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Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

one user was going on about how eygpt is getting the fc-1 but i dissagreed and said how media likes to twist the news and i pointed it to turkey, this is an example as they are desprate to break into the pakistani defence market. yes pakistan did get 72 panters 12 from turkey and 60 tot transfered.

point being the media has manipulated so many minds i thought i may as well join in.

Well Egypt was very interested in the local manufacturing of the bird before the Arab Spring happened. Things have obviously changed since then. Some one did post a link of the official press release in which the minister actually did say what the article has claimed but then Pakistani ministers are hardly more credible than the Pakistani media. We'll just know when it does or does not happen. Besides the minister only talked about interest being shown again.
Well Egypt was very interested in the local manufacturing of the bird before the Arab Spring happened. Things have obviously changed since then. Some one did post a link of the official press release in which the minister actually did say what the article has claimed but then Pakistani ministers are hardly more credible than the Pakistani media. We'll just know when it does or does not happen. Besides the article only talks about interest being shown again.
i see its a good idea and it would suit thekm as a replacement for their j-7's and mig-21's but i dont see it happening. but if such a deal does materalise then it would serve as a catalyst for other countries to sign on the dotted line too as eygpt is a combat hardened country.
i see its a good idea and it would suit thekm as a replacement for their j-7's and mig-21's but i dont see it happening. but if such a deal does materalise then it would serve as a catalyst for other countries to sign on the dotted line too as eygpt is a combat hardened country.

The interesting bit that I am relating all of this to was a small piece of news about the Chinese establishing an office in Africa for their products. Is Egypt the country? One can see the benefits in being a hub for services that the Chinese aviation and other defence industries offer and the work it generates. There are too many variables in this equation but it is still an inteeresting piece of news that may not be relevant from the point of actual sale but a source of acquisition in the future. Either way US and its selective supply approach towards any possible adversary to Israel will work to its disadvantage. the Chinese stuff is cheap and its quality is improving day by day without the same precipitous rise oin price.
The interesting bit that I am relating all of this to was a small piece of news about the Chinese establishing an office in Africa for their products. Is Egypt the country? One can see the benefits in being a hub for services that the Chinese aviation and other defence industries offer and the work it generates. There are too many variables in this equation but it is still an inteeresting piece of news that may not be relevant from the point of actual sale but a source of acquisition in the future. Either way US and its selective supply approach towards any possible adversary to Israel will work to its disadvantage. the Chinese stuff is cheap and its quality is improving day by day without the same precipitous rise oin price.

i have not heard about china establishing a hub in Africa related to sales and maintenance of Chinese manufactured equipment. well it would make sense thought as Egypt has experience building Chinese kit as they built the k-8 trainers. Egypt is interested in seeing a return in investment in some of the purchases it makes. Egypt has purchased fighters from France and Russia this year which came with no return in investment. india is pushing Dassault for this. Egypt is in need or replacing 80+ mirage-v and 50+ j-7 and 46 mig 21s the mig 21 will be like for like replacement with the mig-29 they have ordered this year. leaving the mirages and the j-7's which is about 120+ jet void when the jets retire. the jf-17 is suited for this role. and a large order would mean china may/will be willing to establish maintenance hub to serve neighboring African countries as a offset to the investment Egypt made in the jet. as the Chinese say. "its a win win!" also this will pave the way for African countries to order the jets as there is a facility to maintain the jets. i think this was the original idea from the beginning. establish a hub in return for a large order. and the hub will be used to serve neighboring countries, bringing in cashflow to the country.
i feel as if I'm about to eat my words, as i said they would not order it, now it seems that it is likely. I'm man enough to admit it though.
This news is also reported in today's Daily Ummat.

Malaysia considering to purchase JF-17 Thunder from Pakistan: Malaysian HC

ISLAMABAD, Dec 16 (APP):- Malaysia was considering as one of the option to purchase JF-17 Thunder jet fighters from Pakistan and deal in this regard would be finalised between the two countries after completing required formalities.
This was stated by the High Commissioner of Malaysia to Pakistan, H.E. Dato' Dr. Hasrul Sani bin Mujtabar here on Wednesday in an interview with APP.

The High Commissioner said that Pakistan and Malaysia were enjoying excellent relations in the defence sector as a result of Joint Committee on Defence of both the brotherly countries which played as a very active forum.
Responding to a question that Malaysia wanted to purchase how many JF-17 Thunder from Pakistan, the High Commissioner said that "this jet fighter is considered an excellent production of Pakistan in the defence sector and decision about numbers would be taken very soon by the Malaysian government".
About Pakistan-Malaysia bilateral relations, H.E. Dato' Dr. Hasrul Sani expressed his satisfaction over the existing bilateral relations and said that both the brotherly countries were enjoying cordial and fraternal bilateral relations especially in the field of trade, economy and defence beside others.
Talking about Pakistan as a trade partner he said that Pakistan was one of the largest trade partner of Malaysia with a total trade volume of more than two billion US dollars and that could be enhanced further in the times to come.
Responding to a question about main sectors of the trade between Pakistan and Malaysia, the High Commissioner said that Malaysian trade with Pakistan ranged from energy sector to infrastructure and palm oil to service sector.
When asked about Malaysian investment in Pakistan he said that Malaysian companies were very keen to invest in different sectors of Pakistan but they were reluctant due to security situation in the country.
Now, Malaysian investors may invest in Pakistan again as the security situation has improved owing to the efforts of the government especially after the success of the operation Zarb-e-Azb against terrorists, the High Commissioner observed.
He said that Malaysian investors were interested to invest in various sectors especially in energy sector, oil and gas, mining, infrastructure and even in plantation of palm oil trees in the coastal areas of Pakistan through joint ventures.
Malaysian companies were looking for joint ventures with Pakistani companies through chambers of commerce to invest in mining and energy sectors especially in Hydro Power projects, the High Commissioner said.
Giving example of revival of Malaysian investment in the Pakistan he said that one of the largest companies, PETRONAS was considering to come back to Pakistan for investment in various sectors including energy, oil and gas, hydro Power and infrastructure.
Responding to a question that what should be the strategy of Pakistan to attract foreign investment, he said the government of Pakistan should provide proper infrastructure, good banking system besides one window services to international companies to attract them for investment. ?
Continuing, he said that many Malaysian and other international companies were interested to invest in various projects in Gwadar but could not come due to non-availability of proper infrastructure and facilities.
When asked about the recently announced China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the High Commissioner said that, "Pakistan is a blessed country with an important strategic position and it should take maximum advantage from this position for the development of the country and betterment of the nation through economic revolution".
"We are happy over the announcement of CPEC with a total volume of investment more than US dollars 40 billion and this project will attract multi billion dollars further investment to Pakistan as it is being considered one of the biggest indicator for the better economic future of Pakistan", he commented.
"CPEC will change the entire economy of Pakistan and it will be a huge project which will open many windows of development in Pakistan. It will not only be beneficial for Pakistan and China but for the entire region as well as whole Asia", he maintained.
The High Commissioner also appreciated efforts of Pakistan for bringing peace in Afghanistan and lauded its role for holding Heart of Asia Conference. He hoped there would be a permanent peace and stability in Afghanistan due to the efforts of international countries especially neighbouring countries.
Pakistan should also focus on enhancing its trade relations with ASEAN countries as there was a great scope of exporting Pakistani goods especially rice beside other items to ASEAN countries, the High Commissioner suggested.
Malaysia was the largest importer of rice and mangoes from Pakistan he said, adding, and, was focusing on some other items like meat and other halal foods.
Regarding high level visits between the two countries, he said invitations had already been exchanged at Prime Ministers' level and expected it would be materialised by the first half of next year.
He also disclosed that the High Commission of Malaysia would very soon extend the invitation to President of Pakistan to visit Malaysia.
Regarding flow of Pakistani students to Malaysia, he said right now more than 4,000 Pakistani students are studying in various Malaysian educational institutions and he expected more in the coming years.
Malaysia had become a hub of education sector and more than 100,000 (one lac) foreign students are studying in Malaysia right now.
Talking about tourism opportunities in Malaysia, he said that about 80,000 Pakistani tourists are visiting Malaysia annually and there was numerous scope of more tourists to visit Malaysian.

Source : cant add URL. cant stat new thread either, Can someone plz start a new thread for this topic. Limited privileges :)


I will believe it when it really happens for now it is indeed a good news


It is ultimately going to happen---. Fighter aircraft are not purchased on the spur of the moment until you are Gen Sissi----but then he purchased an aircraft that was almost at the end of its production cycle---been flying for many a years.

The J F 17 is way ahead of any first time aircraft producer. The original estimate was that over its life it would sell around 500 aircraft.

I can tell you with certainty---that it will go over a 1000 aircraft and way beyond---. A lack of two seater was the biggest glitch in its sales.

If the JF 17 had come out with a 2 seater right from day one---pak kamra would be sitting on an order of 500 aircraft to fulfill by now----.

That was an absolute blunder.
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It is ultimately going to happen---. Fighter aircraft are not purchased on the spur of the moment until you are Gen Sissi----but then he purchased an aircraft that was almost at the end of its production cycle---been flying for many a years.

The J F 17 is way ahead of any first time aircraft producer. The original estimate was that over its life it would sell around 500 aircraft.

I can tell you with certainty---that it will go over a 1000 aircraft and way beyond---. A lack of two seater was the biggest glitch in its sales.

If the JF 17 had come out with a 2 seater right from day one---pak kamra would be sitting on an order of 500 aircraft to fulfill by now----.

That was an absolute blunder.

Yes that was a serious error of judgement on part of PAC. The no of customers would certainly be more than what is the case now.
The closer relationship between China and Malaysia maybe one of the reason. PM Najib involved in 1MDB scandal but China continued to invest in Malaysia and stabilise Najib political scene. While Malaysia opposition called for US to interfere in the 1MDB scandal anger Najib who call for alleviate from West and closer to China who will not interfere in other country internal affair.

[Google translation]

Special Defense: Pakistan presents new JF-17 Thunder fighter at the International Marrakech Air Show

Rabat, 27 April 15:30 - (Agenzia Nova) - The Pakistani Armed Forces are preparing to attend the International Marrakech Air Show, which begins today in southern Morocco. For Islamabad at present his latest hunt, the JF-17 Thunder. According to the Moroccan press, it is no coincidence that Pakistan has chosen the exhibition to reveal the aircraft, in fact, the objective would be to sell the plane Moroccan aviation precisely because of the difficulty of placing the product on the market. It is expected that at the end of the Air Show in Marrakech Pakistan can sign a contract of sale of this aircraft with Nigeria. For the informative website "Hespress" will be difficult to persuade Morocco to buy these aircraft being used in more technologically advanced products. The Thunder FJ-17 is a multi-role fighter jointly developed by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and the Chinese Chengdu Aircraft Corporation (CAC). The aircraft can be used for aerial reconnaissance, ground attack and interception of aircraft. The designation "JF-17" by Pakistan is short for "Joint Fighter-17", while the Chinese name is "FC1 Xiaolong," or "Fighter China 1 Fierce Dragon". (Res) © Agency Nova - Playing reserved

■[Google translation from Arabic]■

Morocco Today Pakistan is seeking to sell fighter jets (JF-17) to Morocco

Tuesday, April 26, 2016 12:18

Hopes «Pakistani compound Industries aircraft» to make the presence of the international exhibition Aviation Marrakech more than just an ordinary share through careful marketing one of the most prominent productions military compound and gain new customers , headed by Morocco. The MAP news reports , a Pakistani, the it comes to warfare to fight aircraft ( JF-17 advanced), which entered the African market for the first time across Nigeria gate. the
same sources and adds that it may be difficult to persuade the Moroccan side to the acquisition of these aircraft, particularly that similar marketing process in Sri Lanka has ended in failure, after diplomatic pressure from the Indian side.
betting Pakistani compound to persuade Morocco to replace fighter (JF-17) for warplanes Moroccan obsolete such as «Mirage F-1» and »TIGER II» and »alfa», but Morocco, and unlike many of the countries that are available on the same aging fleet , work on the development of programs for the development of these fighters to make them keep pace with the technological development taking place in this field.
although it is difficult to earn Morocco as a customer for this type of fighter, but the Pakistani compound looking to grab the attention of Moroccan officials to the extent of development reached by warplanes industry in Pakistan, which has become comparable European industries in this area.
According to news reports that Pakistan is betting on a first characteristic participate in Marrakech Air show, through high - level mission in the field of aircraft manufacturing to Morocco. Post will be characterized by providing detailed presentations about the Pakistani military industries icon, under the title «advanced capabilities at a cost of occasion.»
Characterized JF17 aircraft , which will be presented on Thursday , April 28, in the pavilion C at the military base of the Royal Armed Forces of Morocco in Marrakech, its ability to use a variety of arsenal of ammunition, rockets, regular guided bombs and flexibility of use radars and sophisticated sensors.
It is known that the international exhibition of aerospace "Marrakech AirShow" now in its fifth, will start tomorrow , Wednesday, April 27 2016 and will be known to attend national and international companies to review the latest productions in the aviation world, as will be known air performances to be provided demonstration aircraft for the benefit of visitors.
the "Marrakech AirShow" Africa Festival , which first opened in 2006, the premier event in the field of aviation industry, which will bring in a copy of this year 160 exhibitors from 56 countries , the company, will open a dialogue between the contracting and decision - makers as well as the participation of 54 delegations headed by 40 Samia officers from military leaders across the world, while will be displayed on the ground 70 aircraft of various types and terms of reference, without losing sight of the open day acrobatic air presentations which will participate acrobatics planes, and helicopters and fire and rescue amortization.
News | Morocco Today Pakistan is seeking to sell fighter jets (JF-17) Morocco - you can watch the original news source from which the following link: Saudars and give Egypt 24 full responsibility for the content of any news, but is the responsibility of the publisher 's original story
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