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Expats more patriot than residents of Pakistan

Sanitized, antiseptic patriotism is always easier.

Sending some dollars to relatives back home is not really "contribution" to the country either.

Conntribution would be things like investing money, time, talent in the country, not using Western Union and feeling happy about it.
Pakistanis living in Pakistan and out of Pakistan are patriot to the State of Pakistan.

Its just that the status qou in Pakistan has depleted the Pakistanis and segregated them into smaller useless and non-approachable groups which causes weakness. Hence the State of Pakistan today.

I too feel very aggrieved by teh situation in Pakistan and the very second a oversee Pakistan steps foot on Pakistani soil, the legalised robbery begins from Customs officials, to Police to the common man on the street which is sad, but the sorry state of affairs makes it like this today.

Hence why the slight hope that PTI with IK may have some changes ahead for us all. IK has mentioned alot of oversee Pakistanis waiting for an opportunity to invest in Pakistan but just cannot find an environment for them to do so with the likes of Zardari, Sharif and others at the helm. I myself am looking to invest in Pakistan, but refuse to do so when taxes are looted by the politicians to this level that an investment is useless.
Safriz i wish to say the following.

1. Its harsh to generalize and group 190 million people and bunch them in the same category.
2. The truth of the matter is we dont live eat and sleep in our own land daily - we dont know the true facts of what our people have to suffer and face from day to day hence to judge is wrong.
3. I think you are wrong in saying there is a lack of patriotism and quality. Fatman, Icarus, Xeric, Amir Hussain, Notorious Eagle, Bilal, Oscar, Irfan Baloch, Antibody Emmie and secur are just a few come to mind that post and i am educated by their posts and give me plenty of hope for the future (apologies to any i missed any!)
4. I am an economic migrant and my father came here thinking he would work in a couple of years and go back to his soil - it obviously didnt work out - but i tell you their wasn't one day where he wouldn't pick up the "Jang" or his ears prick up about any news from Pakistan - he never (like me) ever ever even came close to thinking the Pakistanis in Pakistan were "non enthusiastic boring bunch".
5. Please Safriz before starting threads like this have a good think - and think hard who you are criticizing. Its our land - the land our ancestors made for us.

p.s. Not necessary to bring Cheng into this - he has his own reasons and shouldn't be brought into this.

Please add two of my own favorite posters to that galaxy above - NIAZ and Sparklingway.
Who says, more patriot than residents?

We will return Pakistan if this country offer anything good, otherwise nothing else. We don't want to see our future children driving rickshaw or begging money.
Well, now I have seen everything.. For some Patriotism now seems to be a factor of geographical location and for others a factor of the amount of money one can remit to his/her country.. Whatever happened to the vanilla and traditional feeling of asking not what your country can do for you - but asking what you can do for your country.. Patriotism with preconditions may be extremely practical, but definitely not patriotic ;)
I prefer Forcetrip's definition - though it did involve some cleaning up of a mouthful of sandwich off the monitor :butcher:

Comparing patriotism among people is quite often more like d1ck measuring contests: fun for some, pointless for others, and totally irrelevant for performance of one's duties. :P
Who says, more patriot than residents?

We will return Pakistan if this country offer anything good, otherwise nothing else. We don't want to see our future children driving rickshaw or begging money.

Yes .. those are the only 2 jobs available in this country ..
Who says, more patriot than residents?

We will return Pakistan if this country offer anything good, otherwise nothing else. We don't want to see our future children driving rickshaw or begging money.
Noticing that you have removed your origin sign i have not much to say
Tell your children to enjoy their live as third grade citizens.
PS: Did your ancestors do have the same jobs?
This is a Rant thread,if you don't like rants don't read any further.

The thing is that Pakistanis residing inside Pakistan are non enthusiastic boring bunch...Their Patriotism is limited to just living there and blaming us the expats for leaving their country...They are way less informed about whats happening in the country of their residence than we the expats..They are passive and to much extent lame.
What i am saying is very obvious from this website alone...Operators are expats,and most active members are expats...Most threads opened about anything new happening in Pakistan is by expats.
Comments are from Expats...
Most knowledgeable comments are from Expats...Its hard to find what is going on in a resident Pakistani's mind.I can guess their minds are dark places with no residual hope and no urge to struggle for a change.
Of course my views are based on what i see online.

Very soon i will have same ideas about People of Pakistan as mr.Vcheng.

Dude you got to go to Pakistan. Patriotism bleeds green in Pakistan lol.

Spend some time there before judging and you will understand..
Regardless of whether you live in your motherland or not, patriotism is bound to exist. It's just that when you are away from your country you tend to miss it more & that's when patriotism comes to the fore. & believe me.. you learn a lot about your country staying away from it rather when you stay within. Just my personal experience though...
Regardless of whether you live in your motherland or not, patriotism is bound to exist. It's just that when you are away from your country you tend to miss it more & that's when patriotism comes to the fore. & believe me.. you learn a lot about your country staying away from it rather when you stay within. Just my personal experience though...
When I was living in the West and then lived in Pakistan (in Rural areas - Urban areas were actually quite good) I learned to appreciate civilization :rofl:
You can take the Pakistani out of Pakistan, but never the Pakistan out of the Pakistani.

For example, when my youngest uncle visited the States, he was in the bathroom trying to crouch on the toilet seat.

Regardless of whether you live in your motherland or not, patriotism is bound to exist. It's just that when you are away from your country you tend to miss it more & that's when patriotism comes to the fore. & believe me.. you learn a lot about your country staying away from it rather when you stay within. Just my personal experience though...

Agree - sometimes Patriotism leads to showing biassed behavior and sentiments for your motherland. Sometimes you dont see the faults or logic is blinded by the love and patriotic behavior one has inside.
When your nation plays cricket - then ones real patriotism comes to the fore!!!
Agree - sometimes Patriotism leads to showing biassed behavior and sentiments for your motherland. Sometimes you dont see the faults or logic is blinded by the love and patriotic behavior one has inside.
When your nation plays cricket - then ones real patriotism comes to the fore!!!
Patriotism is good but too much can be a bad thing. It divides us as human beings and can causes us to stereotype others and to generalize other groups of people.

We're all equal human beings and nobody is superior or inferior over the other. It's good to have different cultures/religions/backgrounds but we shouldn't let that divide us - we're all the same species still!
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