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Ethiopian army official: Country will defend itself over dam

But it was you who said "Dry out Egypt...".

No, that was Persian member because of you don't like them. Thats his words and not me, maybe hizbies kill people who they don't like in Syria.:-)
Egypt needs Long range ballistic missiles and Long range cruise ones. Wastiing billions on Rafale, Migs, Falcons etc is a grave mistake. I couldnt care less about who rules Egypt. Its still important that Egypt is facing an existential threat. You test missiles and project your Power throughout African continent then Israel and other cancers will fail to bring Egypt on its knees.
Egypt with 100 million population is worse than thousands of nuclear waeheads for Israel. The major Plan here is to reduce Egyptian population and displace the inhabitants around Nile River who are alive thanks to Nile's water.
After that Egypt projects its Power, negotiations with Ethiopia will result in absolute success for Egypt. However Even without Long range missiles Ethiopia can not do much against Egyptian Army.
Unfortunately International laws Allow Ethiopia to build a dam on Nile. Army and politicians can defy this serious threat together.
Negotiate with Ethiopia, the only way to disappoint Israelis conspiring against Egypt. Israeli footprint in Ethiopia is obvious.

Egypt with Sissy as dictator is a puppet of the Terrorist UAE in Libya and Yemen. What goes around comes around.

Ethiopia versus Egypt war coming soon to a theatre near you.

Leave Libya alone!
Egypt with Sissy as dictator is a puppet of the Terrorist UAE in Libya and Yemen. What goes around comes around.

Ethiopia versus Egypt war coming soon to a theatre near you.

Leave Libya alone!
What is wrong with you guys? This is the water that Egyptian people are drinking and living with. Get a life dimwits
Turks hate Egyptians to death ... this is not something new ...

They believe egypt has occupied their ottoman empire. :crazy:
Ah an iranian trying to hold the moral high ground. So hilarious. And actually what an irrelevant shit this is... we see egypt as our future ally.
We should dry them out so this problems actually can push people of egypt to do something about Sisi. Not a perfect solution but for the long-term peace and prosperity this is a sacrifice I would willing to make.
Ah an iranian trying to hold the moral high ground. So hilarious. And actually what an irrelevant shit this is... we see egypt as our future ally.
We should dry them out so this problems actually can push people of egypt to do something about Sisi. Not a perfect solution but for the long-term peace and prosperity this is a sacrifice I would willing to make.
Yeah you starve millions of innocents to push your own narrative for sake of your own agenda and to Force your own ideology into their minds. You left Syrian bare to Qaeda and ISIS hyenas to tear them apart and give you a good moment with the same logic. God damn savages
Yeah you starve millions of innocents to push your own narrative for sake of your own agenda and to Force your own ideology into their minds. You left Syrian bare to Qaeda and ISIS hyenas to tear them apart and give you a good moment with the same logic. God damn savages
Ah iranian... iranian... We all know what your kind actually capable of... We saw it in syria. Carpet bombing schools, hospitals and all that. And now you want to play the moral high ground? Really? Your ideology is terrorism. And that's why you excluded by all world. The world of politics is about power, and frankly for the power you did so many disgusting things that we couldn't even imagine.
About egypt, Once Sisi removed, peace and property is waiting for them. All they need to do is reach out and grab it. If they need some encouragement so be it.
I Leave this thread to people to judge.

Btw, an other Solution for Egypt is a nuclear dissalinator. It can at least reduce dams Impact on peoples Daily lives and save the agriculture industry of the country

Desalination has its issues..

Desalination: An Ocean of Problemsfinds that desalination–the process of removing salt from seawater to make it drinkable, carries a high price tag, releases unregulated chemicals into drinking water supplies, uses large amounts of energy, pollutes waterways, and threatens fisheries and marine environments, among other drawbacks.

https://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/n...emsfinds,and marine environments, among other
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