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Ex TTP Spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan surrenders to Pakistan army: ISPR

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Now he had admitted that they had connections with RAW & NDS ... Hope you people will admit too now that TTP nothing to do with Islam ... They are rented pigs ..........
I have always acknowledged that these people are supported by RAW, CIA and NDS including in my articles so no need for me to admit anything. I just want a more progressive and liberal thinking within the country and freedom of rights to prevail. Outside we should be tough-like a melon, soft inside, hard outside.
Don't worry about it dear. Desert Fighter is talking about the fact that Taliban incharge Fazlullah (The TTP head) was a chairlift operator in Swat before he became TTP leader. This insurgency is not just limited to any group. Everyone who has a poor understanding of Islam or a rather intolerant one may become a member. This is a reality. Often we try to put people in groups, uneducated, illiterate. But those who attacked Mashal Khan were all gaining a proper education, in an important university.
We need to decide what to do with him. He was in one of the top TTP positions as a spokesperson and as such is responsible for the killing of hundreds if not thousands of Pakistani civilians and soldiers. Anyone can surrender when the going gets tough. It does not absolve the person however of his or her severe crimes against humanity. Also there is the potential that Ehsanullah may again revert to terrorism.

I am not sure what should be done but it shouldn't be easy for Ehsanullah, just saying he has renounced violence after killing so many innocents. Why was he part of the TTP anyway. Where was his honor and shame when he was killing our people mercilessly and speaking for the terrorists? Now suddenly we are supposed to believe that after being in a top TTP position he has given up violence just like that. Every angle should be investigated. Also Fazlullah is the main target. Kill him and we will celebrate.
If you look at his ugly face, it does not look if he is even slightly ashamed of his evil doings and he regrets his criminal past. He must be beheaded publicly to send a clear message to all the terrorists. He didn't surrender when TTP was strong rather after it has been routed from Waziristan.
We should extract as much information and intel from him as possible and then behead him publicly.
Don't worry about it dear. Desert Fighter is talking about the fact that Taliban incharge Fazlullah (The TTP head) was a chairlift operator in Swat before he became TTP leader. This insurgency is not just limited to any group. Everyone who has a poor understanding of Islam or a rather intolerant one may become a member. This is a reality. Often we try to put people in groups, uneducated, illiterate. But those who attacked Mashal Khan were all gaining a proper education, in an important university.

Agree on all points except, Abdul Wali Khan university, is hardly important. More like a community college in the US. Anyone who can afford to, wouldn't go there.
Kul-bhashan Yadev (KY), Uzair Baloch (UB) and now Ehsan ullah Ehsan (EuE) are the most high profile terrorist PA has got its hands on. The amount of intel provided by them will let Pakistani agencies to complete the entire picture by putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. Pakistan will now be able see India-Iran-Afghanstan link sponsoring the terrorism inside Pakistan using proxies like TTP and Jamat ul Ahrar etc beyond the elements of doubt and conspiracy theories. Now the matters are moving more and more into black and white and grey areas are reducing.

EuE's revelations clearly establish the involvement of NDS and india in supporting TTP to carry out terrorism inside Pakistan and Afghanistan govt is clearly involved.

@That Guy @MastanKhan @Oscar @Arsalan

Guy this information is quite essential for all of us
@HAKIKAT @Major Sam @haviZsultan

Well if you compare GCC vs Iran_Afghanistan_ India

GCC was more into financially involved in Pakistan to gain more influence through aid and through building masjids, but these arrested people have proved that other three countries were involve financially as well as for terrorism to spread chaos and then to get benefit from weak Pakistan economically and strategically.

but as @HAKIKAT has mentioned many times the best planner is ALLAH. We human beings always end up being smart but then those things happened which we have never thought about. So i will say these all things are for those who was trying to justify and hiding behind grey area. now things are becoming clear. Now its time we need to b pro Pakistanis and we should throw others into Arabian sea so they can go back to their beloved country either its Iran or GCC.
Don't worry about it dear. Desert Fighter is talking about the fact that Taliban incharge Fazlullah (The TTP head) was a chairlift operator in Swat before he became TTP leader. This insurgency is not just limited to any group. Everyone who has a poor understanding of Islam or a rather intolerant one may become a member. This is a reality. Often we try to put people in groups, uneducated, illiterate. But those who attacked Mashal Khan were all gaining a proper education, in an important university.

The mentality / doctrine behind TTP and other terrorist organisations is takfiriyat (declaring other sects non-Muslim / mushrik) and thus until this mentality has been defeated. We will see such fitna surfacing again and again. We need to step on the heads of the proponents of such elements who want to fan sectarian hatred in the society. We are well aware of those people so we must act together against such extremists.

Well if you compare GCC vs Iran_Afghanistan_ India

GCC was more into financially involved in Pakistan to gain more influence through aid and through building masjids, but these arrested people have proved that other three countries were involve financially as well as for terrorism to spread chaos and then to get benefit from weak Pakistan economically and strategically.

but as @HAKIKAT has mentioned many times the best planner is ALLAH. We human beings always end up being smart but then those things happened which we have never thought about. So i will say these all things are for those who was trying to justify and hiding behind grey area. now things are becoming clear. Now its time we need to b pro Pakistanis and we should throw others into Arabian sea so they can go back to their beloved country either its Iran or GCC.
Exactly sir, things are getting more in black and white and that is the main benefit. One can belong to any sect and there is total freedom for all whether one is shia or sunni as far as practising one's religious duties is concerned. But none should be allowed to do hate speech against others and no one should be allowed to work against the interests of Pakistan. If someone thinks that GCC or Iran is more important than Pakistan then Pakistan should them out of Pakistan into their beloved countries and let's how will they be treated there.
However as you pointed out GCC role has been much more positive as compared to the axis of terrorism india-iran-Afghanistan (IIA).

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Threads should be merged. @waz
You seem to have an ear to the ground. Do you know the motive behind the surrender or is it as I suspect? I don't think he suddenly realized NDS and RAW were using TTP. He knew and was a part of it despite. In fear of being arrested I feel he has surrendered.
Whether he surrendered or got arrested, we have to behead this pig without any delay.

He must have been caught.....Sadly he will have to be kept alive and used to destroy the network. This is fantastic news.
He will be hanged after extracting all the info. There is no question about his fate. He has been directly and indirectly involved in the countless murders of innocent people and he did not leave TTP and surrender when it was strong rather after it has been routed and uprooted from FATA. Leaving him alive will send a very wrong message to the terrorist and the people of Pakistan.
If you look at his ugly face, it does not look if he is even slightly ashamed of his evil doings and he regrets his criminal past. He must be beheaded publicly to send a clear message to all the terrorists. He didn't surrender when TTP was strong rather after it has been routed from Waziristan.
We should extract as much information and intel from him as possible and then behead him publicly.
Agreed sir. He was a mere opportunist. When the going got tough and army was about reach him he surrendered. He should be beheaded like Latifullah Mehsud and Muslim Khan were. Let their death be a testament to the might of our country when dealing with takfir and/or paid Indian criminals.
Agreed sir. He was a mere opportunist. When the going got tough and army was about reach him he surrendered. He should be beheaded like Latifullah Mehsud and Muslim Khan were. Let their death be a testament to the might of our country when dealing with takfir and/or paid Indian criminals.
Yeah but first we should extract all the valuable info and we shouldn't be in a hurry since unlike KY, no country would come forward and own him but of course we have to hang him. If he really repents that between him and Allah but as per sharia we are not allowed to forgive him and even Qasas and Diyaat do not apply to him since his murders run into hundreds (many of victims can't even be identified) and these guys are far worse than murderers, they are troublemakers and anarchists so their punishment needs to be exemplary.
Kul-bhashan Yadev (KY), Uzair Baloch (UB) and now Ehsan ullah Ehsan (EuE) are the highest profile terrorists PA has got its hands on. The amount of intel provided by them will let Pakistani agencies to complete the entire picture by putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. Pakistan will now be able see India-Iran-Afghanstan link sponsoring the terrorism inside Pakistan using proxies like TTP and Jamat ul Ahrar etc beyond the elements of doubt and conspiracy theories. Now the matters are moving more and more into black and white and grey areas are reducing.

EuE's revelations clearly establish the involvement of NDS and india in supporting TTP to carry out terrorism inside Pakistan and Afghanistan govt is clearly involved.

@That Guy @MastanKhan @Oscar @Arsalan

Guy this information is quite essential for all of us
@HAKIKAT @Major Sam @haviZsultan
The problem is, witness testimony matters very little, and it still comes down to physical evidence. RAW and NDS aren't incompetent, they won't leave a physical trail, leading to them.
The problem is, witness testimony matters very little, and it still comes down to physical evidence. RAW and NDS aren't incompetent, they won't leave a physical trail, leading to them.
Sorry as usual your post doesn't make any sense to me.
Sorry as usual your post doesn't make any sense to me.
That's your problem, not mine.

It's simple, physical evidence is undeniable, witness testimony is nothing more than words. What's so hard to understand about that?
That's your problem, not mine.

It's simple, physical evidence is undeniable, witness testimony is nothing more than words. What's so hard to understand about that?
No offence, but I stand by my words and it is not our first interaction. So let's agree to disagree since I have better things to do in my life than arguing with you.
No offence, but I stand by my words and it is not our first interaction. So let's agree to disagree since I have better things to do in my life than arguing with you.
Suit yourself, my comment was simple and to the point.
Suit yourself, my comment was simple and to the point.
Just a hint. Please read some law books and see if witness testimony is a legal and admissible to any court law or not.... Read any law US, British, Pakistani, indian, KSA, Shariah all so you will come to know that "witness testimony is DEFINITELY more than words".
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