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Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

"The government is holding discussions with several countries, including India and Pakistan, to strengthen Sri Lanka's military, State Minister of Defence Ruwan Wijewardene informed Parliament yesterday. Speaking during the Committee Stage debate on the 2016 Budget, Mr. Wijewardene said India was expected to provide two war ships to Sri Lanka, while talks had already begun with Pakistan to obtain new aircraft for the Air Force." - See more at: SL in talks with India and Pakistan to bolster military ::: Dailymirror.lk ::: Breaking News
Well, selling JF-17 to Sri Lanka is bit of an open secret, like the JF-17 model displayed in SLAF HQ.

Not really. Do you have an outlay of the Egyptian economy to give weight to that message?
Ok. recent events have meant that tourism has taken a huge hit. anf accoring to most lcc's [low cost carriers] they intend to go back to eygpt spring of next year. and eygpt being banned from russia does not help.
Monarch Airlines latest to cancel flights to Sharm el-Sheikh until January - Telegraph

from october of last year to may of this year. moodys upgraded eygpts economy from negative to stable.
and Standard & Poors (S&P) changed there outlook from stable to positive.
Will Sisi's economic reforms succeed? - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

also the saudis are know to be replenishing eygpt with funds. and the large dael in france regarding the rafale and the friagate and presumably the mistral, eygpt got a french loan to pay for them.
Egypt Seeks Bank Loans for French Arms Buy

They have a pretty large fleet of Mirages and Mig-21 variants that they cannot all replace with F-16s or Mig-29s.
they do have a large fleet of aircraft that do need replacing. lets look at them on at a time shall we.
total requirements 220.
ordered 20 more ordered all delevered by q4-15
nothing specail here and are pretty much useless as they are not brvaam capable.

Dassault rafale 24 ordered 3 delevered

mig35 46 ordered[ according to wikipedia] but more likely to be advanced mig 29.

mirage 2000-26

mirage v -82

mig 21

j-7 57

now the f16, mig-29, and the rafale are exempt as they are new and dont need replacing.
the mirage 2000 is very likely to be upgraded to serve up to 2040 max. which is similar to indian mk2's

the mirage v. older 73 models will be phased out which will be the all of the sde varient and some of the sdr varient whilst the sdd varient will remain so im not sure on the numbers here but i tink its safe to assume half will remain [40]
the half will be upgraded to some of the capabilities of the mk2. this does leave a void of 40 jets though.

of the 56 mig-21's left, they will be like for like replaced with the mig-35/29 ten more may be orderd.

the j-7. theres 57 of these in service. now the jf-17 would be ideal to replace these. but they are mainly being used as super sonic traners, sort of pakistanis is doing with some of the twin seat j-7's, that female pliot who died, she was training on a j-7. now all 57 can't be used as trainers.

i think the jf-17 is unsuitable for eygpt as the jf-17's payload and range is not long enough for it to do long range strikes. the mig 29 can do this. not a while back russain companies wanted to block the export of the rd-93 engine as it will be fitted on the jf-17 to compete with the mig-29. now the mig 29 has lost ground to jf-17 in regards to burma as well as to replace the j-7. this flexibility means one jet thf jf-17 can replace two models j-7 and the mig-29.

now there is an outstanding void for about 80 jets 40 from the mirage v and the j-7 this can perhasps be replaced with the jf-17 but again i doubt it.

Moreover, the Mig and the JF-17 share the same engine more or less.
yes i know they share the same core and have the same ratio compression as the jf-17, BUT this is only for the standard rd-33 more advanced varients like the rd-33 mk are not similar. but recently pakistan is try to get a maintaince and overhaul facility built in pakistan as well as development on the engine which will have features of the rd-33mk.

so to cut it short yes i know they share very similar engines the rd-93 on the jf-17
is differant in regard to the monting and positioning, hence why the gearbox of the engine is at the bottom. which is somthing i assume even you know.

to end yes i know the jf-17 is a good jet thats has a perck that the f16 does not have [bvraam's] but i just feel to much "interest" has deminished my hope on the jet in some markets.

also its all good when you hear when some countires are "interested" but actuall orders is somthing else. yes i know there are some that are serious about it. but i like to shine a critical on light on it, even if the many dont like what im saying.
Good news.
Sell JF-17s ----> get money -----> invest in R&D -----> improved JF-17 even more -----> Get more money for PAF
The cycle will repeat and in-shaa-Allah we will have everything made in Pakistan in near future system by system. component by component. The prospects are great for the future of Pakistan and PAF Masha-Allah
Egypts not going to buy any thunders they have already placed orders for 24 rafale,we should stop day dreaming of selling to the heavy pocket arabs and start working on making it fully indigenous
This is just getting pathetic ...

-You claim in your first post that 1 prototype was lost.
-You claim in your second post that 2 prototypes were lost.
-Then you further clear your claim by saying you weren't mentioning PAF at all, and the crashes happened in the prototype stage in China

So my question is this Mr Jindals ... how is it that the article you quoted which mentioned a "rumored" crash converted in to "two confirmed crashes" during the course of this discussion .... ohh I get it ... because "China never reports a crash" ... which is infact quite a bold claim considering we here at PDF were discussing a crash of a PLAAF fighter jet JUST A LITTLE OVER A WEEK AGO!

PLAAF J-10A crashed, pilot died

Secondly, Im quite astounded by your "honesty" & "unbiased approach" where a rumored crash is taken as "true" --- yet the claims by the chief project director regarding radar range of the program from one of the partners is taken as false ...

Lastly, if you indeed believe this claim which explicitly states that ELM-2032 was tested on JFT ... I wonder how you'll see this claim ...

Abdul Bhaijaan Salam, last time I didnt able to ans you because Mods, took my privileges to reply you :) .
1.) Here I was quoting an article which I read in 2011 where I found about 2 (FC 1/ JF 17) prototypes with there prototype nos. lost while testing, If I remember one of them was mentioned PT-04. There it was also mentioned Chinese tested different Radars at prototype stage and PT-04 was equipped with ELM-2032 when lost. I searched that article yesterday didnt found .But I found something similar claim by Manticore while searching.
JF-17 Thunder - Information Pool.
Tell me "PLAAF J-10A crashed, pilot died " Did china Acknowledge it ? NO. This is there stated policy not to Ack or Deny. Even one Rumored crash in 2014 not Ack. and Janes which was claiming it removed it from its website.
Point is yes You can refute it as rumor at the same time I say its true. Nobody is wrong in his position.

2.) Plz Abdul ji dont compare these both situations together. There is big Difference. In my claim its the chinese govt. policy so its understandable. But in your case its totally opposite Pvt company is supposed to claim characteristics of its products but they are not claiming nor Supporting or Acknowledge PAF member claims Why ? Do you have any Valid reasonable Ans ?
I told you I dont doubt on company's claim but there claim is very Incomplete there is no mention of Max. Voltage based on which they are claiming nor mentioning any Search range. I asked you many times but you never answered me What is the searching range and What is the tracking range of JF 17 radar and at what Voltage ?

Same way in Past they claimed 100 s of time they are going to win in 1971 , you think they dont know the actual reality that time ? When Musharraf was claiming 10% economic growths what happened ? Today Pakistan so bankrupt it need IMF bailout to pay loan interest. Thank god had he claimed 200KM range in interview to chinese Magazine Today you would have Arguing me for this range . What else should I refer this who so blindly accept there military Claims other then "Patriotic Fools" ?

3.) I indeed believe this is normal practice to test all available radars whether you will use it in future or not. This is a normal "Check all the options"
any future news about potential named or unnamed customers of JF-17 should be posted here instead of creating a clone thread with no specifics.

also do add all the desires, show of interest, wow factor, amazement and cheering by potential customers and well wishers here as well.

point is. Only make a thread if there is an official announcement after a meeting by Governments including both the customer(s) country and Pakistan
Egypts not going to buy any thunders they have already placed orders for 24 rafale,we should stop day dreaming of selling to the heavy pocket arabs and start working on making it fully indigenous
Egypt is not heavy pocket guy. There is enough replacement room in Egyptian air force for light weight old stuff like F-7, which they can't replace with Rafale.
BTW they already got 180 K-8E trainers from China/Pakistan.
any future news about potential named or unnamed customers of JF-17 should be posted here instead of creating a clone thread with no specifics.

also do add all the desires, show of interest, wow factor, amazement and cheering by potential customers and well wishers here as well.

point is. Only make a thread if there is an official announcement after a meeting by Governments including both the customer(s) country and Pakistan
finally thanks pal, do you know how annoying it is to see threads like 4 potentail exports or eygpt intrerested or sri lanka interested in jf-17.
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