothers anit-arabs sect, who are always with Kerry or JEW USA diplomats. They also have air support of JEW NATO to take Libya

You can say everything you want, the reality doesn't match what you say.

It's not arabs who say everybody they own the majority of the brevets in the world like the JEWS who obviously lie

And yes you will have F22 & V22 osprey for free of course

So when Israel gets money from the USA they are parasites, when Egypt gets money from the USA they are being taken advantage of? nice "logic". I would say it's an insult to the Egyptians to say that they are that dumb that they don't know what's best for them, but you obviously do.

Your posts get even more ridiculous with every additional sentence.
The USA created MB back in 1928?
Muslim brotherhood taking over Libya?
Israel was supplied with F-22?
E=mc^2 is not even a theory it's just formula, then again you probably wouldn't know what this means.

Are you sure you are not some escaped clown? :D

I don't believe that scientists and Einstein among them should be evaluated by the likes of you. People who still struggle to overcome their compulsive disorder to type in CapsLock anything that has to do with Jews or Israel.

Then again you prefer to make up opponents' arguments whenever you can't deal with reality.
No, I have not anywhere claimed the Merkava is the best tank in the world. Neither have I claimed Heron is better than Reaper. No where have I claimed Israel has developed a nuclear bomb before the USSR. I never said Tavor is the best at anything either.

As for the rest of your drivel:
Source that Israel replaced Iron dome with Patriot please?
Source that whatever scientist in what I presume is the manhatten project you are referring to was useless?
Source that Einstein special and general theories of relativity are fake, I wouldn't even start with the numerous other advances he had in physics? ;)
Source that France has built the nuclear bomb and facilities for Israel? (they did build the civilian facilities).

I see no farther motivation to comment to your nonsense here, so have a field day at the thread. I am sure that anyone with half a mind can see you for what you are.
Seems like Muslim countries are attacked to test new weapons. US finds excuses to go to war to test them.
So when Israel gets money from the USA they are parasites, when Egypt gets money from the USA they are being taken advantage of? nice "logic". I would say it's an insult to the Egyptians to say that they are that dumb that they don't know what's best for them, but you obviously do.

Your posts get even more ridiculous with every additional sentence.
The USA created MB back in 1928?
Muslim brotherhood taking over Libya?
Israel was supplied with F-22?
E=mc^2 is not even a theory it's just formula, then again you probably wouldn't know what this means.

Are you sure you are not some escaped clown? :D

I don't believe that scientists and Einstein among them should be evaluated by the likes of you. People who still struggle to overcome their compulsive disorder to type in CapsLock anything that has to do with Jews or Israel.

Then again you prefer to make up opponents' arguments whenever you can't deal with reality.
No, I have not anywhere claimed the Merkava is the best tank in the world. Neither have I claimed Heron is better than Reaper. No where have I claimed Israel has developed a nuclear bomb before the USSR. I never said Tavor is the best at anything either.

As for the rest of your drivel:
Source that Israel replaced Iron dome with Patriot please?
Source that whatever scientist in what I presume is the manhatten project you are referring to was useless?
Source that Einstein special and general theories of relativity are fake, I wouldn't even start with the numerous other advances he had in physics? ;)
Source that France has built the nuclear bomb and facilities for Israel? (they did build the civilian facilities).

I see no farther motivation to comment to your nonsense here, so have a field day at the thread. I am sure that anyone with half a mind can see you for what you are.

Honestly mate, there is no point arguing with this guy. Spend your efforts elsewhere.
So when Israel gets money from the USA they are parasites, when Egypt gets money from the USA they are being taken advantage of? nice "logic". I would say it's an insult to the Egyptians to say that they are that dumb that they don't know what's best for them, but you obviously do.

Your posts get even more ridiculous with every additional sentence.
The USA created MB back in 1928?
Muslim brotherhood taking over Libya?
Israel was supplied with F-22?
E=mc^2 is not even a theory it's just formula, then again you probably wouldn't know what this means.

Are you sure you are not some escaped clown? :D

I don't believe that scientists and Einstein among them should be evaluated by the likes of you. People who still struggle to overcome their compulsive disorder to type in CapsLock anything that has to do with Jews or Israel.

Then again you prefer to make up opponents' arguments whenever you can't deal with reality.
No, I have not anywhere claimed the Merkava is the best tank in the world. Neither have I claimed Heron is better than Reaper. No where have I claimed Israel has developed a nuclear bomb before the USSR. I never said Tavor is the best at anything either.

As for the rest of your drivel:
Source that Israel replaced Iron dome with Patriot please?
Source that whatever scientist in what I presume is the manhatten project you are referring to was useless?
Source that Einstein special and general theories of relativity are fake, I wouldn't even start with the numerous other advances he had in physics? ;)
Source that France has built the nuclear bomb and facilities for Israel? (they did build the civilian facilities).

I see no farther motivation to comment to your nonsense here, so have a field day at the thread. I am sure that anyone with half a mind can see you for what you are.

I ask you something: when the JEW USA create Al Qaeda in Israhell?? No
Have the JEW USA created Al Qaeda in Egypt? Yes with Morsi the muslim brother.

Have the JEW USA ordered it trojan Morsi to declare war against Syria? Yes

So is it a help that they make to Egypt creating Al Qaeda to bring unrest? NO

They give them some weapons to be a power to beat other arabs for them. They just put dictators like Mubarak & Morsi to prevent the country from developing correctly, so the JEWS can make later kill everybody slowly to achieve the Great Israhell from the rich Nile to the Euphrate

So we can't say that JEW USA help Egypt. At the opposite we can say that JEW USA helps Israhell, as they send them weapons and don't try to demolish them secretly.

F22 Raptor and B2 Spirit
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