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Exclusive : JF-17 Equipped With ALCM !!

Superpowers invent advanced sciences and technologies themselves. They don't purchase them from the west and russia.
fair point, I was just indulging white and green guy in some banter but India are partners in that one.

copy cat p-800
it is faar superior to the og Onix

Oh dear.
Point is Ukraine is not alone.
Point is modern wars can't be won easily and nations subjugated.
Remember Afghanistan Iraq Korea Vietnam Syria Libya Yemen and Palestine
Yeah man. I was talking about the scale.. that India couldn't subdue Pak or enter Pak like Russia entered Ukraine. Now, even with a weaker economy India cannot, as China can help Pak covertly/overtly like the west doing in the Ukraine theatre. However, it can attract US intervention.

Yes, if people are not happy with the new power/regime change, the foreign power will lose in the long run.
Considering the range of this missile, I think a Jammer variant would also be good to escort or go ahead of fighter/bombers or other cruise missiles, especially in the face of an integrated air defense umbrella.

Something like the MALD-J

The PAF also needs long range Anti-Radiation missiles to be able to use the cover provided by these jammer cruise missiles to attack from a stand-off range. Something like the AARGM-ER. If the RAAD is just under 1200 kg, the AARGM-ER should be easier to carry as well. The ability to launch from Stand-off range would allow the PAF to need less Stealth aircraft, especially in the A2G role.

If the JF-17 can carry a 1200 kg missile from those stations perhaps an A2Ship, A2G, and A2A version of the PL-17 could be carried, with the fighter protected by the jammer version of the RAAD. Allowing the PAF to knock out Indian tankers, AWACS, EW aircraft, MPAs, and other less maneuverable force multipliers.

Btw, it’s possible a supersonic cruise missile could be built if the PAF wanted one
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Fauz 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

BTW we call airforce "Fuzaiyya".

Looks DCS.
Can't trust this image, sorry

Lets share the complete picture.

Seems ok to me.


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