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Egypt's Mursi says Israel attacks on Gaza "unacceptable"

Its interesting to note the timing of all this.

Israel takes out that Weapons Factory in Sudan and then starts this offensive in Gaza.

I think this whole thing was pre-planned, first take out the Weapons Factory in Sudan so that Iran cannot re-supply Hamas in Gaza and then launch an offenisve on Gaza.

I thought you laughed off conspiracy theories yet here you are advocating one.
I thought you laughed off conspiracy theories yet here you are advocating one.

I am just pointing out the chain of events that lead up to this.

Oct 23rd - Israel bombs an Iranian Weapons depot in Sudan
Nov 6th - Obama re-elected as President
Nov 12th - New round of violence breaks out between Israel and Gaza
Nov 15th - Hamas fires Iranian Rockets into Tel Aviv

All of this could lead to a regional war with Iran
I am just pointing out the chain of events that lead up to this.

Oct 23rd - Israel bombs an Iranian Weapons depot in Sudan
Nov 6th - Obama re-elected as President
Nov 12th - New round of violence breaks out between Israel and Gaza
Nov 15th - Hamas fires Iranian Rockets into Tel Aviv

All of this could lead to a regional war with Iran

Okay since we are just pointing things out, you forgot to add in the fact that Abbas of the PLA is trying to move the UN. You forgot to add that Obama got reelected despite millions pumped towards Romney by Zionists. If you add all this in then yeah maybe it was pre-planned. However that would be a conspiracy theory. :azn:
Kudos to your intellect sir..Now, why dont you start this holy endeavour by leaving your comfortable chair in Holland(West?) and be an example for all of us?

Funny you should ask. I'm going to, what made you believe I wasn't? You tiny brain cells can't grasp the depths of my intellect. Stop bothering, go watch **** or do something similar that's easier to understand for the likes of you. Play a video game maybe?
^^ yes sure you are going to :D

btw very classy respond just as expected from a genius like yourself
Hasbara buster...... U r a funny man..... Entertaining posts...
I don't know who started this one. If I were Hamas I wouldn't. Hamas is not suicidal even if extreme nationalists. And there are credible people who say that it is in Israel's interests to keep Gazans fire rockets to make ALL Palestinians look like savages. Israelis are not stupid. They know the world opinion is turning against them--fast. So every now and then there is some war. Not sure if Netanhayu's elections have anything to do with this latest violence. I'd welcome Tzippi Livni. ABN: Anything But Netanyahu!

Anyway, looks like a large number of 'Westerners', again sympathizing with the Palestinians. They are not some 'Islamo-fascists'. They are no 'commies'. They are the cream of human society who resist propaganda and stand for humanity. Here is a selected quote:

Palestinian Rockets Kill Three Israelis and Trigger Air Sirens in Tel Aviv - NYTimes.com

James from PA. Nov. 15, 2012 at 9:14 a.m. (This guy got 243 'Recommendations' as of now--one of the highest).
What do you call living under an occupation in which a foreign entity controls your access to electricity, water, and communications technology - taking the lion's share for themselves?
Where that occupying entity encroaches daily on what little land you have left by forcibly removing you and building their own houses and filling them with settlers? This when you already have a population density amongst the highest in the world (Gaza).
When that entity flies over you 24/7 advanced jet fighters, drones, helicopters, etc., and you have no idea whether they are simply watching you or about to drop a missile on you/near you?
When access to education, health care, employment, are for many in your population near impossibilities because you have endured decades of oppression that have left you with a broken society and a nihilistic culture, with seemingly no recourse other than violence, and certainly no ability to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps."
I don't know who started this one. If I were Hamas I wouldn't. Hamas is not suicidal even if extreme nationalists. And there are credible people who say that it is in Israel's interests to keep Gazans fire rockets to make ALL Palestinians look like savages. Israelis are not stupid. They know the world opinion is turning against them--fast. So every now and then there is some war. Not sure if Netanhayu's elections have anything to do with this latest violence. I'd welcome Tzippi Livni. ABN: Anything But Netanyahu!

Anyway, looks like a large number of 'Westerners', again sympathizing with the Palestinians. They are not some 'Islamo-fascists'. They are no 'commies'. They are the cream of human society who resist propaganda and stand for humanity. Here is a selected quote:

Palestinian Rockets Kill Three Israelis and Trigger Air Sirens in Tel Aviv - NYTimes.com

James from PA. Nov. 15, 2012 at 9:14 a.m. (This guy got 243 'Recommendations' as of now--one of the highest).

The Palestinian situation has become distorted beyond recognition due to forigen meddling and Palestinians willing to be pawn of foreign aid which is often conditional to certain political activities. Palestinians have to solve their problems on their own - not from help from others. Those who are funding and arming the resistance in the name of rights are doing the worst for Palestinian plight because Israel is like a honey bee comb where you never poke a finger even by mistake.

Remember most of the Palestinian land was lost to Israel and not forcefully annexed by Israel by Arab own follies of wagging war. On global scale and judging through fair politics, Israel is much more productive and desirable on geopolitical scale than lets say 1.7 Million people led by militant morons like Hamas. This is why Israel will always find weight among the global voices than lets say PLO or Hamas. Time to wake up and smell the coffee, no angels are gonna come down from the sky to help the holy war.

Mursi is doing his typical acrobatic shows to claim importance and leadership among the Arab world nothing else. Sooner of later he will be confronted with harsher realities which taunt Egypt today and people will begin to loose faith in his public appeasement antics.
^^ We are not weak; we are (not me) idiots and we totally divided. You can't fight the enemy when you hate your own brothers and sisters more than you hate the enemy that is bent on destroying you.

Is Hizbullah weak? All praise be to God, they defeated the Zionist army, taught them a good lesson. Imagine, if the rest had only 1% of their sense of dignity and honour. It has absolutely nothing to do with being "weak". We could end it in one day if we wanted. Kick out all American bases and embassies in Muslim countries. Stop using the Dollar immediately without notice. Don't put a cent in any western bank. Stop selling them oil altogether. Establish a strong economic, political and military alliance with Muslim countries.

How can someone disagree with you. But its a big IF.
Democrat or Republican, America will always stand for Israel's atrocities. Its Israel which is going to take US down with it.

The cold hard fact is Israel is considered a forward base for the U.S Military. Thats the reality.

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