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Ethiopia army voices readiness to pay the price for Nile dam

can you tell us about the Egyptisn capabilities to destroy the dam?
Nobody in this forum, sees it beside a limited sabotage operation..Egypt doesnot have a capability to raid the dam without Soudan's help. To add to that the last conflict where Egyptian troops where in involved was 40 years ago, while Ethipian troops are more active in different part of African continent maintaining peace.
plus the water problem is not limited to the Egyptian/Ethipian arm wrestling it concerns 6 more countries at least.

85% of Egypt water comes from Ethiopia so the problem is mostly about Ethiopia not really the rest .


You suddenly act as if Egypt is 1940 Germany ready to go imperial, what do you smoke anyway always these extreme opinions.

This is water my friend besides there are many provinces inside sudan already outside goverment control and this will only happen once they decide to cut most water from Egypt.


You suddenly act as if Egypt is 1940 Germany ready to go imperial, what do you smoke anyway always these extreme opinions.

besides your Iranian brothers now control lebanon and Syria through proxies , why cant Egypt control small parts of Sudan through proxies Just to border ethiopia ?

after all they have good reason to protect their water supply and anyway all world analysts predicted future wars in middle east and africa will be over water including your own prime minister.
besides your Iranian brothers now control lebanon and Syria through proxies , why cant Egypt control small parts of Sudan through proxies Just to border ethiopia ?

after all they have good reason to protect their water supply and anyway all world analysts predicted future wars in middle east and africa will be over water including your own prime minister.

All unrealistic, but if you want you can plan all that here

You suddenly act as if Egypt is 1940 Germany ready to go imperial, what do you smoke anyway always these extreme opinions.

Back in 1995 Egypt took over Halayeb from Sudan after they attempted to assassinate mubarak in ethiopia , the sudanese army at that time crumbled and escaped after two days of fighting only .

you know that this year Egypt announced halayeb would become a city and completely annexed it ?

Egypt converts contested Halayeb area with Sudan into city - Sudan Tribune: Plural news and views on Sudan

Egypt is actually preparing for war with sudan if the nile water thing does not work out , they wount attack ethiopia .
All unrealistic, but if you want you can plan all that here

The darfur conflict in Sudan was all about water and cattle , sadat himself said egypt is preparing for any moment it might be forced to fight for water .

if egypt continues receiving its water then there will be no war , but if it does not then sudan will be raped very simple.

the water issue is important for the survival of the regime in Egypt , if this water is cut the people there will eat their goverment so instead they will just eat sudan very simple .

why do you think Egypt today maintains a large land force with more than 4000 tanks , certainly they cant invade israel with this , but they are preparing since a long time for a time when they will have to fight sudan for water .
You can't mediate if you don't the facts! Contrary to your believe, Algeria is very present and respected in Africa and it's counsel is well sought after. The proof the peace treaty is still holding and Ethiopian are off your back.
Sorry for misspelling your origin, I thought the French way will take a little of your crassyness.

lool Dude algeria is irrelevant in africa, the only reason boutaflika dicided to host the peace accord is because for his own image. Beside most africans countries are disgusted with algerian interference in neighbouring countries affairs (Morroco western sahara), you don't throw rock if you house is made out of glass this is the lesson you got when you had the rebellion gas incident in south algeria. The peace accord that we signed has been rejected by ethiopia so there you go its like a big middle finger from the ethiopians to what they think of your mediation because like i said your country is irrelevant.
lool Dude algeria is irrelevant in africa, the only reason boutaflika dicided to host the peace accord is because for his own image. Beside most africans countries are disgusted with algerian interference in neighbouring countries affairs (Morroco western sahara), you don't throw rock if you house is made out of glass this is the lesson you got when you had the rebellion gas incident in south algeria. The peace accord that we signed has been rejected by ethiopia so there you go its like a big middle finger from the ethiopians to what they think of your mediation because like i said your country is irrelevant.

Algeria could easily swallow its African neighbours if it wanted but Algerians generally hate imperialism as they suffered a lot under france until they achieved a hard won independence .

The Algerian independence war forced france to retreat from 8 colonized African and grant them independence .

Read more about Algeria before writing crap like this.
Algeria could easily swallow its African neighbours if it wanted but Algerians generally hate imperialism as they suffered a lot under france until they achieved a hard won independence .

The Algerian independence war forced france to retreat from 8 colonized African and grant them independence .

Read more about Algeria before writing crap like this.

Algeria couldn't even swallow up its own internal problems, for a week it was getting humilated as it raced to control its own hostage situation in its southern territory by few rig rag gunmen on a pick up trucks. The algerian independence took that long and cost that many lives because algerians were the only one's the french refused to leave and the tells how the french viewed the algerians as till this day can't stop kissing the french a**. i know about algeria and even visited algeria typical hot blooded arab brave with knives but in a war they are useless and i would even back a country like Mali if you would give both nation same army and amount of weapons.
Algeria couldn't even swallow up its own internal problems, for a week it was getting humilated as it raced to control its own hostage situation in its southern territory by few rig rag gunmen on a pick up trucks. The algerian independence took that long and cost that many lives because algerians were the only one's the french refused to leave and the tells how the french viewed the algerians as till this day can't stop kissing the french a**. i know about algeria and even visited algeria typical hot blooded arab brave with knives but in a war they are useless and i would even back a country like Mali if you would give both nation same army and amount of weapons.
lool Dude algeria is irrelevant in africa, the only reason boutaflika dicided to host the peace accord is because for his own image.
Bouteflika wasn't representing his own image...The image he was representing is that of Algeria, and because of that image, the accord held to this day...Africa is holding actually on two pillars, Algeria and South Africa..They are the only two stable countries that are holding Africa together...

Beside most africans countries are disgusted with algerian interference in neighbouring countries affairs (Morroco western sahara),
Name one African country that is miffed by Algerian foreign policy, beside Morocco who's enmity has roots beyond the Western Sahara, you will find none..
you don't throw rock if you house is made out of glass this is the lesson you got when you had the rebellion gas incident in south algeria.
The gas plant incident is directly associated to Algeria's meddling in their neighbours affair? You don't say? It shows how much you know about Africa. I am sure that you know who was behind the attack, who planned it and who financed it..But let me refresh your kat fogged brain of the aftermath..
over 900 hostages liberated..

Terroristes fleeing the seen..before


The peace accord that we signed has been rejected by ethiopia so there you go its like a big middle finger from the ethiopians to what they think of your mediation because like i said your country is irrelevant.[/quote]
Its holding, because if it was rejected, you will be wearing your sandal with a twig of Kat between your teeth, waiting for an Ethiopian knife to put you out of your misery...
But let cut to the chase, we are still waiting for those hidden capabilities in the hand of the Egyptian Army...Frogman, an aficiendo of their arm forces would like to see it too...
It is this uncanny and silly idea among Moslems , that they think that they are invincible and they can beat any non Muslim country, because they have Islam , the Koran and God in their side! Knowing well, since they have been repelled from Spain, they have not won ne war...It was a defeat after defeat...
If Saddam saga wasn't enough, I don't know what to tell you...
Algeria couldn't even swallow up its own internal problems, for a week it was getting humilated as it raced to control its own hostage situation in its southern territory by few rig rag gunmen on a pick up trucks. The algerian independence took that long and cost that many lives because algerians were the only one's the french refused to leave and the tells how the french viewed the algerians as till this day can't stop kissing the french a**. i know about algeria and even visited algeria typical hot blooded arab brave with knives but in a war they are useless and i would even back a country like Mali if you would give both nation same army and amount of weapons.
Humiliated by who?
Reality is that we have 8 bordering countries all instable, and our territorial integrity is still the same and I don't think , is going to change ...
Other thing, you have never visited Algeria, because if you did, you wouldn't print the stupidities you just did..
But we are still waiting, for the hidden Egyptian capabilities..
Eaux du Nil : Le Soudan lâche l’Egypte
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Par : Amira Samir
Publié le : 3/03/14
La décision du Soudan de rester « neutre » sur le dossier du barrage éthiopien laisse l’Egypte sous le choc. Khartoum cherche désormais à jouer le rôle de médiateur.


Le changement de position du Soudan est un coup dur pour l’Egypte. Le Soudan, quasiment le seul allié de l’Egypte dans ce dossier, a fait savoir qu’il ne considérait pas la construction du barrage éthiopien comme une menace. Le nouveau barrage est situé à 33 km de la frontière du Soudan dans la grande gorge du Nil Bleu et du Nil Blanc qui se rejoignent à Khartoum.

« Le Soudan ne veut pas entrer en conflit avec l’Ethiopie, parce que les négociations de paix entre le gouvernement soudanais et les rebelles du Kordofan-Sud se déroulent à Addis-Abeba. Les territoires soudanais accueillent aussi plus de 4 200 militants éthiopiens, et c’est une crise pour le Soudan, qui a préféré soutenir le régime éthiopien », analyse Hani Raslane, spécialiste des pays du bassin du Nil au Centre des Etudes Politiques et Stratégiques (CEPS) d’Al-Ahram.

Le Soudan est donc arrivé à la conclusion que le barrage n’aura pas d’impact négatif et s’est rallié à l’Ethiopie, qui a promis de lui vendre de l’électricité ainsi produit par le barrage, électricité qui fait défaut dans la région. Khartoum ne se considère désormais plus comme faisant partie du litige et souhaiterait plutôtjouer un rôle de médiateur entre l’Egypte et l’Ethiopie.

Le ministre soudanais des Affaires étrangères, Ali Ahmad Karti, a même critiqué la gestion de l’Egypte sur ce dossier. « Le Caire estime que ce projet pourraitavoir un impact négatif sur les pays en aval du fleuve et réduire leurs parts en ressources en eau. Mais les commentaires des responsables égyptiens dans les médias compliquent davantage la situation », déclare-t-il. Le ministre souligne ensuite la disposition de Khartoum à poursuivre ses efforts visant à réduire les divergences entre l’Ethiopie et l’Egypte. « Le Soudan restera neutre entre L’Egypte et l’Ethiopie. Khartoum a des intérêts communs avec Le Caire et Addis-Abeba », ajoute-t-il.

La réaction du Soudan est surprenante. Les deux derniers pays en aval du Nil revendiquent des droits historiques sur le fleuve en vertu des accords de 1929 et 1959. Ce dernier traité colonial alloue à l’Egypte 55,5 milliards de m3 par an, soit 87 % des eaux du Nil. Le Soudan, alors l’allié de l’Egypte, avait obtenu 18,5 milliards de m3. Depuis environ 6 décennies, sur la base de ce traité, l’Egypte et le Soudan ont toujours refusé le moindre compromis sur le Nil et ont rejeté les projets d’un nouveau traité proposé par l’Initiative du bassin du Nil.

La majorité des pays du bassin du Nil, dont l’Ethiopie, ont décidé de ne plus tenir compte de ces accords. Ces pays riverains ont conclu un traité distinct en 2010 leur permettant de développer leurs projets sur le fleuve.

Le Soudan, qui n’a pas paraphé ce traité, estime aujourd’hui que ces projets ne l’affecteront pas. « La position actuelle de Khartoum va à l’encontre de l’accord d’Entebbe de 1959 stipulant que l’Egypte et le Soudan doivent traiter ensemble les sujets concernant le partage, le contrôle et l’utilisation des eaux du Nil. Les récentes déclarations de Ali Karti prouve un changement de position du Soudan, notamment face aux pays africains en amont », estime Nader Noureddine, expert hydraulique et chercheur en affaires africaines.

La position de l’Egypte est sérieusement affaiblie par la position nuancée de son voisin du Sud. Le Caire est désormais isolé et part chercher des appuis en dehors du continent noir.

Source: Al-Ahram hebdo


Sudan's decision to remain "neutral" on the back of Ethiopian dam leaves Egypt in shock. Khartoum is now seeking to play the role of mediator.


The change in position of Sudan is a blow to Egypt. Sudan, practically the only ally of Egypt in this case, said he did not consider the construction of Ethiopian dam as a threat. The new dam is located 33 km from the Sudanese border in the Grand Canyon of the Blue Nile and White Nile meet in Khartoum.

" Sudan does not want conflict with Ethiopia, because the peace talks between the Sudanese government and rebels of South Kordofan take place in Addis Ababa. Sudanese territories also home to more than 4,200 Ethiopian activists, and it is a crisis for Sudan, who preferred to support the Ethiopian regime , "Hani Raslane specialist in countries of the Nile Basin Studies Center for Political and Strategic Analysis ( CEPS) Al-Ahram.

Sudan is therefore concluded that the dam will have no negative impact and agreed with Ethiopia, which has promised to sell him the electricity produced by the dam, which is lacking in electricity the region. Khartoum is now considered more as part of the dispute and would rather play a role of mediator between Egypt and Ethiopia.

The Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Ali Ahmad Karti, has even criticized the management of Egypt on this issue. " Cairo believes that this project couldimpact negatively on the country down the river and reduce their share water resources. But the comments of Egyptian officials in the media further complicate the situation , "he says. The Minister then outlined the provision of Khartoum to continue its efforts to reduce discrepancies between Ethiopia and Egypt. " Sudan will remain neutral between Egypt and Ethiopia. Khartoum has common interests with Cairo and Addis Ababa , "he adds.

The reaction of Sudan is surprising. The last two countries downstream Nile claim historical rights on the river under the agreements of 1929 and 1959. This last colonial treaty allocates Egypt 55.5 billion m3 per year, or 87% water of the Nile. Sudan, then the ally of Egypt, had obtained 18.5 billion m3. For about 6 decades on the basis of this treaty, Egypt and Sudan have refused any compromise on the Nile and rejected projects proposed by the Nile Basin Initiative new treaty.

Most countries of the Nile basin, including Ethiopia, have decided not to consider these agreements. These riparian countries signed a separate treaty in 2010 allowing them to develop their projects on the river.

Sudan, which has not signed the treaty, currently estimated that these projects will not affect it. " The current position of Khartoum goes against the Entebbe agreement in 1959 stipulating that Egypt and Sudan should address all matters concerning sharing, control and use of the Nile waters. Recent statements by Ali Karti shows a change in position of Sudan, including African countries face upstream , "said Nader Noureddine, hydraulic expert and researcher in African affairs.

The position of Egypt is seriously weakened by the nuanced position of its southern neighbor. Cairo is now isolated and seek support from outside the continent.

Source: Al-Ahram Weekly

Humiliated by who?
Reality is that we have 8 bordering countries all instable, and our territorial integrity is still the same and I don't think , is going to change ...
Other thing, you have never visited Algeria, because if you did, you wouldn't print the stupidities you just did..
But we are still waiting, for the hidden Egyptian capabilities..

Algerians got Humilated by few Rig rags on pick up trucks taking control of one of your largest Gas location and it took you weeks to sort it out, a country that can't secure its internal boundries shows it has problems.

I did visit Algeria in the EARLY 2000's and let me tell you from what i have seen algeria you don't need to start a war with algeria you just need to start a war among algerians.

Why are you waiting for me to tell you on egyptian capabilities? i thought algeriansare the expert and algeria is the country that knows everything. lol
Algerians got Humilated by few Rig rags on pick up trucks taking control of one of your largest Gas location and it took you weeks to sort it out, a country that can't secure its internal boundries shows it has problems.
I don't know where you get your news, but all our borders in our sde are secure..There is no inviolable borders in the world, even the US, the lone superpower can't keep their borders from being crossed..
And the one that crossed, you knew what was their fate...and it didn't take weeks, it took 72 hours, to clean them out from an area of 10 km2, with a little cost of lives..For the one who knows, it was an a colossal achievement, that only few forces in the world are capable of.

I did visit Algeria in the EARLY 2000's and let me tell you from what i have seen algeria you don't need to start a war with algeria you just need to start a war among algerians.
Unless you were a terrorist, I doubt, from the observations you made , that you visited the country. If you did tell me where you were and what you have seen...Don't use google, I will know the difference between seeing and living it...and reading it ...

Why are you waiting for me to tell you on egyptian capabilities? i thought algeriansare the expert and algeria is the country that knows everything. lol
That we are, and we know that Egyptians don't have a capability to conduct raids away from their borders. But you must know something that even Egyptians, themselves, don't know..And I want you to share it with us, or for ever shut the f---up!
I don't know where you get your news, but all our borders in our sde are secure..There is no inviolable borders in the world, even the US, the lone superpower can't keep their borders from being crossed..
And the one that crossed, you knew what was their fate...and it didn't take weeks, it took 72 hours, to clean them out from an area of 10 km2, with a little cost of lives..For the one who knows, it was an a colossal achievement, that only few forces in the world are capable of.

You think your borders are secure because no one has tested your internal security till that incident, the difference between america and algeria is you won't find few hundred of foreign fighters crossing over america and occupying texan oil fields and american taking a week or so to respond. Please don't talk about colossal acheivment the rest of the world were laughing at your forces infront of the TV camera till you caught on and banned most of the news correspondents from the gas field area.lol

Unless you were a terrorist, I doubt, from the observations you made , that you visited the country. If you did tell me where you were and what you have seen...Don't use google, I will know the difference between seeing and living it...and reading it ...

I actually visited algeria 3 times starting from the 90's, my visits there does not relate to this topic so i won't discuss it. Oh and if i was a terrorist entering algeria believe me i would worry more about algeria than your military response to me.lol

That we are, and we know that Egyptians don't have a capability to conduct raids away from their borders. But you must know something that even Egyptians, themselves, don't know..And I want you to share it with us, or for ever shut the f---up!

If you have read my previous posts you can see the few options egyptians have of reaching the dam and striking it, but you too busy focusing on attacking me with your "glorious Algeria" talk to take notice. so i think it's you who need to shut the f*k up and read first.
. .

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