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Emergency Imposed!

Vote about Emergency Imposed!

  • I support it. I am done with CJ, political instability, Benazir.

    Votes: 36 54.5%
  • I condemn it. Musharraf needs to step down, and elect as a RETIRED General.

    Votes: 30 45.5%

  • Total voters
You missed out the juicy parts in that ordinance, Asim. Let me just say, the freedom of press is negative in Pakistan with that ordinance.

“(j) not broadcast video footage of suicide bombers, terrorists, bodies of victims of terrorism, statements and pronouncements of militants and extremist elements and any other act which may, in any way, promote, aid or abet terrorists activities or terrorism;
basically blank out all the terrorist activities. Dont say where it happened, when it happened. a huge cover up for any future terrorist activities.
(k) ensure that no anchor person, moderator or host propagates any opinion or acts in any manner prejudicial to the ideology of Pakistan or sovereignty, integrity or security of Pakistan.
Who decides what is against security of Pakistan? If I feel that army being in the power is against the security of Pakistan, is it valid?
Before I believe it was only against ideology, addition of the other is very informative.

(o) not broadcast anything which is known to be false or baseless or is malafide or for which there exist sufficient reasons to believe that the same may be false, baseless or malafide.”
Again who decides what is false or that there are sufficient reasons. Let us take the example of surrender of 200 FC to tribals. Initially the PA itself claimed to be otherwise. Now every one knows the truth. What if someone had printed that they had surrendered at that time PA denied? I feel this is the worst clause for the freedom of media in Pakistan. mark my words, this clause will give journalists and editors their highest suffering.

The role of media is to throw the active false hoods propogated by the govt. Now the media has been asked to undo one of their journalists oaths, if at all they exist.

“27A Prohibition of foreign broadcasts:- A person who is issued a broadcast media license or a landing rights permission under this Ordinance shall not enter into an agreement with any foreign broadcaster to sell its air time or otherwise provide its air time to another foreign broadcaster without prior written permission of the Authority.”
complete blankout of information for Pakistan. All the Pakistani come under this ordinance, with this clause, they can ban bbc,cnn or any other channel and create a complete blackout of information for people inside Pakistan.
“(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (5) of section 29 or any other provision of this Ordinance, where the Authority takes action under sub-section (3) without notice by reason of necessity in the public interest, the Authority or the Chairman, as the case may be, may seize broadcast or distribution service equipment or seal the premises of the licensee:

I can shut any f*cking newspaper without giving you any reason. Basically every media outlet better suck me up.
Provided that in a situation of emergency the Authority or the Chairman may direct closure of any broadcast or distribution network for such period as it may determine.”.
basically ban a media outlet for an indefinite time, i.e. permanent ban in couching terms.

3. Amendment of section 25, Ordinance XIII of 2002.- In the said Ordinance, in section 25, in clause (d), after the word “organization” the words “including any foreign non-governmental organization” shall be added.
relates to blanking out foreign media access.

“(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance the live coverage of incidents of violence and conflict shall not be broadcast.

signs of geo tv's live coverage of karachi still hurting mushy.

4. Amendment of section 27, Ordinance XIII of 2002.- In the said Ordinance, in section 27, after the word “operator” the words “or owner” shall be inserted.

basically make the owner responsible and thus exercise control over editors through the owners.
6. Amendment of section 29, ordinance XIII of 2002.- In the said Ordinance, in section 29, in sub-section (6), for the word “one” the word “ten” shall be substituted.
Increase the fines ten time, thus making the owners squeal.

(4) A licensee or permission holder shall ensure that nothing is transmitted or broadcast in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, rules, regulations and Code of Conduct and for this purpose shall install time delay equipments within its system to prevent any such violation.”,
this has to be the most wonderful law. it simply means, Pakistan from now on, can have ZERO live coverage. Even cricket matches come under this regulation. So expect delays in that too.

“34. Offences to be cognizable and compoundable:- The offences under this Ordinance shall be cognizable and compoundable”.
Just adding the flavor. If you show a live event for two seconds, I can punish you as broadcasting it as two offences of one second and thus double the punishment and fines. Imagine, how the financial freedom of media is being squeezed.

One of the draconian laws ever. As long as this ordinance is applied, is this server outside of Pakistan? I hope so, because if this comes under PEMRA, the admin is going to be in serious trouble.
One of the draconian laws ever. As long as this ordinance is applied, is this server outside of Pakistan? I hope so, because if this comes under PEMRA, the admin is going to be in serious trouble.

Anyone violating Mushy's law will get a butt kick. :lol: jk.. Yeah, its outside.
Tough new media policy introduced

By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: The government issued tough new changes in the media policy on Saturday stopping the media from criticizing the head of the state, military or judiciary or showing bodies of the suicide bombers or their victims.

In separate ordinances issued aftrer the imposition of the emergency, government issued guidelines for anchor persons and hosts of television channels.

Anyone who is issued a broadcast media license or a landing rights permission under this Ordinance shall not enter into an agreement with any foreign broadcaster to sell its air time or otherwise provide its air time to another foreign broadcaster without prior written permission of the Authority.

The ordinance says, that private channels would not be able to broadcast video footage of suicide bombers, terrorists, bodies of victims of terrorism, statements and pronouncements of militants and extremist elements and any other act which may, in any way, promote, aid or abet terrorists activities or terrorism.

Likewise, no anchor person, moderator or host propagates any opinion or acts in any manner prejudicial to the ideology of Pakistan or sovereignty, integrity or security of Pakistan.

Under the new powers to PEMRA, channels would not broadcast any programme inciting violence or hatred or any action prejudicial to maintenance of law and order.

Likewise, channels would not be allowed to broadcast anything which defames or brings into ridicule the Head of State, or members of the armed forces, or executive, legislative or judicial organs of the state. Channels would not be allowed to broadcast any program or discussion on a matter which is sub-judice in a court of law.

Tough new media policy introduced
Don't know about you guys, but if you see it from other way. There will be less crap to worry about, and feel about bombers... It will highlight more of the positive side of Pakistan, which is ALWAYS good. :D

Don't know if its going to stop the Indian media...? What are the regulations for that? foreign media?
Effects of the ordinance already, calling this "policy" not rules / regulations

then tough instead of draconian.

Guys - the freedom of the press "honeymoon" is over - get used to watching PTV again
You missed out the juicy parts in that ordinance, Asim. Let me just say, the freedom of press is negative in Pakistan with that ordinance.

basically blank out all the terrorist activities. Dont say where it happened, when it happened. a huge cover up for any future terrorist activities.

Who decides what is against security of Pakistan? If I feel that army being in the power is against the security of Pakistan, is it valid?
Before I believe it was only against ideology, addition of the other is very informative.

Again who decides what is false or that there are sufficient reasons. Let us take the example of surrender of 200 FC to tribals. Initially the PA itself claimed to be otherwise. Now every one knows the truth. What if someone had printed that they had surrendered at that time PA denied? I feel this is the worst clause for the freedom of media in Pakistan. mark my words, this clause will give journalists and editors their highest suffering.

The role of media is to throw the active false hoods propogated by the govt. Now the media has been asked to undo one of their journalists oaths, if at all they exist.

complete blankout of information for Pakistan. All the Pakistani come under this ordinance, with this clause, they can ban bbc,cnn or any other channel and create a complete blackout of information for people inside Pakistan.

I can shut any f*cking newspaper without giving you any reason. Basically every media outlet better suck me up.

basically ban a media outlet for an indefinite time, i.e. permanent ban in couching terms.

relates to blanking out foreign media access.

signs of geo tv's live coverage of karachi still hurting mushy.

basically make the owner responsible and thus exercise control over editors through the owners.

Increase the fines ten time, thus making the owners squeal.

this has to be the most wonderful law. it simply means, Pakistan from now on, can have ZERO live coverage. Even cricket matches come under this regulation. So expect delays in that too.

Just adding the flavor. If you show a live event for two seconds, I can punish you as broadcasting it as two offences of one second and thus double the punishment and fines. Imagine, how the financial freedom of media is being squeezed.

One of the draconian laws ever. As long as this ordinance is applied, is this server outside of Pakistan? I hope so, because if this comes under PEMRA, the admin is going to be in serious trouble.
One of the draconian laws ever. As long as this ordinance is applied, is this server outside of Pakistan? I hope so, because if this comes under PEMRA, the admin is going to be in serious trouble.

The rest of them can be played out in that way but I doubt it would. Basically it's a given in Pakistan that you can report about the terrorist but not support the terrorists. I don't think anyone was doing that anyway.

However you can also criticize the government that part is being stopped.
Guys - the freedom of the press "honeymoon" is over - get used to watching PTV again

"Meri hum watano.. mein apko batane jaraha hon ke Pakistan bohot taraqi kar raha hai.. Meine media ko free ker diya hai." - end of Musharraf's voice.

Channel switched.

"Hann jii, hum full koshish ker raha hai.. for the end of military DICKTATORship.. bilkul ji.. han ji." - end of Bhutoo's voice.

"Mujhe ya police ne kaptured kerliya hai.. mera gher mein 20-30 police officers hein.. aur mein app se (CNN) se bat ker raha hon.. mein 10-15 police ke gariyan dekh raha hon" - end of Imran Khan's voice.

Man i better get used to this.. :lol: not!
Don't know about you guys, but if you see it from other way. There will be less crap to worry about, and feel about bombers... It will highlight more of the positive side of Pakistan, which is ALWAYS good. :D

Don't know if its going to stop the Indian media...? What are the regulations for that? foreign media?

You see the the clause which I pointed out as the worst. The only aim of that clause is to make all the media as an extension of the pakistan information department. It is just couched in those words.
Troops deployed under Pakistan's 'state of emergency'

Security forces have been deployed in the Pakistani capital and across the country after the President, General Pervez Musharraf, declared a state of emergency.

General Musharraf says the deployment is to protect the country's transition to democracy.

But former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto has accused General Musharraf of imposing what is effectively martial law.

She calls it a move towards dictatorship and away from democracy.

Ms Bhutto says she agrees with General Musharraf that Pakistan faces a threat from extremists but disagrees with his solution.

"I believe dictatorship has fuelled extremism," she said.

"The extremists need dictatorship to flourish and dictatorship needs the extremists as a pretext to continue in place.

"I believe the solution lies in breaking the nexus and that means bringing democracy."

General Musharraf has declared in a national television address that Pakistan has reached crisis point, with extremists roaming the whole country with impunity, unafraid of the law enforcement agencies.

He says Pakistan risks falling apart, and the Government has been paralysed by judicial interference, which has hindered the fight against terrorism and threatened his own plans for a peaceful transition to democracy.

But many in Pakistan are convinced the state of emergency declaration is all about protecting General Musharraf's position.

Judges sacked

The General has immediately appointed a new Chief Justice, getting rid of independent judges who might have declared his presidency illegal.

There had been mounting speculation that General Musharraf, who seized power in a 1999 coup, might declare an emergency rather than run the risk the Supreme Court ruling in coming days that his re-election last month while still army chief was invalid.

Though General Musharraf had promised to quit the army and become a civilian leader if he was given a second five-year term, the court had been due to reconvene hearings on Monday, and Pakistan's stock markets fell last week amid the uncertainty.

Authorities have arrested a top leader of exiled former prime minister Nawaz Sharif's party and several other opposition figures.

Javed Hashmi, a top leader of Mr Sharif's party, spoke to reporters before being pulled into a police vehicle in the city of Multan on Sunday morning, local time.

"People will win. Generals will lose. They have to surrender," he said.

Another leading opposition figure, former cricket captain Imran Khan, was placed under house arrest.

General Musharraf has not said how long the emergency will last, but says he still plans to move Pakistan to civilian-led democracy - without saying when elections, which were expected in January, will take place.

He has also placed sweeping restrictions on the media.

Australia's concern

Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer says the Australian Government is very concerned about the situation in Pakistan.

In a statement, Mr Downer says Pakistan faces a number of difficult security circumstances, but democracy and the rule of law are an essential part of achieving piece and stability.

Mr Downer has cited civil rights and the freedom of the media, judicial system, and political parties as central requirements for Pakistan to return to democracy.

Troops deployed under Pakistan's 'state of emergency' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
U.S. has no plan to suspend military aid to Pakistan

WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- The United States has no plan to suspend military aid to Pakistan following the declaration of emergency by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said Saturday.

"At this point, the declaration does not impact on our military support for Pakistan's efforts in the war on terror," Morrell said.

"Pakistan is a very important ally in the war on terror. And he(Defense Secretary Robert Gates) is closely following developmentsthere," Morrell said.

The White House has said that it was disappointed by Musharraf's declaration of emergency and urged him to stick to the pledge to hold free elections in the country early next year.

Musharraf promulgated a provisional constitutional order (PCO) after he declared a state of emergency in the country on Saturday. Media reports said Musharraf took the measure in a bid to reassert his flagging authority against challenges from Islamic militants, a hostile judiciary and political rivals.

He also replaced the nation's chief justice, claiming the judiciary was interfering with the government.
U.S. has no plan to suspend military aid to Pakistan

WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 (Xinhua) -- The United States has no plan to suspend military aid to Pakistan following the declaration of emergency by Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said Saturday.

"At this point, the declaration does not impact on our military support for Pakistan's efforts in the war on terror," Morrell said.

"Pakistan is a very important ally in the war on terror. And he(Defense Secretary Robert Gates) is closely following developmentsthere," Morrell said.

The White House has said that it was disappointed by Musharraf's declaration of emergency and urged him to stick to the pledge to hold free elections in the country early next year.

Musharraf promulgated a provisional constitutional order (PCO) after he declared a state of emergency in the country on Saturday. Media reports said Musharraf took the measure in a bid to reassert his flagging authority against challenges from Islamic militants, a hostile judiciary and political rivals.

He also replaced the nation's chief justice, claiming the judiciary was interfering with the government.

They will not do that outwardly but their leverage over PAF through the global isolation of Gen M has gone up many fold. He will now be forced to move the PAF from Kashmir into FATA and Baloch etc.
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Former ISI chief Hamid Gul arrested

ISLAMABAD: The police on Sunday arrested Hamid Gul, an outspoken former chief of Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan's premier spy agency, during a small public gathering.

“I am going to break a news that Former ISI chief Lt General (Retd) Hamid Gul has been arrested,” said, the senior analyst of Geo Television Network Dr. Shahid Masood.

"It is not an emergency, it's martial law. One man has put the country at stake to save his rule," Gul said before he was pushed into a police van and whisked off.

Source: Geo TV website
Imran kahn and Chudary Iftikhar are house arrest. Who ever speaks against that Traitor will be arrested.Now He is totally lost, acting like Hitler! :devil:
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