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Era of wars over, ready to resolve all issues with India: Pakistan

You can wear a tin foil on your head and deny it all you want.
But the vast majority of credible historians believe in the Aryan invasion theory. And there is a lot of evidence for it.
But of course this theory hurts your feeling so you reject it outright.
And it also shatters your victim complex of being invaded.

It is only insecure Indians who deny the Aryan invasion. While the rest of the world accepts it, especially independent historians.

Dude, Aryan theory of invasion was an age-old theory:guns:. It has been debunked more than a decade ago by reputed historians. And those guys were from the West if I'm not wrong.

Anyway, say even if you are right and that theory is true, how does it really matter in today's day and age and why should that bother us or make us insecure? After all, ALL of us had African apes for ancestors anyway, can't be beating ourselves up daily over that can we?:hitwall::hitwall:
Keep saying it again and again. Still it doesn't become truth.

AIT = Brainfart of English colonialist historians.

New research debunks Aryan invasion theory - India - DNA

and keep denying it over and over and it sill won't make it false :)

And please provide credible links, not Indian or Hindutwa or what ever sources.

Let me just ask you guys this.
Do you guys eve believe that Sanskrit is an Indo-European language?
I just want to know how much tin foil you guys are wearing on your heads.
(might not be worth discussing if you guys are way off the deep end.)

issues are complex broo have patience.

I agree,the issues are complex and we need patience.
But we should at least acknowledge the ground realities.
We cannot have a peace process if both sides are not willing to talk.
Pakistan has shown that it is.
Now the Indian people need to pressure their government to get them to also talk.
The problem is that India is not open to resolve all the disputes and have peace.
Musharraf did everything in his power to resolve the major issues.
He came to India with an extended hand.
India simply was not interested and sent Musharraf home with nothing to show for it.

Dude u gotta understand, the underlying issues between India and Pakistan are very very complex and are not going to get resolved overnight. Its decades of animosity and distrust for each other we are talking about here. The animosity even extends to the levels of the common man, so what more do we need to say for governments? But u have to admit as well, progress is being made in the right direction ever since Zardari's visit to India. The opening up of trade between both countries will serve to increase communication and also change people's mindsets about each other. If this does continue along this path man, within a couple of years, you would see alot more changes in attitude towards each other from both sides.:tup:
i think we should bet on imran khan, he might do the impossible and solve all problems with india. atleast from his interviews i have seen he doesnt hate india.
and keep denying it over and over and it sill won't make it false :)

And please provide credible links, not Indian or Hindutwa or what ever sources.

Research about India will be published only by Indian sources. Take it or leave it.

Anyway I understand your insecurity about the AIT considering that Pakistanis are brought up on the steady assumption of them being descendents of tall fair blonde haired Aryans from Central Asia and they are not the native people of this land, as research has proved.


BTW stop de-railing the topic and discuss on it.
and keep denying it over and over and it sill won't make it false :)

And please provide credible links, not Indian or Hindutwa or what ever sources.

Let me just ask you guys this.
Do you guys eve believe that Sanskrit is an Indo-European language?
I just want to know how much tin foil you guys are wearing on your heads.
(might not be worth discussing if you guys are way off the deep end.)

Personally I believe it is and I got that from some articles and books I read a long time ago. I don't think most of us really care about where Sanskrit comes from though, what we really care about is the fact that we have loads of literature in it, most of our Hindu scriptures are in Sanskrit (some are in Classical Tamil) and its a language we use in our mandirs. I'd say like how Arabic is for you guys, not the spoken versions but the version used in the Quran. (I believe its two different versions, not sure 100% though, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)

I agree,the issues are complex and we need patience.
But we should at least acknowledge the ground realities.
We cannot have a peace process if both sides are not willing to talk.
Pakistan has shown that it is.
Now the Indian people need to pressure their government to get them to also talk.

As long as we acknowledge its a step in the right direction and work on it, there will be progress.
Research about India will be published only by Indian sources. Take it or leave it.

Anyway I understand your insecurity about the AIT considering that Pakistanis are brought up on the steady assumption of them being descendents of tall fair blonde haired Aryans from Central Asia and they are not the native people of this land, as research has proved.


BTW stop de-railing the topic and discuss on it.

I don't mean to be offensive at all but have you ever gone to university?
If you then, how how can you say such ridiculous things like "Research about India will be published only by Indian sources"
That's like saying research about Egypt will only be published by Egyptian sources.
or research about frogs will only be published in frog sources. :lol:

Many universities around the world have historians who do research about India.
More importantly, almost all major universities have a linguistics department. The linguistics department is where research on Indo-European language happens. And it is this research that is really proving the Aryan invasion.

"tall fair blonde haired Aryans from Central Asia"
............so according to you people from central Asia look like this

You know, its okay to simply say that you don't believe in the Aryan invasion because it huts your feeling and you would rather close your eyes to the world then see the truth.
but please don't go around making up nonsense.
that just makes you look silly.
Haha, ToI sounds so desperate, are they willing to have peace at any cost?

Congrats to Pakistan, you have the Indians right where you want them: cornered, begging at the negotiating table.

Chinese media was so desperate that they were ready to remove their pants for India:moil:
I don't mean to be offensive at all but have you ever gone to university?
If you then, how how can you say such ridiculous things like "Research about India will be published only by Indian sources"
That's like saying research about Egypt will only be published by Egyptian sources.
or research about frogs will only be published in frog sources. :lol:

Many universities around the world have historians who do research about India.
More importantly, almost all major universities have a linguistics department. The linguistics department is where research on Indo-European language happens. And it is this research that is really proving the Aryan invasion.

"tall fair blonde haired Aryans from Central Asia"
............so according to you people from central Asia look like this

You know, its okay to simply say that you don't believe in the Aryan invasion because it huts your feeling and you would rather close your eyes to the world then see the truth.
but please don't go around making up nonsense.
that just makes you look silly.

Yaar, why does it matter now if we had an Aryan Invasion or not?

Let it aside and discuss the future. Leave the things of the past to be studied by the historians.

If we were invaded by Aryans, you were amongst the ones invaded too. Maybe, we both are Aryans. In any case, Aarya in Sanskrit means a Civilized person. So, maybe, we were. But, does it matter now?

And then, why speak of the invaders of the distant past? Lets start discussing the comparatively recent Muslim Invaders.
They already have man.. look around...
Your guard was down the second you abandoned your values and adapted theirs.
When your religion was sold by the hour at the mosque thanks to an establishment hell bent on keepings its stature no matter what the cost.

What is needed now is time to repair our nation, rebuild our economy.. and remove the takfiri elements from our society.
Peace with India buys all that.. this false façade of lower jihad that has been drilled into nubile minds is idiotic.
If you go to war with India today.. with what you have.. as is the state of your nation;
you along with all those lofty jingoistic folks will find their perceptions blown to smithereens.
Islam does not encourage suicide in the name of courage.
Nobody wants you to grovel at India's feet.. or bend over...
The pragmatic approach you claim to follow is exactly what is being discussed.
Pragmatism is linking practice and theory.
practical experience shows that we are now incapable of tackling our issues with India militarily, theory shows that this condition will continue(and possibly lead to our eventual self destruction) unless we fix ourselves.. and begets the practical option to pursue peace with India for now..rebuild yourself,aim to sustain that peace but be prepared for any eventuality.
That preparation for any eventuality has costs that include requires a powerful economy and a strong sense of nationhood that embodies religious harmony which can only be achieved via peace with India for now.. and as long as we can strive to keep it unless circumstances force our hand otherwise.

practical people like you deserve to be in the nations office, it would benefit both countries!!!

16 pages of off topic rants.... this must be a new record
We need to work on our economy, I agree, but why do we need to make peace with India for that to happen?

First of all it's not as if as though there is a war raging on right now.

Secondly, why do we need to India to fall back on? Are we not a capable nation? Did our forefathers decide to separate only to fall back on India for assistance?

I've already said to you, that after the Kashmiris gain the right to self-determination, what would anyone want from India?

Oscar I don't know If you feel a certain affinity towards India because your ancestors migrated from there, but most Pakistanis feel affinity towards the Kashmiris. The reason is because they are fellow Muslims that are being murdered and oppressed by the Indians, just like our forefathers were.

You automatically assume that I want war with India, however after Kashmir dispute is settled, I want nothing to do with India. We are a sovereign nation with our own goals.

After Kashmir we go our separate ways, and that's the end of that.

Thats a fairly cheap observation..
If we were all to observe affinities for where we came from..
Then Kashmiris may love the greeks.. Pathans someone else.. and so on.
I suggest you keep your racially motivated conclusions out of it.
I feel an affinity towards the development of Pakistan.. and peace with India ensures that.
You think peace with India means group hugs and the like... what I propose is curbing military spending towards India..and reducing the open enmity from there.

FYI.. My ancestory is traced back to the prophet.. and my ancestors settled in Kashmir...

practical people like you deserve to be in the nations office, it would benefit both countries!!!

16 pages of off topic rants.... this must be a new record

What is more disappointing is the open racism displayed by Pakistani members.. sad..
Quite a bold decision and one which may arguably be the most significant in our entire history. However, some fan boys here seem to think that Pakistan has given up. If you guys are going to keep up with this attitude, and if it trickles into the proposed negotiations, take it from me, we'll just end up where we always have, in the other's gun sights.
Fan boys take this as some sort of submission to Indian hegemony in the region, that's why talks never succeed between India and Pakistan, every time someone takes a step towards a better future jingo-fanatics with their head too deep in their backside start celebrating their 'victory', nobody wants to be the loser here, as a result, no headway is made.
If this attitude is to be maintained, we best not even waste time and continue trying to find more elaborate ways to destroy each other while internal problems eat away at the very fabric of our societies, but as long as our sense of false pride is satisfied, who gives a flying fcuk!
Oscar, I laud your sentiments bro, but why do you couch Pakistan's pursuit of peace with India with a "for now" twice?

What do you expect to come after that?
Is it co incidence that war mongers from both side have their stomach filled with food, have internet connection and having posh vehicles is certainly not luxury for them.Isn't it! Stopping war is remedy for million of our comp riot's empty stomach and basic needs.:tup:
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