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Ethiopian army official: Country will defend itself over dam

China is by far Ethiopia's largest investor accounting for over 60% of the country's FDI and they are also by far their largest contractor. So this Dam will also be built with their help. China has very strong ties with Ethiopia. Will be interesting to see where they stand if Egypt and Ethiopia get into conflict. Ethiopia seems to have many powerful foreign backers and even locals one. Virtually all Ethiopia's neighbours are friendly to them(or at least not an enemy) except Eritrea. However, Eritrea and Ethiopia now have neutral relations since they signed a peace treaty after the new Ethiopian President took power(he's very diplomatic and has a very bold vision and ambitions for his country). So both sides will not do anything to harm the other at this point since this peace treaty was agreed after very long negotiations and compromises and both sides are wary and tired of fighting long endless war. So Egypt's options are very limited to be honest.

NB: Ethiopia is also holds the headquarters of the African union and holds alot of sway over the African Union. So go figure.

Egypt can neutralize Ethiopia and all of Ethiopia's neighbors without even dispatching a quarter of their military.

So Egypt’s options are not limited in any sense.
Dude you are mistaking Syria with Yemen, its Yemen that has a famine, dont push your shit to us you are the ones starving people, Turkey on the other hand is taking care of millions of Syrians.

Apart from that even thousands of Iranian refugees reside in Turkey because they get mistreated in their own country.

Adress those first before throwing mud you hypocrite.
Stay on topic
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A humanitarian issue is being looked from the eyes of military hawks. Every upstream country is bound to give water to low stream countries by law so ethiopia can build a dam on nile but is bound to give egypt its due share. In the end they have to do water sharing. The water belongs to both countries. In longer run these two countries should focus on population control and new technologies such as dripping irrigation to reduce water usage.
Egypt can neutralize Ethiopia and all of Ethiopia's neighbors without even dispatching a quarter of their military.

So Egypt’s options are not limited in any sense.
Egypt should first solve their issue in Sinai and the now growing threat in Lybia where a MB aligned government is taking shape with Turkeys help. We have already seen how LNA backed by Egypt has been defeated and pushed back to their stronghold in the east . If things continue at this rate they won't have much influence and control left in Libya. So I guess So is more focused on this rising threat to his regime than a remote Dam Ethiopia is building on the Nile which is a distant threat compared to the immediate one Libya. And MB represents. And you know dictator care more about their grip on power than anything else. :D. So Egypt won't act rashly.

Egypt can neutralize Ethiopia and all of Ethiopia's neighbors without even dispatching a quarter of their military
Lol Easier said than done. We all know when a war starts but never when or how it will end. :wave:
Stay on topic retard.
Said the one who dragged Syria into Topic.
And you resuming to personal insults only shows you have no argument left...

o I guess So is more focused on this rising threat to his regime than a remote Dam Ethiopia is building on the Nile which is a distant threat compared to the immediate one Libya.
Nile being lifeline of Egypt i think its the number one threat to it, geographical distance plays no role in this matter.
Said the one who dragged Syria into Topic.
And you resuming to personal insults only shows you have no argument left...
Go open your thread and tag anyone you like. I brought up a similar example but the main Subject of my QUOTE was related to main topic. Turks support for Ethiopia only to starve Egyptian to Death reminds me of Turkish support for ISIS and Qaeda. Can you understand Simple English?
Go open your thread and tag anyone you like. I brought up a similar example but the main Subject of my QUOTE was related to main topic. Turks support for Ethiopia only to starve Egyptian to Death reminds me of Turkish support for ISIS and Qaeda. Can you understand Simple English?
And i showed why your exsample is stupid because the opposite is the case, you are the ones starving Yemenis but have the audacity to blame Turkey with starving people. Its Turkey thats the biggest donor country in muslim world, not Iran whose national doctrine is to exports its ''revolution'' abroad by force for 5 decades now.

Have some shame will you, your arrogance lately is getting annoying.
Egypt can neutralize Ethiopia and all of Ethiopia's neighbors without even dispatching a quarter of their military.

So Egypt’s options are not limited in any sense.

The problem is that the political will is not there.
And i showed why your exsample is stupid because the opposite is the case, you are the ones starving Yemenis but have the audacity to blame Turkey with starving people. Its Turkey thats the biggest donor country in muslim world, not Iran whose national doctrine is to exports its ''revolution'' abroad by force for 5 decades now.

Have some shame will you, your arrogance lately is getting annoying.
You kid, Tell me how Iran is connected to Yemen? Do we Share a border with Yemen or did we invade Yemen recently?
There will be once Nile starts drying up
Egyptian military capabilities are way exaggerated in your post, numbers mean nothing in modern battlefield.
The simplest exsample is the fact that most professional armies a shrinking in size since years while the capabilities keep growing.

You kid, Tell me how Iran is connected to Yemen? Do we Share a border with Yemen or did we invade Yemen recently?
Lol, seriously, you are just a waste of time.
Very bad news for Egypt. At this rate we will start seeing exodus of Egyptians from their homeland due to water scarcity.

I hope in sha Allah Egyptians can find a solution for their problems, as I for one greatly respect and admire Egyptian people.

It is pitiful what Sisi has done to them.
It's been made sure the Egyptian leadership work against the greater Muslim interest...

They sent excess Soviet era weapons to the separatist traitors, based and trained in India, to break Pak...

And, they sent tanks to Mujib as a "gift" for his great achievements!! Ironically, ex Pak Ordu members successfully used them to eliminate his USSR backed and designed one-party Baas style (Irak, Syria etc.) rule...

You are right, KSA and UAE mainly to blame for Yemen.
Not their people but their rulers and their trained stooges. I never hold people of peninsula responsible for What happening to Yemen. I heard Egyptian pilots refuted flying Egyptian bomber s over Yemen saying we are trained to fight against Israel not the people of Yemen. Most of pilots flying Saudi jets bombing Yemen are of Foreign origins. Therefor id never ever Ask for bombing civilians of Arabia. Thats a Simple Logic and i hope Turks change their mind. These attitudes are harmful.
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